There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 369: Tigers are not as good as real dragons, they are still the king of the mountain! (Fift

"Why is he here?"

After seeing Lin Nan, a group of old people from Yanjing changed their faces and bowed their heads in horror!

Several of them stepped out even more, blocking the front of the young men and women, and exclaimed: "What are you talking nonsense?"

"Do you know who he is? This is Mr. Lin!"

The young man who spoke just now turned pale after being scolded, and lowered his head in horror!

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry! The children are not big or small, I don't know the severity, I will apologize to you!" An old man stood up and shook his hand at Lin Nan!

The old man's surname is Huang and his name is Huang Shangru, from the Huang family of Yanjing!

In addition to several super families in Yanjing, the Huang family is also among the first-line wealthy clans. Now after seeing Lin Nan, the old man of the Huang family is still trembling in his heart!

Lin Nan's prestige was killed, who would dare not accept it?

Even if the immortal cultivators are now in power, they dare not anger Lin Nan. Then Lin Nan will directly slaughter the entire Huang family. Even if the monks behind the Huang family come forward, it will be too late!

Weighing the pros and cons, Huang Shangru did not dare to offend Lin Nan!

"Hurry up and make amends?"

Huang Shangru looked at his grandson and scolded angrily!

Another old man also walked out and scolded his granddaughter!

"Quickly apologize to Mr. Lin!"

The two people who spoke just now, a man and a woman, all stood up with a look of reluctance!

"Sorry! Mr. Lin!"

"We were wrong, please forgive us!"

Although they are apologizing, looking at their expressions, they are somewhat perfunctory!

'what the hell! Now there are so many monks in the world, Lin Nan, the master of thunder? It's outdated long ago! ’

‘I’m so proud in front of us! If you meet a real monk, you still don't know what to shrink into! ’

The young people behind, although they lowered their heads in a little panic, they looked unconvinced!

Typical oral dissatisfaction!

The pedestrians in the distance looked towards this side one after another. The patriarchs of some big families looked a little dodge after seeing Lin Nan!

"Kneel down!"

Lin Nan's voice came!



The first reaction of this pair of young men and women was to raise their heads angrily, glaring at Lin Nan, eyes full of anger!

However, when they saw Lin Nan's extremely cold eyes, they trembled all over, and lowered their heads in panic, their hearts were shocked!

The anger in the eyes was poured out by a basin of cold water and turned into endless fear!

"Mr. Lin, the child is still young. There are so many people here. If they kneel in public, where will their faces go? In front of their peers, they will not be able to lift their heads!"

"You raise your hand high, just forget it, right?"

Huang Shangru hurried forward, looking apologetic, hoping to get Lin Nan’s forgiveness

"They want face? Then my majesty can be offended at will!"

"Or, you Huang family, want to be a Zhang family?"

Lin Nan smiled but glanced at Huang Shangru lightly!


Huang Shangru and another old man took a breath. At this moment, their scalp was numb and they were almost scared to death!

The end of the Yanjing Zhang family has become a taboo for the entire upper circle of Yanjing, and no one dares to mention it again!

That pair of young men and women were completely afraid this time. The Yanjing Zhang family's affairs were like yesterday. The entire Zhang family was wiped out by a silver flame. How could they not be afraid?

"Mr. Lin, we were wrong! We were really wrong!"

The two fell on their knees, tears streaming down, and trembling all over!

When they raised their heads again, Lin Nan and the others had already turned and left, and walked towards the'Dengxianlou' in front!

Seeing Lin Nan, they climbed the jade steps in front, and after walking into the Dengxian Tower, they breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were amnesty, they sat on the ground collapsed!

Several other middle-aged men came over and said bitterly:

"Old Huang, this Lin Nan is too arrogant! Now that the monk is out of the mountain, he is no longer the strongest person in the world, so he dare to be so domineering!"

"Yes! It's so overbearing, he really thinks, in this world, he alone has the final say?"

"Alas! Even if the tiger is not as good as the real dragon, it is still the king of the mountain! It is far from what we can provoke!" Huang Shangruo sighed, his back was already wet with cold sweat!

Only then did Huang Shangru realize that Lin Nan's majesty had penetrated into his heart and was indelible!

"Old Huang, you are worrying too much! Didn't you see that in recent months, the thunder controller is very low-key? I think it is also afraid of those monks!" a middle-aged man said.

"You are all wrong!"

Huang Shangru gently shook his head, seemingly reluctant to say more, and took his grandson to the jade steps ahead!

"Hehe, let's watch it! With his character, those monks will be provoked sooner or later. By that time, I really don't know how he died!"

The corners of the mouths of several middle-aged men were full of sneers!

At this time, Lin Nan's family, plus Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, had already arrived on the platform before Dengxianlou!

"Really floating in the air?"

Chu Yao was shocked.

"And those jade steps are all made of white marble, according to the specifications of the Imperial Palace! When I stepped on them just now, I was really afraid they would fall!"

Chu Qiong said, patted her chest, walking in the air just now, really a little nervous!

Lin Nan smiled and didn't say much, he knew everything when he first saw Dengxianlou!

Under these tens of thousands of hectares of blue waves, deep in the seabed, a monk has established a magic circle!

Relying on the endless water attribute aura in the sea to supplement, with the power of the magic circle, the entire Dengxianlou can be suspended in the air to keep it from falling!

"Go, let's enter!"

Several people entered the venue one after another. Inside the Dengxianlou, many people have gathered and it is very lively!

There were even monks in the crowd, walking back and forth, they also changed into suits, dressed like modern people!

In fact, monks are the group of people who are most able to accept new things. They live hundreds of years or thousands of years, how can they be stubborn?

The whole scene was decorated very luxuriously, with people surging!

"Why is he here?"

In the distant crowd, Qi Kaixian, the old man of the Qi family, Zheng Guofeng, the old man of the Zheng family, and the old man Xie Lide, were slightly stiff!

Today, behind Yanjing’s big family, almost all of them are backed by the Xiuxian sect!

These three old men, the last thing they want to see is Lin Nan!

Otherwise, as Lin Nan, how could he not receive the invitation?

However, by chance, Lin Nan came out of the way!

Lin Nan found these acquaintances in the crowd, Song Kaixian, Zheng Guofeng, Xie Lide, Bai Yuanshan, Han Yanqing...and others, but he didn't take it seriously, and together with his wife and children, he found a place to sit down!

"Lin Nan, Ruqing? Why are you here?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came!

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