There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 536: You want to learn? I can teach you!

"Go! Go!"

On the lakeside under Mount Fuji, there were bursts of exclamation!

Many tourists stopped and picked up their phones to shoot!

Moments, Weibo, personal blog, space... are all full of news of cherry blossoms!

Baili cherry blossoms are a beautiful sight in themselves!

However, Baili’s cherry blossoms bloom in autumn, it is not a beautiful sight, but a wonder!

Everything is too amazing, the cherry blossoms hundreds of miles under Mount Fuji suddenly bloomed!

In the season of autumn breeze, there is a faint fragrance of flowers everywhere, which is fascinating and lingering!

"How is it possible, this is the late autumn season, the cherry blossoms bloom in spring, how is it possible!"

"Could it be that the **** of Sichun appeared?"

Many tourists, in addition to taking photos and posting to Moments, more people stood in shock and muttered to themselves!

In addition, a group of Chinese-looking young men and women surround a 60-year-old man!

His face was vicissitudes of life, and his body exuded not weak mana fluctuations!

This person turned out to be a real master of cultivation, if converted to the realm of martial artist, it is comparable to the martial arts master of the pinnacle realm!

At the side of this old man, seven or eight young men and women stood there. The men were handsome, charming and suave, and the women were extremely beautiful, which could be called a disaster level!

"A miracle! This is a miracle!"

This old man trembled with excitement and tears!

"At the first thought, the flowers bloom and the aura is full, do you feel it? At the moment when the Baili cherry blossoms bloom, the aura under the entire Mount Fuji is countless times richer! There must be an immortal, cast a spell here to make the Baili cherry blossoms bloom!"

"Which deity is this, showing the saints here? Old man Yu Lingzi, please see the fairy!"

"Fairy, the disciple is sincere, please come out and see you!"

The old man yelled, like crazy!

He firmly believes that a **** must have descended here, using great mana and supernatural powers to make the Baili cherry blossoms bloom in a single thought!



A group of young men around began to persuade, but the old man ignored him, still looking for the ‘god’ who made Baili’s cherry blossoms bloom!


This ‘god’ is standing more than ten feet away from the old man, smiling, looking at the girl in front of him faintly, his eyes are full of petting look!

"How is it? Do you still like it?"

"Lin Nan? What is going on?"

Liu Ruqing's pretty face was full of surprises and astonishment, she couldn't believe it!

Baili's cherry blossoms really bloomed!

And all this was after Lin Nan stomped lightly!

"Didn't you say that you want to see the cherry blossoms bloom? How could I let you leave with regret?" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

"how did you do it?"

In Liu Ruqing's beautiful eyes, it is still difficult to conceal the shock!

"Do you want to learn? I can teach you!"

Lin Nan said with a smile, reaching out and scraping Liu Ruqing's little nose!

"Ruqing, have you seen it? The cherry blossoms here are all blooming!"

Suddenly, Mu Wanqing's surprised voice came back, and she and Ye Qi returned from the lake!

"It's so shocking, this is simply a miracle of nature!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Sister Qi! What is going on?" Mu Wanqing asked suspiciously.

"Well, this is probably..."

Ye Qi frowned slightly, and immediately explained: "This is probably because the lake under Mount Fuji contains hot springs and geothermal heat. The heat surges up to the temperature of spring, so these cherry blossoms bloom out of season. Come!"

"This kind of thing has not happened in China!"

"Under an ancient hot spring temple in Hexi, peach blossoms bloomed in the cold winter!"

"The suburbs of Yanjing are also in the season of heavy goose feathers. In a hot spring villa, willow trees sprout off-season! All of this is caused by the temperature. Mount Fuji is such a big volcano, and geothermal must be indispensable, probably for this reason!"

"However, it is indeed a miracle of nature to make Baili cherry blossoms bloom in an instant!"

Listening to Ye Qi's explanation, Mu Wanqing showed a suddenly realized expression!

Only Liu Ruqing's expression was weird, she turned her head and glared at Lin Nan!

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth was filled with a faint smile, and he didn't explain too much!


The news that the cherry blossoms of Mount Fuji will bloom in the golden autumn of October of the lunar calendar has reached the top of the country!

"Your Majesty, the cherry blossoms of Mount Fuji are blooming!"

A servant came all the way to the imperial palace from outside the palace of the emperor of Japan!

"What? It's only October, how can the cherry blossoms bloom?"

There was a trace of astonishment on the face of Emperor Waguo!

"This is really your Majesty! The Baili cherry blossoms under Mount Fuji are all blooming. The video of the scene has already been filmed. The Baili cherry blossoms are all in full bloom in just half a minute, like miracles. !"

This servant knelt at the feet of Emperor Wa, shaking with excitement!

"Your Majesty, this is God blessing my great Japanese empire! Baili cherry blossoms are blooming, this is a good omen. Your Majesty should tell thousands of people and celebrate with all the world!"

"Long Live His Majesty the Emperor!"

In the words of this servant, a blush appeared on the face of Emperor Wa!

Millions of miles of cherry blossoms, blooming at the same time, is indeed an auspicious symbol!

"This matter should indeed be announced to the people of the whole country. Go and prepare. I will announce this personally!"

The dignified expression of the Emperor Wa eased a little!

Last night, Lin Nan's terrifying strength, oppressed him out of breath!

Moreover, as the Japanese emperor, kneeling in public to a Chinese man is detrimental to his dignity!

Nowadays, millions of cherry blossoms bloom at the same time, which can be said to be a good omen that can make up for part of the emperor's loss of majesty!

"What about the video? Let me see!"

The Emperor Wa faintly smiled, and his mood became much better!


The servant didn't dare to neglect, he immediately set up the playback equipment, and played the scene of the cherry blossoms at that time!

In the picture, the cherry blossoms of millions of miles are indeed blooming at the same time, even if it is across the screen, the Emperor Wa is still a little shocked!

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Emperor Wa raised his brows, and his breathing became inexplicably quick!

At that moment, when the screen was scanned, he seemed to have found a familiar face!

Although the picture was only for a moment, the face of that person was deeply imprinted in the mind of Emperor Wa, and the appearance of that person was so familiar!

"What's the matter, Your Majesty?" the servant asked suspiciously.

"Play back the screen!" The Emperor Wa said in a solemn expression.


The servant did not dare to neglect and pressed the playback button!

"Wait, it's this picture, play it back for another three seconds!"



With the order from Emperor Wa, the picture was stopped at this moment!

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