There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 333: Reactions from all walks of life! (First more)

The whole world is boiling, and the world's major countries are shocked after seeing this stone monument!

Many countries hold meetings overnight!

United States, CiA headquarters.

"Leave the order, and permanently seal the news of the person under the control of Thunder, and warn all the agents below that when you see this person, you will immediately retreat for a hundred miles, and you should not be an enemy!"

Charles William said solemnly.

"General, is he really that scary?"

An agent was taken aback for a moment.

This incident has only passed for a long time. He still doesn't know what happened in Washington, and he feels a little strange. No matter how powerful the Thunder controller is, he doesn't need to be so afraid, right?

"Huh, what do you know? This person has the power to subvert the world! Can you imagine, what kind of character can raise a dragon as a pet?"

"What? Raised a dragon as a pet?"

The agent of CiA opened his mouth wide and stayed in a daze!

The more Charles William thought about it, the more afraid he became!

He finally understood why the former CiA boss, Joseph Arthur, was forced to a dead end on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, detonated nuclear weapons, and did not want to be an enemy of the masters of Thunder!


Wakuni, Kyoto Congress Hall!

"The order continues. Starting today, Waguo will absolutely not provoke the thunder controller. I personally wrote an apology letter here and send it to him!" Prime Minister Waguo looked helpless.

Below the Congress Hall, there was a boil, and many congressmen were very angry, glaring at the front!


"Prime Minister, how can this be?"

"Do we still have a bit of Bushido spirit? We are a big country, how can we bow to a person?"

The Prime Minister of Japan gave a wry smile and shook his head: "You don't understand the latest news. The United States has already acknowledged it and added the name of the person in charge of Thunder to the unprovoked list! Do you know? Since the establishment of the United States, it has been on this list. ,only one person!"

The entire congress hall fell into a dead silence!

In addition, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, the British Empire and other countries are all holding urgent meetings!

On the list of countries, there is one more unprovoked name: Lin Nan, the master of Thunder!


Underground world.

"Yinxu monk, those who have passed this world-die!"

"His! What a great spirit!"

The warriors and cultivators of the underground world, after seeing this stone stele from the Internet, they all took a breath of air-conditioning, and they were full of goose bumps!

"Everyone, there is already news! That golden sacred dragon is the pet of the Thunder Master!"

Someone passed the news back, and once again shocked the eye!

"how is this possible?"

Many people couldn't believe it, and they all spoke in the chat group.

The insider sighed and said helplessly: "I can't believe it, but it's true. From the Pentagon in the United States, the latest news that the golden sacred dragon turns into a human form recognizes the thunder controller. , His master!"

"Also, this dragon warns the United States not to disturb his master's peaceful life!"

Hearing this, everyone in the original underground world was petrified in place!

"I finally understand! Why the Underground World Forum will be cancelled!" A god-level expert murmured to himself.


The people were taken aback.

"You guys, sent the news of the Thunder Master to the Underground World Forum. Almost the entire underground world is discussing the Thunder Master!"

"Furthermore, there are many other forces, countries, and organizations that want to inquire about the whereabouts of Thunder's masters, and want to pull him into their own organization! Didn't you just disturb him by doing this?" Shaking his head, figured everything out!

Such remarks make people feel a little confused!

The Thunder Master did so much because others disturbed his peaceful life?


The generals of the major military districts in China, after learning that the Zhang family was destroyed, were very angry and vowed to find the murderer!

However, when they learned that this incident was done by the controller of Thunder, they collectively lost their voices!

In the beginning, the destruction of the Zhang Family of Yanjing caused a great sensation in Yanjing!

The whole Yanjing was silent, and no one dared to discuss the Zhang family anymore!


However, for the world's major countries, Lin Nan's killing of those immortal cultivators and deterring countries is not necessarily a good thing!

The monks in the Yin Ruins have established cultivation universities among the major countries and passed down various spells and supernatural powers!

Cultivation University is still in its initial stage, only open to soldiers and not known to ordinary people, but the monks in Yin Ruins, in order to avoid trouble, have passed down a whole set of cultivation techniques!

"Refining Qi, Building Foundation, Golden Core, Nascent Soul?"

Among the major countries, a large number of practitioners are recruited to study these practices and establish secret cultivation departments!

As for Xiuzhen University, it was cut in half before it came out!


The Yin Ruins are divided into Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanchanbuzhou, Xiniuhezhou, and Beiju Luzhou!

Every continent is many times larger than the earth!

The countries above have countless powers and sects.

In ancient times, in the "Shan Hai Jing" recorded by Chinese ancestors, there are five Tibetan Mountain Classics, five Overseas Classics, five Hai Nei Classics, and five Great Wilderness Classics. Many records in it include the geography of mountains and rivers, and various ancient animals and birds of prey. , Most of them are on the earth, there is no original shape at all!

People thought that this was fabricated by ancient Chinese ancestors, but most of the contents actually recorded came from the world of Yin Ruins!

At that time, the earth and the world on the Yin Ruins were still one, regardless of each other!

Some countries have discovered this secret, and are organizing personnel to study the scriptures of mountains and oceans day and night!

Yin Ruins, Qian Yuanzong!

Qian Yuanzong is located in Dongsheng Shenzhou, within the territory of Yan Kingdom!

A piece of mountain range, stretches endlessly, one after another, at a glance, it is even more majestic than the Kunlun Mountain of the Chinese land, and the momentum is majestic, like a moat in front of you!

The mountain range ahead is the seat of Qian Yuanzong!

Early this morning, everyone in Qianyuanzong discovered that the group of elders and disciples who entered the deserted land had all their natal soul cards broken!

On the natal soul card, there is a trace of the monk's soul sustenance, which is connected with the monk's soul!

As long as the natal soul card is destroyed, it means that the owner of the soul card has fallen!

Now, the nine elders and more than two hundred disciples of Qian Yuanzong's life and soul cards have all been cracked. Does this mean that they have all fallen?

At this moment, in the main hall of Qian Yuanzong!

"Sect Master, what the **** is going on?"

"Elder Sun, Elder Wu, didn't they enter the abandoned land? They would fall?"

"Is it because of space cracks that cut the connection between the divine consciousness?"

The faces of the elders of Qian Yuanzong were extremely solemn.

In any case, they did not believe that the nine Yuan Ying monks, more than two hundred foundations, and Jin Dan expecting disciples and elders would fall in an abandoned land!

You know, the nine Yuan Ying cultivators are also a force that cannot be underestimated on the Yin Ruins side!

"This matter is not clear for the time being. I have sent someone to investigate early in the morning. I believe there will be news within three days!"

The sovereign of Qian Yuanzong's old face is serious!

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