There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 556: The person you are talking about should be me!

Time stands still and recovers!

Everything recovered as before, Wei Anran stood there stiffly, her pretty face pale!

"An Ran, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Ruqing found something wrong with Wei Anran and walked over!

Just now Lin Nan ordered time to ban, Liu Ruqing and others had no idea what happened!


Wei Anran finally recovered and exclaimed, after seeing Liu Ruqing, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes!

"No... I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, since Lin Nan has promised to help you, the Chen family in Jindong Province must dare not do anything to your family!" Liu Ruqing took Wei Anran's hand and comforted.

She thought that Wei Anran was afraid of the Chen family in Jindong Province!

"Hmm! I get it!"

Wei Anran nodded slightly, and the corner of his eyes swept across Lin Nan fearfully, and found that Lin Nan was still standing there with a faint smile on his face!

It seems that everything just now was like a dream!

But Wei Anran knew that all of this was not a dream, it was real, and the awe of Lin Nan was imprinted deep in her heart!

After that time, as soon as Wei Anran saw Lin Nan, endless respect would rise in his heart!

I didn't dare to do the things that used to be pretentious and run against Lin Nan!

The whole person is well-behaved, no longer dare to leapfrog one step!


After the winter vacation at Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School, it didn't take long before the New Year's Eve was approaching!

At the end of each year, Shen Qingxue will take Liu Ruqing to Jinling City to visit her sister Shen Qingwen!

This year is no exception. The only difference is that before Shen Qingxue set off this year, he brought Lin Nan!

At this moment, Jiangnan City is on the highway to Jinling City!

A red BMW car is driving smoothly!

Shen Qingxue was driving, while Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were sitting in the back row!

More than two hours later, Lin Nan and others arrived outside the Shen family's villa. Lin Nan had been here before the restart of the era!

At the door of Shen Qingwen's villa, Yang Xueqi had been waiting for a long time!

Seeing Shen Qingxue's BMW car stopped, he walked over quickly and smiled:

"Auntie, you finally arrived! My mother let me wait in the cold wind for half an hour. If you don't come, I will freeze to death!"

Today's Yang Xueqi is wearing a beige knee-length skirt with a pair of black stockings!

The khaki windbreaker on her body, coupled with a soft long hair, is like a model walking out of a magazine cover!

"It's winter, waited so long? Let's go in! Don't catch a cold!"

Shen Qingxue smiled softly.


Liu Ruqing also yelled abruptly!

"Ruqing, is this your fiancé? The mysterious man named Lin Nan?"

Yang Xueqi's pretty face was full of curiosity, and she kept looking at Lin Nan!

"He is mysterious, in fact, he is an ordinary person. As long as you have more contact with him, you will find that others are actually very talking!"

Liu Ruqing covered her mouth and explained it with a smile.

"Oh, you haven't gotten married yet, do you know him that way?"

Yang Xueqi gave a strange cry.

"Cousin, you made fun of me again! Be careful I tell your secret to Aunt Wen!"

"Bad girl, if you dare to say, see if I don't clean up you!"

Upon seeing this, Yang Xueqi also smiled and cursed forward!

Liu Ruqing ran away, and the two of them walked into the door of the villa one after another, disappearing into view!

"This kid said he was here to pick me up, but now he is making a fool of himself!"

Seeing this, Shen Qingxue shrugged helplessly and shook her head gently.

After entering the lobby of the villa, I happened to see Shen Qingwen walking out and saying: "Qingxue, sit down, we have already booked the hotel and we are waiting for you to come!"

"There are guests?"

Shen Qingxue found that there were several other middle-aged men sitting on the sofa in the lobby of the villa!

One of them, Lin Nan knew, was Yang Xueqi's father, Yang Huaian!

Several other people, who seem to be around forty years old, are well-dressed, unlike ordinary people!

Yang Huaian and several others were talking.

"District Wu, this matter, I will trouble you!"

"Boss Yang, things are easy to say, as long as the above is approved, I will give you an answer immediately!"

"But if you can't approve it, don't blame me Boss Yang!"

The headed middle-aged man looks around forty, but when speaking in Mandarin, he is old-fashioned and does not leak!

Yang Huaian was five or six years older than him, and bowed slightly, with a very respectful appearance!

"Please pay more attention!"

At this time, Lin Nan and others have already walked into the living room!

"Huai'an, Qingxue has arrived. By the way, let me introduce you. This is Lin Nan, Ruqing's fiance!" Shen Qingwen introduced.

"Lin Nan?"

The District Mayor Wu raised his brow lightly and looked back at Lin Nan!

"I heard that there is a Mr. Lin on the Jiangnan side recently. He is so powerful that the big men in Lanzhou and Haizhou have surrendered. It seems that he is also called Lin Nan!"

As District Mayor Wu said, a few rich people next to him also echoed: "I seem to have heard of it too!"

"Yes! It seems that Zhang Lin, Li Sanshen, Wang Tianniu, and Qin Ruhai are all here at the family banquet of the Liu family!"

"Hehe! I don't know if it's true, it's amazing anyway!"

"God knows, it's all from within the Liu family, and there are not many outsiders present! The ghost knows if it's the Liu family, and it deliberately vents to put gold on his face!"

A few little rich men talked funny.

"The person you are talking about should be me!" Lin Nan said lightly.

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire lobby of the Yang family's villa fell into silence!

"It's you?"

District Mayor Wu was also very surprised. After taking a deep look at Lin Nan, he shook his head and said, "Are you really Mr. Lin from Jiangnan? You are too young!"

"Young man, in front of District Mayor Wu, you can't tell lies!"

A little rich man sneered and shook his head!

"Yes, the elders are here, you said you are Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, is there any evidence?"

Another rich man also shook his head slightly.

"District Mayor Wu, he is right, my wife's sister is the wife of the second master Liu from the Jiangnan Liu family, and this is Ms. Shen Qingxue!"

Yang Huaian stood up and introduced to District Mayor Wu:

"This young man, although it's the first time I have met, but the one who came with Qingxue should be that Mr. Lin is right!"

After hearing Yang Huaian's introduction, District Mayor Wu's expression instantly pulled down, becoming extremely cold!

His eyes swept across Lin Nan's face, and he said with a smile:

"Hehe! That's how it is!"

"Mr. Lin, I don't know the director Hu of the city hall, do you remember?"

'not good! Mayor Wu has a holiday with Lin Nan! Yang Huaian secretly called a bad thing.

If he knew this, he would not have been so enthusiastic and introduced Lin Nan to Mayor Wu!

I originally thought that District Mayor Wu was interested in Lin Nan and wanted to know him!

Who knows that there is a holiday between the two!

‘This big deal is not good! Will it affect my company? Yang Huaian regretted it secretly.

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