There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 528: Could it be that you are--?

Hearing the words of Representative Yoshikawa, Yamamoto Kentaro's old body trembled slightly!

"How is it possible? My Yamamoto Club is conscientious and has never provoked any ghosts!"

"Furthermore, my Yamamoto community believes in Izumo Shrine and is the most loyal believer of the spirit gods. How can we provoke other ghosts and gods?"

Yamamoto Kentaro kept shaking his head.

The picture in the video completely shocked him!

Raising a hand to take a person’s soul, there is that kind of weird flame, after burning the person, even the ashes will not be left behind, and disappear without a trace. If it weren't for surveillance and filming, who knew Lin Nan did it?

"If this is the case, I suggest that you better take a trip to Izumo Shrine and show this video to Master Lingshen. Master Lingshen may know who is doing it!"

Representative Yoshikawa thought for a while and said so.

"That's all there is, come here!"

Yamamoto Kentaro nodded, took his subordinates, and left the villa!

A political meeting ended hurriedly!


And this time.

Liu Ruqing has also woken up. Only a few high-level officials in the hotel know about Shunta Yamamoto!

They did not dare to do anything to Lin Nan, and did not tell the hotel staff that Shunta Yamamoto was dead!

As for Ye Qi and Mu Wanqing, they don't even know what happened outside!

Just when Liu Ruqing woke up, a gentle voice came!

"you're awake?"

I saw Lin Nan standing in front of the French windows in the distance, and the setting sun shined through the windows, laying a layer of gold on the floor!

"Uh, how long did I sleep?"

"More than three hours!" Lin Nan smiled softly.

"Ah, have you slept for so long? It's getting dark, so I'm ready to take a look at the streets of Kyoto!" Liu Ruqing was discouraged.

"Who called you so lazy?" Lin Nan's mouth was smiling.


"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door outside the house, followed by Ye Qi's voice!

"Mr. Lin, Ruqing, have you rested well? There are activities in the evening!"

After Liu Ruqing slept, she was full of energy and rushed out of the bed and opened the door!

I see.

Standing at the gate, Ye Qi had put on a set of slim-fitting long skirts, her figure was bumpy, showing the charm of a mature woman, and she looked at herself with a smile!

"Wow! Sister Qi, so beautiful!"

Liu Ruqing gave a compliment.

"I will praise people!"

Ye Qi pursed her mouth, her eyes flickered, and said: "I will take you to dinner in a while. In the evening, some celebrities in Kyoto held an auction. I'm afraid you will be bored in the hotel, so I have booked admission. Voucher, take you to see after dinner!"

"Auction? I have never participated in it yet!"

Liu Ruqing was a little excited, looking eager to try!

"Puff! Then you have to take a good look tonight. Although the country is small, there are many good things. At the auction tonight, you will definitely be eye-opening!" Ye Qi explained with a smile.


After Liu Ruqing washed up, she changed into a set of clothes that Ye Qi chose for her. A slim, lively and playful beauty appeared in front of her!

As for Lin Nan, originally didn't want to change clothes, but at Liu Ruqing's request, she also changed into a suit!

The two stood together, just like a pair of jade men, making people shine!

"Tsk tusk, what a pair of golden boys and girls!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but admire!

Even big beauties like her and Mu Wanqing were directly compared by Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

Beautiful women are attractive no matter where they are!

Not to mention that three women with top looks and temperament, gathered together, it is difficult not to attract people's attention!

While eating in the restaurant, Lin Nan and the others just took their seats, and a Japanese man walked over slowly!

"Hello ladies, depending on your dining style and habits, shouldn't you be from Kyoto?"

He looks about 30 years old, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and the lines and textures of a handmade suit are meticulous and extremely expensive at first sight!

And, between gestures, the very gentleman's politeness makes people feel good!

"We are Chinese!"

Ye Qi spoke lightly.

On weekdays, when she is away, she will be accosted by strange men, let alone Liu Ruqing and Mu Wanqing today!

"Oh, that's the case, you are Chinese! I personally like the culture of China very much. I have been to Yanjing and Tianhai, and I have also played in the water villages in the south of the Yangtze River. I like them very much!"

The Japanese man nodded slightly, showing a bright smile, and he was still speaking Mandarin.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kudo Hideaki. You can call me Kudo!"

"My name is Ye Qi, from Yanjing!"

Ye Qi nodded gently, acted as the owner of the dining table, and introduced others to Kudo Hideaki!

"This is Mr. Lin Nanlin, Liu Ruqing and Mu Wanqing!"

"Ruqing and Wanqing are really good names!"

Kudo Hideaki sighed in admiration, as if he was a great poet, and said quietly:

"I seem to see two girls holding oil paper umbrellas in the mist and rain, walking slowly! Your two names, so poetic, must be girls from the south of China, right?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

Liu Ruqing was a little surprised.

"There is an old saying in China that one side raises the other side, and only women from the south of the Yangtze River can be so gentle and generous!"

Kudo Hideaki smiled, his eyes turned.

"Mr. Kudo knows a lot!" Ye Qi said lightly.

"The Chinese culture is broad and profound. I just know a little bit about it!"

Kudo Hideaki shook his head again and again, with a humble look!

Next, under Kudo Hideaki's humorous conversation, the atmosphere was mobilized!

Lin Nan was the only one, sipping tea lightly, without interrupting, as if he was out of the picture!

Seeing this scene, Kudo Hideaki's eyes revealed a slight sneer!

‘The long one is pretty good, I thought it was someone, it turned out to be a bully! ’

‘With three big beauties, but without saying a word, it seems that I have a good chance to win all these three best! ’

In Kudo Hideaki's heart, secretly happy!

First show the humorous ability, then show the humble character, and finally unwittingly tell the huge family background behind him!

No woman in the world can stop this series of offensives!

Even a noble princess can be pried open by him!

After deciding!

"By the way, do you have any activities at night?" Kudo Hideaki asked suddenly.

"We are going to participate in the auction!" Ye Qi answered lightly.

"Auction? Is it the auction held by Mr. Ishi Fujiwara of the Mitsui chaebol?"

"This...I haven't understood it. It seems to be an auction held by Mr. Ishi Fujiwara. As for whether it is a Mitsui chaebol or not, I am not sure!" Ye Qi hesitated and shook his head.

"Haha, that's it, in all of Kyoto tonight, only one person named Ishifujihara held the auction!"

Kudo Hideaki laughed, and said casually, "What a coincidence! Mr. Ishifujihara is my uncle. It's always more convenient to have me take you in than to go by yourself!"

"What? Ishifujihara is your uncle? As far as I know, Ishifujihara has only one younger sister. She is married to an important cabinet member of the country. That member happened to be named Kudo!"

Ye Qi was surprised and looked at Kudo Hideaki in surprise!

"Could you be—?"

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