There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 401: Who is that? (First more)

A dragon, with a little girl, caused trouble in Dongsheng Shenzhou!

Among the major cultivation sects, empires, and holy places, Lin Momo visited and turned the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou upside down!

It's a pity that despite the large numbers of people dispatched by the major sects and empires, even the ancestors of the transformation stage personally dispatched them, but they could not even touch the tail of the holy dragon!

A few days later.

Dongsheng Shenzhou, the capital of Yan Country!

Yan Kingdom was founded more than 3500 years ago, and it is a very young country in the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou!

In the capital city of Yan State, the resident population is more than 10 million, which is very luxurious. Various ancient attic and palaces are rising from the ground!

There are people coming and going on the streets, and there are monks mixing them!

A little girl carved from jade, riding on a big yellow dog, walked slowly from a distance into the capital of Yan State, very eye-catching!

The pedestrians on the road stopped one after another and looked over curiously!

"Whose little girl? She's so pretty, like a porcelain doll, so cute!"

"That dog is not bad too! It looks like an ordinary earthy dog, but the fur of that suit is pleated and brilliance. Is it perfect?"

People talked a lot, watching Lin Momo and Er Gouzi walking on the street swaggeringly!


"Da da da!"

There was a sound of horseshoes. Outside the city gate, more than a dozen horses rushed in quickly, rushing on the streets of the capital of Yan State!

Countless pedestrians and monks evaded one after another, for fear of not being too late!

"What's the matter? On the streets of the capital, you dare to run wildly, don't you want to die!" Someone who didn't know said loudly in anger.


Aside, someone immediately reminded.

"You don't want to die? These are all royal disciples, one prince, two princesses, and the others are also royal relatives and nobles!"


Hearing this, the man who spoke, his face changed slightly, and he lowered his head in fear!


At this moment, a maroon horse stopped in front of him!

A frosty, proud woman on the horse, holding a riding whip, drew a whip, and fell heavily on this person's face!


The crowd around, seeing this scene, backed away!

"You--! How do you beat people!"

The young man who was beaten by a horse whip raised his head and looked at the woman who started beating, his face was full of humiliation!

"Hehe, what happened to you? Any more nonsense, I will let someone throw you into the prison of Yan Kingdom!"

The woman sneered and shook her head.

Following her, another group of noble children also chuckled lightly!

"Boy, offended Princess Qinghe, aren't you looking for death?"

"Yes, hurry up and kneel down and admit your mistakes, and knock your head for ninety-nine times, and we will spare you!"

"Yan State's Penal Department Prison, do you want to try? It just so happens that my father is Shangshu of Penal Department, so he can take good care of you!"

The man was trembling with fright, knelt on the ground, knocked his head like garlic, and kept begging for mercy!


There was a burst of laughter!

Lin Momo was riding a big dog, seeing this scene in the distance, his big eyes were full of anger!

"Big Dog, is she bullying?"

"Yes, my little master!" Er Gouzi nodded.

At this time, Princess Qinghe and the others ignored the man who was almost scared to death and continued to gallop along the street!

All the people in front evaded one after another. On the back of a big yellow dog, riding a little loli, standing in the center of the street!

"Where is the wild girl? Get out of me!" Princess Qinghe shouted angrily.


The whip in her hand was slammed twice in the air, and the air was crackling!

"Wild girl! Get out, you won't be able to find death!"

Er Gouzi's face sank and roared, an overwhelming threat of horror!


The dozen or so horses couldn't stand the pressure of a real dragon at all, and they were so scared that they lay on the ground and threw everyone on the horse back down!


"It hurts me so much!"

More than a dozen people were so embarrassed that they all fell to the ground. The father was a nobleman from the Criminal Ministry. He even broke his arm and screamed in place!

"Wild girl, how dare you treat me like this!"

Princess Qinghe was furious. She was on the ground with one foot and turned into an afterimage. Holding a long whip, she drew towards Lin Momo!


Er Gouzi roared, Princess Qinghe's body flew out like a sandbag, and directly slammed into the distant city wall, knocking out a big hole in the city wall, seeing that she couldn't survive!


Seeing this scene, the pedestrians on both sides of the street took a breath of air-conditioning!

At this time, the generals and soldiers who defended the city also discovered that something went wrong, and a large number of soldiers rushed over, and the whole street was blocked!

"what happened?"

Asked a general in armor.

"Princess Qinghe is dead!"

"It's them, that little girl is a demon, and that dog has a problem!"

In the crowd, the group of nobles trembled with fright, raised their heads in horror, and pointed their fingers at Lin Momo and Ergouzi in the distance with trembling fingers!


"Get it for me!"

The general shouted, and the three thousand soldiers behind him rushed over!


Er Gouzi opened his mouth wide and made a long roar. The moment the three thousand soldiers rushed up, they flew back and couldn't get close to Lin Momo at all!

"Who would dare to make trouble in the capital of Yan State?"

An angry shout came.

Inside the palace of the Kingdom of Yan, a Yuan Ying was enshrined in the later period and flew from the palace!

Just halfway through the flight, suddenly a big hand appeared in the sky, and he patted it hard!


This monk in the late Nascent Soul stage turned into a blood mist and disappeared without a trace!

The entire capital of Yan Kingdom is quiet, no one dares to take a step!

A monk from the late Yuanying stage was slapped to death by someone? It's like a dream talk, incredible!


At this moment, a voice full of doting came from the sky!

Everyone raised their heads, only to see a young man who fell from the sky and came to Lin Momo!

"Huh! Smelly Baba, Big Trotter! What are you doing? You don't like Mo'er anymore!"

Seeing the visitor, Lin Momo raised his head proudly.

The pedestrians on the street, one by one, dumbfounded and dumbfounded, watching this scene!

Lin Nan gave a helpless smile, walked over, held Lin Momo in her arms, and kissed her **** the cheek!

"Who said I don't like Mo'er anymore? You are my most precious person!"

"Hey! It's so dirty, it's all saliva!" Lin Momo looked disgusted.

"Dare to think that I am dirty? I will scratch you to death!"

Lin Nan smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch Lin Momo's waist.

"Hahaha! Itchy, smelly!"

Lin Momo's smiling flowers shivered, and was eventually taken away by Lin Nan and left from the capital of Yan Kingdom!

After Lin Nan and the others left, in the palace of the Kingdom of Yan, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Yan, standing in front of the steps, muttered to himself: "Who is that?"

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