There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 359: Ergouzi show off! (First more)

In the Lingtian Emperor's courtyard, Lin Nan was holding a school opening ceremony with a group of children!

On the huge playground, there were only more than 3,000 students left. Compared with the last time, half of the Chinese family came to Lingtian Emperor's Academy, it looked a bit desolate!

"From now on, the Lingtian Emperor Academy is officially on track, and you can be regarded as the first batch of students in the real sense of the Academy!"

Lin Nan stood on the stage, smiling, and addressed the people below!

Behind him, stood more than one hundred teachers, Leng Yan, Qianben Ying and others, all present!

In addition, there is a group of parents watching the opening ceremony from a distance!

In the parent group, people are talking quietly!

"Why are there so many students missing?"

"Don't you know? The children of Yanjing's big families have not come to sign up!"

"What? Why is this?"

The parents were shocked!

Last time, half of the Huaxia family, plus the elders of several major families in Yanjing, personally brought their grandsons to Lingtiandiyuan to register for school, which really shocked many people!

This group of parents are still studying at the Lingtian Emperor's Academy for their children, and they are touching themselves!

In front of relatives and friends, the face is also full of glory!

Now, those students are not coming to sign up again. What is going on?

Seeing everyone's faces puzzled, one of the parents said quietly:

"Our world has undergone earth-shaking changes, do you know this? It turns out that our world really has gods!"

"The people in the Yanjing clan are all selected by the gods, and the clan can pick out the children with unusual talents and join the sect to practice! That's the real disciple of the gods, who would like this school?"

After speaking, the parent shook his head slightly, as if he didn't want to say more!

"Then what about our children?"

Some parents are already anxious!

"Continue to go to school here, anyway, I think it's good. My son learned a qigong method here and only practiced for a month or two, and his strength is about to catch up with me!"

"My daughter seems to be the same. Children under the age of six run faster than adults. Is this cultivation?"

A young woman suddenly shines in front of her eyes!

"It should be, but it's still not as good as the disciples of those gods!"

"Oh, yes, the children of those big families are always ahead of our children!"

At this point, many parents shook their heads and sighed!


"You are the master of Thunder?"

A faint voice came, and a group of people appeared at the gate of Lingtian Emperor Academy and walked in slowly!

The parents also looked over!

"Who are these people?"

"Look at their costumes, it should be a monk! Look, the white beard should be an old god!"

The parents were talking, looking at the elder Mo Qiuyang of Taixu Palace in the crowd, their eyes were bright!

"Bai Qilin? Are you here to sign up?"

Leng Yan frowned and looked at the group of people, a teenager asked sharply.

Leng Yan's identity is now the dean of the Lingtian Emperor Academy, in charge of students' study and life!

"Director Leng, I am not..."

Bai Qilin was a little frightened, and shrank towards the back of the crowd!

Bai Lingshan pulled Bai Qilin over and stood in front of him, saying, "What are you doing? Qilin is no longer a student in your school, why should you discipline him?"

With that said, Bai Lingshan raised her pretty face with pride!

"Now, we are already the outer disciples of Taixu Palace, and we will go to Taixu Palace to cultivate immortals in a short time! Who will come to your broken school?"

"If that's the case, what are you doing here? School starts today, and the idlers leave at a speed!"

Leng Yan flicked his sleeves.

"Security, please leave!"

Several security guards at the school walked over immediately!


Mo Qiuyang snorted coldly, and a wave of air exploded from his body, and the security guards of the Lingtian Emperor's Court flew out directly!

"this is--!"

"What a powerful method, I was knocked into the air before I touched him?"

"You deserve to be an old god!"

The parents present could not help but admire!


Suddenly, a big yellow dog rushed out from the side and rushed towards Mo Qiuyang!

"Hmph, just a dog, dare to be presumptuous!"

Mo Qiuyang's expression sank, he raised a palm and patted Er Gouzi's head, wanting to kill him directly!


With a slap falling, Mo Qiuyang seemed to slap on a steel plate. This arm burst open and turned into a pool of rotten meat!


Mo Qiuyang screamed and shouted angrily: "Naughty animal! Looking for death!"

After speaking, Mo Qiuyang waved his hand and Hua Guang flashed like magic, and a long whip appeared in his hand!


The long whip in his hand was swiped at Er Gouzi!


When the whip came into contact with Ergouzi's golden fur, it burst open and was directly destroyed!


Er Gouzi let out a dragon roar, and rushed to Mo Qiuyang. Mo Qiuyang's only Yuan Ying strength was not Er Gouzi's opponent at all, and he was thrown directly to the ground!

"Ah! My legs, my hands!"

Mo Qiuyang screamed again and again, with wounds all over his body, fleeing in embarrassment, like a beggar chased and bitten by a wild dog!

"Elder Mo!"

All the disciples of Taixu Palace were a little dazed, froze in place, at a loss!

"The old **** was chased by a dog?"

"Isn't it? Can't even compare to a watchdog? Still an old fairy?"

A group of parents in the distance were dumbfounded, feeling a little unbelievable!

How do they know that the big yellow dog in front of them is transformed by a dragon!

"how is this possible?"

Bai Lingshan was shocked, her pretty face was full of shock!

This is a monk from Taixu Palace, he can't even compare to a dog?

"Big Dog, come on!"

Standing among the students, Lin Momo said milkily, stretched out her little hand to cheer for Er Gouzi!

When the other students met, they all cheered. The opening ceremony was very lively!

"Come on! Big dog!"

"Bite him, bite him!"

"Hahaha! Bite his ass, bite his thigh, haha!"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd!

The monks in Taixu Palace were ashamed and angry. As they were, they were chased by a dog? It's really embarrassing to be thrown home!

In the end, the monks in Taixu Palace were all kicked out of the school by Ergouzi!

Er Gouzi proudly lay down at the gate of Lingtian Emperor's Court and dozed off!

"What are you waiting for? Are you still leaving?"

The cold face was expressionless, and he scolded Bai Lingshan and Bai Qilin!

Bai Lingshan’s pretty face alternated with blue and red. Originally thinking of coming to the Lingtian Emperor’s Court to kill Lin Nan’s breeze, Lin Nan didn’t even have the intention to take action. A dog would escape the **** in her heart and the chasing awkwardness. School!

After leaving the Lingtian Emperor's Courtyard, Mo Qiuyang's face turned green and he jumped on the spot!

"Too much deception, too much deception! Thinking of my dignified elder in Taixu Palace, how can I be bullied by a dog? If this hatred is not reported, I will not be a man!"

Mo Qiuyang's eyes were splitting, his chest was violently ups and downs!


On the school playground, Lin Nan sat in the stands, very calm!

"Let's go on!"

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