There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 376: Dad, Mr. Lin, come to Hong Kong Island! (Sixth more)

The atmosphere in the entire Ding's hall was very strange, the old man standing in front of him, standing high above him, looked down at everyone!

"Thunder Master?"

"It's this person!"

"Why did he come to Hong Kong Island again? Didn't he mean that he was very low-key during this period? He also killed my Ding family?"

The old man of the Ding family, Ding Guozhen's brows were screwed together!

Although Ding Jiaqi is the granddaughter of the Ding family, she is only a woman after all. The ultimate destination is to marry another family. Even if she is dead, Ding Guozhen's heart still has not much fluctuation!

What worries Ding Guozhen is that Lin Nan has come to Hong Kong Island!

‘My Ding’s family has just occupied Hong Kong Island and its foundation is unstable! I heard that the master of Thunder has a good relationship with the Li family and Zhou family! ’

Ding Guozhen thought secretly, carrying her hands on her back, pacing back and forth!

‘If Li Jinrong and Zhou Jing’an, together with this person, come to a jedi comeback and regain their status on Hong Kong Island, then my Ding’s family will have no place to be buried at that time! ’

‘No, you must not wait and die! ’

Thinking of this, Ding Guozhen ignored Qiu Wenjun and others who were kneeling on the ground, and hurriedly walked towards the top of Pingshan!


The mountain roads of Pingshan are covered by clouds and fog, and you can't see the road under your feet at all. If the average person is groping up the mountain in the thick fog, one accidentally may fall into a dead end!

Ding Guozhen did not have these scruples. He came to the entrance of the winding mountain road, holding a piece of jade pendant in his hand, and shook it in the direction of the mountain road!


The void trembled slightly, and the thick fog in front of it was like a sea of ​​clouds, the waves were turbulent, and automatically dispersed, and a great road appeared!

"It's worthy of being a member of the immortal gate, just this kind of mountain guarding array can't be set up by ordinary people!"

Ding Guozhen exclaimed and stepped onto the winding road!

It is already December, and winter has already entered. Although the four seasons on Hong Kong Island are not obvious, they are not enough. Flowers such as roses and peonies bloom in December, right?

On both sides of the road, flowers of various seasons are in full bloom at the same time.

Even the flowers that bloom in March and April, such as peach blossoms, grow against the season!

However, Ding Guozhen did not want to appreciate, but climbed all the way, and finally came outside the villa on the top of Pingshan!

There was a voice over 100 meters away from Villa No. 1 in Pingshan!

"What's the matter with you?"

The voice is old and thick, not angry and prestigious, after landing, Ding Guozhen can't afford the slightest heart of resistance, and tells his intentions!

"Master, someone has come to Hong Kong Island! It may threaten the status of the Ding family, do you think...?"

"Since your Ding family is a family supported by our sect, no one can threaten your status!"

In the villa, the sound continued!

"Master, it’s not like that. That person is named Thunder Master. He is the number one powerhouse in the world. His strength is extremely high, and his methods are even more amazing. Not long ago, he punched my grandson and daughter. Become nothingness!"

Ding Guozhen explained.

"Thunder Master?"

The door of the villa was pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked out. He was wearing a robe, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes!

"I've heard of this person, he is rumored to be very powerful! Even the cultivators who came to this world were killed?"

"Yes! Fairy teacher, if Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan are to unite with this person, I am afraid that the status of my Ding family will be shaken!" Ding Guozhen bowed like a servant, with his head lowered, not daring to look directly in front of him. The face of a middle-aged man!

"Hehe, it's just a native, no matter how strong it is, it is absolutely impossible to fight the monk! Since you are afraid, I will kill him for you!" The middle-aged man shook his head gently.

With his cultivation base in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, killing an aboriginal is not easy to come by?

"Where are the others?"

"It's in Chen's villa, thirty kilometers away from here!"

Ding Guozhen's eyes are full of joy!

"Got it! After three days, I will kill him!"

The middle-aged man nodded, then turned around and walked towards the villa!

"Master, why wait three days?"

Ding Guozhen looked at his back and asked strangely, do you still have to wait for the immortal to kill?

"Huh! The old man is refining a pot of pill. You suddenly went up the mountain and interrupted me, almost causing me to destroy a pot of treasure pill. If you change to anyone else and appear at the foot of the mountain, he will already be A dead man!"

Ding Guozhen trembled with fright, and at this moment the middle-aged man had entered the villa and the door was closed again!


At the same time, inside the First Royal Hospital on Hong Kong Island!

In the top ward!

It is said that this is a ward, in fact it is no different from a mansion, with huge floor-to-ceiling windows, expensive furniture, and leather sofas worth tens of millions!

Even as long as the curtains are opened, the person lying on the hospital bed can get direct sunlight during the day and watch the starry sky at night!

"Dad, Dad! Good news, good news!"

A middle-aged man walked in a hurry, his tired face was full of excitement!

His actual age is only about forty, but he looks like a fifty-five year old, with a hunched back, a bent waist, and white hair!

This person is named Li Hanming, the second son of Li Jinrong. Since Li Jinrong has half-retired, he has been managing the property of the Lee Consortium!

In the past few months, the shares of the Lee Consortium have fallen again and again, falling below the daily limit every day, and other shareholders have also withdrawn!

The huge Lee Consortium has long been in danger of falling apart!

The daily losses of the Lee Consortium are around 5 billion yuan. If it were not for its strong assets, it would have collapsed long ago!

In the past few months, Li Hanming has never closed his eyes at night. At every moment, his spirit is highly concentrated. Even so, there is still no way to recover the decline of Li's consortium. Stocks are still falling every day, and assets are shrinking rapidly!

A consortium with hundreds of billions of assets fell below the 100 billion mark just yesterday, leaving only more than 90 billion!

"What's the matter?"

Li Jinrong, who was on the hospital bed, opened his eyes. Li Jinrong was still full of energy more than half a year ago, and he was not old at all!

Today's Li Jinrong, the whole person seems to be broken, with an oxygen tube stuck in his nose, his eye sockets are sunken, and there are few hairs on his head!

"Dad, Mr. Lin, come to Hong Kong Island!"

Li Hanming's endured the excitement, panting heavily, blushing!

The whole ward was silent!

"what did you say?"

Li Jinrong seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and sat up in shock when he was dying, his whole body was energetic, and a spirit burst out of his eyes!

"Which Mr. Lin?"

Li Jinrong's voice was trembling!

"Lin Nan, Mr. Lin!" How could Li Hanming not feel his father's excitement?

Regardless of the physical pain, Li Jinrong stretched out his hand to pull out the oxygen tube in his nose and rushed down the hospital bed!

"Let's go! Let's see him right away and call you Uncle Zhou. Now he is the only one who can save our Li family!"

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