There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 379: The saint is like an ant to me! (Third more)

Cai Pengsheng was slapped to death by Lin Nan, and everyone on the cruise ship was terrified!

Ding Guozhen, the elder of the Ding family in the distance, has a serious face, his eyes are like eagles, staring at Lin Nan, but he dare not speak!

They had heard of Lin Nan's prestige for a long time, and it was rumored that this person was grumpy, bloody, and willing to kill people, and he also liked to destroy the whole family!

More importantly, nearly a year ago, Lin Nan was in Jiangnan and killed more than a dozen large families in a row. The Dragon Group, a special department of China, all came forward personally to conceal this and wipe Lin Nan's ass!

Moreover, people who are interested have also counted that people who clamor in front of Lin Nan have zero chance of surviving!

In other words, Cai Pengsheng went up by himself just now, completely looking for death!

In the crowd, many rich people whispered!

Several of the rich men who had good ties with Cai Pengsheng were even more angry:

"Too shameful!"

"Are there any rules? Do you still understand the law? If you kill people like this, who would dare to do business with the Li family and the Zhou family in the future? If the other party refuses to accept it, will they kill them all?"

"Yes! It's too much!"

"Hehe, if you have an opinion, just stand up and gossip underneath. What's the point?"

"Are you rich and powerful on Hong Kong Island, do you have this kind of virtue? Everyone is worth tens of billions, hundreds of billions, and most of them are the presidents and chairman of listed companies? Why don't you even dare to stand up now? "

Lin Nan said, his eyes swept over the people present, with a faint smile on his lips!

The people who were swept by his gaze all lowered their heads in a panic, looking at the floor under their feet, the depths of their eyes were shocked!

These tycoons discovered that they dare not look directly into Lin Nan's eyes!

The rich men who spoke just now, their faces alternated between blue and red. Even if there is a city mansion, their face can't be saved at this moment. The super-rich, worth hundreds of billions, are ridiculed by others and dare to just gossip below?

The rich man with a big belly couldn't help but stand up!

"Are we wrong?"

"You're right!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly, spit out a few words, agreeing with this person's point of view!

"Ha ha!"

The rich man with a big belly sneered, looked at Lin Nan, and said, "Since I am not wrong, then Mr. Lin, you are untenable in reason, reason, axiom, and law!"

"The saints say that those who have gained the way will help more, and those who have lost the way will help less! Mr. Lin, if you do this, you still want to support the Li family and return to the status of the first family on Hong Kong Island? Do you think it is possible?"

"The saint is like an ant to me! I just want to kill you, what shall you do?"

Lin Nan's words came to the ground, and the faces of all the rich people present changed!

If Cai Pengsheng was slapped to death just now, it was considered that he was self-inflicted. The man in front of him just stood up and said a few fair words, Lin Nan wanted to kill again?


The whole deck was completely exploded, and people were talking about it!

Lin Nan's words are really too arrogant, even if Cai Pengsheng was slapped to death by him just now, with this kind of deterrence in front, he still can't stop the crowd!

All the rich and powerful people present are all sought after everywhere, living a life of more than ten thousand people, where is such ridicule?

"Too overbearing! Mr. Lin, Hong Kong Island is legal!"

Even Ding Guozhen couldn't bear it!

Behind him, although there are monks supporting him, the Ding family can sit on the position of the first family on Hong Kong Island. In addition to the monks behind the deterrence, it is also a combination of grace and strength, hard and soft, facing so many families on Hong Kong Island. It is impossible to kill them all!

The status of the first family needs someone to support!


As Ding Guozhen's voice fell, there was a crisp sound!

Just stepping up, the pot-bellied man who had the same theory as Lin Nan exploded, like a watermelon!

On the deck, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and various internal organs were scattered all over the place!


Seeing this scene, many rich and powerful men vomited on the spot, pale with fright, almost vomiting their gall!

Even Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan behind Lin Nan's faces turned blue, their backbones were chilling, and their bodies trembled!

'so horrible! Who can bear this method? If you don't accept it, just raise your hand and kill it, and you won't be reasonable at all! In other words, what Lin Xian said is justified! ’

‘This is a symbol of strength! Once a person has the power to despise everything, any reason and means are imaginary! ’

Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan thought in horror!

They found that if they stood on the opposite side of Lin Nan, they would not dare to have any disobedience now!

At this time.

"Don't try to reason with me, I kill people all by personal preference!"

Lin Nan said calmly, shaking his neck.

The Great Emperor Lingtian regarded sentient beings like ants. If it was you, would you reason with ants? If there is any dissatisfaction, just slap to death!

A human head rolled over and fell at Ding Guozhen's feet!

Lin Nan's gaze swept over, and his pupils were as deep as an abyss!

"Do you have any comments?"

Ding Guozhen opened his mouth, completely lost his voice, his old face was pale!

The head of Dou Da is still at his feet!

At this moment, even if Ding Guozhen has a million plans in his heart, countless forces are standing behind him, and the group that controls hundreds of billions of consortiums in his hands cannot protect him at all!

"Hahaha! Really arrogant enough!"

At this moment, a loud laughter came, cut through the sky and echoed over the cruise ship!

A golden light pierced through the night sky of the high seas, one person, one sword, stepping into the sky!

Everyone was taken aback!

One of the rich men raised his head and looked to the sky, only to see a middle-aged man standing in the void with a golden flying sword on his foot!

He was surprised:

"Master Yun is here!"

A trace of blush and excitement appeared on the faces of many rich and powerful people, and they were no longer as scared as before!

"Great! Master Yun is here, you can definitely kill Lin Nan!"

Several of the richest rushed directly to the front of the crowd, raising their heads to the sky and shouting:

"Master Yun! There is no one in this subordinate, ignoring the law, ignoring the rules, killing is all based on personal preference, please immediately punish this person!"

"Master Yun, please take action and punish this person!"

"Master Yun! Save me!"

Ding Guozhen was overjoyed, as if he had caught the straw!

"Don't worry, I will kill him now!"

Yun Xuanzi's face is like gold paper, standing high on the top of the void, looking down below, like a god!


He opened his mouth and vomited, a breath of the realm of Nascent Soul came over the sky and the earth, and the surrounding sea water all boiled, surging and surging, as if a tsunami was about to happen!

A sword glow shot out from Yun Xuanzi's fingers, fell from the sky, and slashed towards Lin Nan's head!

"That's it!"

"Yes! A few months ago, Fairy Master Yun Xuanzi used this trick to cut open the open sea water within a hundred miles!"

Many people exclaimed, and the audience was a sensation!

"Master Yun, kill him for me!"

Ding Guozhen roared and suppressed his throat, as if a lion was roaring in a low voice!

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