There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 364: Donghuang Taiyi? He was beaten by me back then! (Sixth more)

Liu Ruqing explained Mu Wanqing's current situation!

"Lin Nan! Please, I must help Wanqing, she is my best friend!" Liu Ruqing begged.

At that time, Liu Ruqing was hunted down by Louis IX, the bloodthirsty butcher, the living corpse, the Pharaoh and others, and fled to the border of Burma. Almost everyone who protected Liu Ruqing died in battle, leaving Lin Canghai alone!

At the critical moment, if it were not for Mu Wanqing to take Liu Ruqing into the Yin Ruins, I am afraid that Liu Ruqing would not be able to escape the evil hands of the dark giants in the underground world!

Lin Nan naturally remembered this kindness!

Now that Mu Wanqing is in trouble, even Liu Ruqing has spoken, how can he ignore it?

"It's a small matter, it's on my body!"

Lin Nan smiled and promised that he was very relaxed!

"Hehe, you are so kind!"

"Of course! Since your girlfriend is here, I will go to cook two more dishes and have an extra meal at noon today!"

Lin Nan grinned.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Danfeng Valley was in a daze, watching Lin Nan wearing an apron and holding a spatula in his hand, maybe he was cooking in the back kitchen just now?

This kind of man who has no status at home can still deal with a sacred place's late son?

"Only you?"

Xiao Yun shook her head funny, and glanced at Lin Nan contemptuously!

"Do you know what Taiyi Holy Land means?"

"Among the four continents of Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Beiju Luzhou, and Nanchanbuzhou, in addition to countless immortal sects, there are also sacred sites that have been passed down for dozens or millions of years!"

"Compared with these holy places, the history of the four ancient civilizations in your world is nothing but a baby!"

"According to the rumor, most of the first-generation holy masters of those holy places have left this world! The first-generation holy master of Taiyi Holy Land, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, has been heard to have ascended to the immortal world, leaving only Taiyi Holy Land, this immortal heritage!"

"Your world, formerly known as the abandoned world! Even if all the superpowers in this world add up, they cannot shake the status of Taiyi Holy Land!"

"The Son of the Supplement of Taiyi Holy Land, although it cannot represent the entire Taiyi Holy Land!"

"But the person he likes is not yours!"

Every time Xiao Yun said a word, she gently shook her head once!

When the long talk was finished, her head was shaking like a rattle!

The other disciples in Danfeng Valley became more and more indifferent!

Not only Xiao Yun, but the other disciples of Danfeng Valley, are not optimistic about Lin Nan at all!

You know, hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago, these holy places had a powerful cultivation civilization!

At that time, the earth was still a corner of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and today's human civilization does not know where it is!

Tens of millions of years ago, those sacred sites already existed. They have been passed down to this day, and they are immortal. One can imagine how terrifying that kind of background is!

"Emperor Taiyi? This name is familiar! I seem to have heard it somewhere!"

Lin Nan pondered for a moment, touched his chin, suddenly realized, patted his forehead, and smiled:

"Wife! I remember! Eastern Emperor Dao has been practicing for a million years, I am not as good as me! At first, this old thing refused to accept me, after being beaten twice by me, he completely surrendered! Now, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is here. On the seventh heaven, be a fairy king!"

Hearing Lin Nan's remarks, a group of monks in Danfeng Valley stiffened and looked at each other!

‘What did he just say? The first holy lord of Taiyi Holy Land, Donghuang Taiyi was beaten by him? ’

Everyone thought in horror, feeling a little dizzy in their heads!

"Oh! Who can't brag!"

Xiao Yun shook her head lightly, her beautiful eyes filled with unbelief!

"Sister Mu, don't you believe this person?"

The man headed aside said solemnly.

Mu Wanqing's eyes flickered, looked at Liu Ruqing, and nodded: "I believe her!"

"Haha, okay, but even if you choose to trust her, it's useless! Tomorrow the Supplementary Son of Taiyi Holy Land will come to Danfeng Valley to pick you up, and not return to the sect with us!"

Xiao Yun said coldly.

When the voice fell, she stretched out a hand and grabbed it towards Mu Wanqing!


Lin Nan kicked it, and Xiao Yun flew out and landed on the street outside the coffee shop, embarrassed!

Lin Nan has been merciful, otherwise Xiao Yun would be dead!


Lin Nan glanced at everyone in Danfeng Valley!


"Okay, you wait!"

After taking a deep look at Lin Nan, the other few dared not stay here for a long time, ran out of the coffee shop, helped Xiao Yun and disappeared in front of everyone!


The next day, at noon, outside the cafe in Tianhai City!

Xiao Yun waited for the disciples of Danfenggu, and returned!

In addition to Xiao Yun, there is another group of elders in Danfeng Valley, also in the crowd!

A young man wearing a golden robes, warm and moist like jade, like a graceful son, is surrounded by the center of the crowd.

Beside this young man, there are two other old men with cold expressions!

After returning yesterday, Xiao Yun told all the elders in Danfeng Valley!

Until this morning, when Li Fan, the rear-supplemented son of Taiyi Holy Land, came to Danfeng Valley to pick up people, the elders all unreservedly told Mu Wanqing about the matter!

So, there was this scene!

"Elder, Mu Wanqing is here!"

Xiao Yun stood outside the coffee shop with a spiteful expression on her face!

Li Fan strode forward, holding his head high, carrying his hands on his back, and walking into the cafe, standing in the most central position!

The cultivators of Danfeng Valley all stood aside, standing with their hands together, their heads slightly lowered!

At Li Fan's side, an old man said coldly: "Wait for people waiting, get out of me immediately! Otherwise, kill me!"

In the cafe, a few female students were timid. Seeing this imposing manner, who would dare to stay for a long time, they all ran out in a hurry!

"Who are you?"

Lin Canghai shouted sharply behind the bar!

"What, dare to talk nonsense in front of our Saint Son? Get out!"

An old man beside Li Fan faced Lin Canghai with a punch!


Lin Canghai's body soared. Although he blocked the blow, he also flew out, embedded in the wall behind him, and dented the wall into it!

"Huh? Good skill, it was able to block my blow!"

The old man beside Li Fan gave a soft sigh and nodded!

At this moment.

Lin Nan and others in the inner hall walked out after hearing the sound!

After seeing Lin Nan, Li Fan's eyes flashed like a sharp sword, approaching Lin Nan!

"You detained the woman I fancy? You are so courageous! Kneel me down!"

Li Fan spoke indifferently, like an emperor, and ordered.


Lin Nan slapped it directly, and everyone at the scene didn't even see how Lin Nan did it!

Li Fan's legs softened and fell to the ground, his kneecap banged, and there was a sound of cracking bones!

Lin Nan looked down at Li Fan like a god, and asked calmly:

"Now tell me, who is it that knelt down?"

The whole cafe is silent!

At this moment, Liu Ruqing and Mu Wanqing also happened to walk out of the back hall!

"Holy Son Li Fan, why are you... kneeling down?"

Seeing this scene, Mu Wanqing was completely stunned!

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