There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 542: Big fist, really amazing!

Li Anlan's tone was full of sarcasm!

On Hong Kong Island, her Li family is the largest family!

On Hong Kong Island, Li Anlan is a popular princess, supermodel, fashion designer, jewelry spokesperson, and Queen Elizabeth personally praised him, Li Anlan has royal temperament!

On Hong Kong Island, countless children of wealthy families, even the royal princes of a small country in Southeast Asia, hope to marry her home as the princess!

On Hong Kong Island, every wealthy man covets her face and her devilish figure, and dreams of running on it, crazy, but unfortunately no one can do so!

On Hong Kong Island...

It can be said that Hong Kong Island is her site for Li Anlan!

A man who only knows how to use force and slapped her, what right to speak here?

As long as Li Anlan is willing, with a single word, I am afraid that countless people will jump out and charge Lin Nanan to a crime and let him spend in prison from now on!

In Li Anlan's sneer gaze, a stylishly dressed model signed by a top clothing company stood up!

"Ha ha!"

She sneered and said, "The big fist is great? What age is this? Who uses the fist, thinking this is the age of barbarism, do children play house?"

"Yes! Modern society pays attention to the rule of law, and you still fist! Even if you swear casually, you may be accused of insulting or slandering! Let alone fisting, you can be accused of deliberate harm and put you in jail. The legal system is very strict!"

A lawyer also stood up, and when talking about his professional field, a hint of pride appeared on his face!

"How can people from the Mainland know how strict the laws on Hong Kong Island are?"

"I really thought, you can say whatever you want?"

Many elites shook their heads funny!

"Young man, have you really said something like this to Miss An Lan? Are you going to destroy the Li family on Hong Kong Island?" a rich man with a deep breath, experienced and venomous eyes, asked coldly.

"Yes! I said it!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly and sneered: "At that time, I said, she said one more word, I will destroy the Li family on Hong Kong Island! Ask her, did she dare to say one more word?"

Hearing this, Li Anlan's pretty face was green for a while!

But fortunately, everyone didn't notice the second half of the sentence, and they all paid attention to the first half!

"What? Did you really say this?"

The rich man was slightly dazed, and opened his mouth in surprise, as if his city mansion hadn't even considered it, Lin Nan actually admitted directly!

In the crowd, it exploded directly!

"I'm going! So what Miss An Lan said is true!"

"Where did the mainland boy come from, his tone is so mad? The whole family of Li family on Hong Kong Island was destroyed?"

"I don't know! Even the richest man in China, dare not say such things, right?"

"Li's consortium's stocks, real estate, movable properties, real estate, and bank deposits add up to hundreds of billions of dollars, right? He would dare to destroy the Li family for such a behemoth? It really is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!"

Some older wealthy people shook their heads.

They have also had a passionate age, and they take it for granted that this is the arrogant statement made by the young man in front of him, his brain heated up!

Moreover, the older these wealthy people are, the more they feel the horror of the Li Family on Hong Kong Island!

Whether it's the background, connections, assets, or boldness, they are too scary, and they can't breathe!

On Lin Nan's side, the teachers and students of Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School also looked at him in astonishment!

"Lin Nan, what's the matter? Why did you offend Ms. Li Anlan?"

Teacher Hu Jianhua raised his head in surprise and looked at Lin Nan.

Xu Haowen, Qi Fengxian, and Huang Jiaojiao looked at each other. They didn't expect that Lin Nan, who was regarded as their opponent, would have said this!

Moreover, in the presence of Li Anlan, the little princess of the Li family!

"Ruqing, what is going on?"

Mu Wanqing gently poked Liu Ruqing in the waist, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear each other.

"Wan Qing, this is a long story. Lin Nan and I met this Li Anlan in the hotel under Mount Fuji that day. At that time, they were a group of people and forced to rent our house. Lin Nan's tone at that time was serious. Some more!"

Liu Ruqing explained in a low voice.

Wait until Liu Ruqing finishes explaining!

"What? There is such a thing?"

Mu Wanqing was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses!

"Ha ha!"

A cold laughter brought everyone's gaze back, and they all looked at Li Anlan!

Just listen to Li Anlan’s voice, and continue to say: "Mr. Lin, you admit it, I didn’t force you! You just said that you want to destroy the whole family of my Hong Kong Li family, right?"

Li Anlan's pretty face carried a triumphant smile!

Immediately, her pretty face sank suddenly, revealing the sharp claws hidden under her innocent face, and said sharply:

"Do you know that, based on your words, I can ask the Hong Kong government to send someone to jail and then a series of interrogations!"

"Add courts, trials, retrials, all the way to the final verdict!"

"Even if you are not guilty in the end, I will find a lawyer and let the judgment process drag on for ten or twenty years. Your charming little girlfriend will be outside and wait for you for a lifetime!"


Upon hearing Li Anlan's words, Liu Ruqing panicked!

Although she knows that Lin Nan's origin may be very big, but the Li family on Hong Kong Island is not a vegetarian!

In case, it is really like Li Anlan said, she really has to wait for Lin Nan for a lifetime!

"Don't be afraid, she can't help me with her little skill!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly, reached out and patted Liu Ruqing's head.


"Of course it's true! In this world, no one can do anything to me!"

After saying these words, Lin Nan's gaze turned and fell on Li Anlan indifferently!

"Your methods are good! You know how to use your own advantages. If you don't sin against me, you will most likely become a business queen in the future!"

At this point, Lin Nan's words changed: "Unfortunately, you didn't remember another sentence I said!"


Li Anlan frowned and asked subconsciously.

"The big fist is really amazing!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Lin Nan lifted one hand, and a force came!


Li Anlan exclaimed, and then the whole person flew down from the high platform, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air!


A feeling of suffocation came, and Li Anlan was horrified to find that her neck had appeared in Lin Nan's hands at some point!

With Lin Nan's height of 1.8 meters, even if Li Anlan is wearing high heels, she can only rely on her toes on the floor at this time!

Negative emotions such as suffocation, despair, fear, fear, fear, etc., flooded Li Anlan's heart!

At the same time, the man in front of him, with no emotion in his pupils, asked playfully:

"Now, let me ask you, if I just smash your delicate neck, what can you do with me?"

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