There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 346: Favorable and submissive for training? (Second more)

After watching the video.

"Mr. Lin, we found this spaceship from the desert of Egypt. It contains Maya weapons!"

William Smith's look was extremely solemn.

"Last time in the Egyptian desert, I don’t know why. This weapon was activated. A hot beam of light rushed directly out of the earth and landed on Mars, creating a one thousand kilometers long and one hundred A terrifying crack that is kilometer wide and more than ten thousand meters deep!"

With that said, William Smith personally manipulated the computer and released the photos on Mars!

"This is just the power of a spaceship! If the Mayans really return to the earth, and a hundred or a thousand spaceships will come, how can we stop it with the power of our world?"


"Really caused by the weapons of the Mayans?"

The Spirit Snake King, Blood Meng, Windrunner II, and others, as well as several other dark giants, looked at the photos of Mars rifts, staring at each other!

A few months ago, they did feel that the earth trembled, and there was a terrifying white light in the sky, but afterwards, the news was blocked between major countries, and the matter was not leaked!

"It's true!"

"About three months ago, a horrible hand appeared over Egypt, covering the entire desert. That hand was almost 500 kilometers long and sunk a large area of ​​the Egyptian desert!"

"We call him, the hand of God!"

William Smith continued to operate the computer and released a picture of a satellite map of Egypt!

Looking from the universe towards Egypt, there is indeed a terrifying handprint in that desert!

"hand of God?"

"Hi! Is such a big handprint really made by man? If it is, you can indeed call him-God!"

Spirit Snake King, Windrunner No. 2 and others opened their mouths and took a breath of air-conditioning!

After seeing the photo, the new wolf king of the werewolf tribe was bloody, his mouth opened in horror, and his eyes looked at Lin Nan in horror!

Through the secret method of the werewolf tribe, Xuemeng saw the scene of the former wolf king, the bloodthirsty butcher before he died!

Didn't Lin Nan photograph that big hand? How did you become a Maya? Don’t the United States know about this?

At this time, the corner of Lin Nan's mouth showed a faint smile, and he took a deep look at Xuemeng!

The blood was terrified, and he lowered his head in amazement!

"Mr. Lin, a united front has been urgently established among the major powers. If the Mayans really attack and come back, we hope you can help us!" William Smith said very sincerely.

If the Mayans are really killed, it will definitely endanger the safety of the world!

At that time, all personal grievances and national grievances will no longer exist. Defending the earth is the most important thing!

"Let's talk about it then!"

Lin Nan waved his hand, ignored everyone, and walked out of the room!

Seeing Lin Nan's departure, William Smith stayed where he was, and he did not dare to stop Lin Nan!

The dark giants also seemed to smile bitterly. Looking at Lin Nan's appearance, it seemed that they didn't take the Maya to heart!


Back on the deck!

Jack, Reddy, Dany, and Offi have not left yet, and their gazes at Lin Nan are full of admiration!

They plucked up the courage and wanted to talk to Lin Nan, but unfortunately they reached their lips several times, but they didn't dare to speak!

Remorse in the hearts of the four people, if I knew Lin Nan’s identity earlier and had a good relationship with him, how good would it be? Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world!

Lin Nan was also not interested in meeting a few people, all the way back to the Hawaiian Islands!

The U.S. military sent a large number of soldiers to collect the mobile phones, cameras and other items of all tourists on the cruise ship at that time!

Many people have recorded the video of the plesi-necked dragon fighting the sky-swallowing python. This kind of video cannot be spread at all, otherwise it will cause a worldwide sensation!

After returning to the hotel, Hong Guoju, the magnate of Hongmen, came to visit in person!

"Mr. Lin, I have heard of you in the underground world. It is better to see you for a long time. You are indeed younger than the rumors!"

Hong Guoju said with a smile.

"What can you do with me?" Lin Nan asked lightly.

Hong Guoju didn't mean anything, and said solemnly:

"Guoju would like to invite Mr. Lin to join Hongmen! Look at Mr. Lin, you should also be Chinese? Although overseas Hongmen is a huge force, it does not do anything illegal!"

"The biggest purpose of our organization is to bring overseas Chinese together, help them find jobs and solve all kinds of troubles!"

"If Mr. Lin is willing to join Hongmen, you can sit on an equal footing with me, how about?"

"I am not interested!"

Lin Nan shook his head slightly, turned and left directly!


Hong Guoju stared at the back of Lin Nan leaving, sighed helplessly!

"Boss, he doesn't know how to praise him, he doesn't want such a big advantage?"

Behind Hong Guoju, a trusted believer curled his lips.

"What do you know? Mr. Lin has nothing at all to impress him. I asked him to join the Hongmen. It was just a try. If it succeeds, everyone will be happy, even if it is unsuccessful, it is reasonable. In!" Hong Guoju shook his head.

"Is he so fond of us?" The cronies still don't understand!

"There are some news that you don't even know! Only those who really understand him will know how terrifying this person is!"

Hong Guoju no longer explained, turned and walked out of the hotel, and a group of people behind him quickly followed!


After playing in Hawaii for more than half a month, because Hong Guoju said hello in advance, there is no one who is blind to the whole Hawaiian Islands!

Lin Nan's holiday went smoothly!

Jack, Reddy, Dany, Offee and others left half a month ago because they discovered that Lin Nan didn't care about him at all!

Moreover, following Lin Nan, there is a great pressure, they simply can't bear it!

In the end, I chose to leave!

Yang Xueqi stayed and joined the team on vacation!

"Hehe, Xueqi, should we go back!"

This morning, Liu Ruqing came along with a smile.

"Huh? Do you remember?"

Yang Xueqi was a little surprised!

"Of course I remember. At this time of the year, I would go to Jinling City to celebrate my aunt's birthday! I didn't go there because of some things happened in the past few years. Anyway, I should take Lin Nan and Mo'er to visit this year? "

"Haha, but this year I am not going to Jinling City, but to Dongdu. Originally, I wanted to go back alone today. Now that you remember, let's go together. It's just Lin Nan, will you not agree? ?"

Yang Xueqi said with a smile.

"Does he dare to agree?"

Liu Ruqing asked very aggressively!


Yang Xueqi laughed and said: "Ruqing, I really convinced you! Lin Nan is so powerful in the underground world, what kind of tricks do you have to tune him?"

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