There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 558: This Lin Nan has a long history!

At this time, Lin Nan and others, drove two small cars, and were also going to the Shangri-La Hotel!

Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Yang Xueqi, and Shen Qingxue ride in one car, while Yang Huaian and Shen Qingwen are in another car!

At this moment, the two couples are talking.

"This time the big thing is not good! Lin Nan offended Wu Changlin. I'm afraid he won't help with the company's incident!"

Yang Huaian smiled bitterly as he drove the car.

"Don't blame Lin Nan, he is not an ordinary person!"

Shen Qingwen shook her head, her eyes flickering!

What happened last time in Shenjia in Sichuan city is still vivid!

A man and a woman were killed out of thin air, the man called Mistress Liu Ruqing, and the woman called her a teacher!

Later, Shen Qingwen and Shen Qingxue analyzed the matter privately, I am afraid it was Lin Nan who controlled everything behind!

Otherwise, I can't think of anyone else who will do this!

The two came from a hidden family, although they are not the core, they are just relatives!

But for the world of martial artists, they know very well what it means to be a martial arts master, they know nothing more!

However, such a powerful person was slapped to death by the old man!

Until now, the hidden Shen family did not dare to trouble the Shen family in Sichuan city. The problems on the way, Shen Qingwen estimated, were also secretly solved by Lin Nan!

Thinking of this in her mind, Shen Qingwen's expression changed for a while!

"What else do you know? Since the last time you went back to Shuzhong, the whole person seemed to have changed. You won't answer if you ask!" Yang Huaian frowned, feeling the abnormality of his wife.

"It's nothing!"

Shen Qingwen shook her head slightly, she didn't tell her husband about the things from the hidden Shen family!

"Anyway, just believe me! This Lin Nan has a not simple origin, otherwise, do you think he can mobilize the rich and powerful in Lanzhou, Haizhou, and Jiangnan?"

"Wu Changlin has some real power in his hands, but our family doesn't need to flatter him like this!"

"Huh! Besides, Wu Changlin's age is obviously younger than you, but he always shows an air of superiority. So are you. Why do you always bow to your knees? A good man. Isn't it good for a man to stand up straight?"

Shen Qingwen snorted and looked back at her husband who was driving!


Yang Huaian sighed and said helplessly: "I can't help myself! Let's talk about this matter, eat first!"

After talking, the car has entered the parking lot of the Shangri-La Hotel. After everyone parked the car, they slowly walked into the hotel!

At the dinner table, Yang Huaian had been absent-minded, but Liu Ruqing and Yang Xueqi were talking and laughing!

Just after eating for a while, Yang Xueqi suggested, "Ruqing, let's go to the garden behind to play. There have been a few sika deer recently raised there. It's beautiful!"

"Really?" Liu Ruqing was also a little surprised.

"Of course it's true!" Yang Xueqi pursed her lips, pulled Liu Ruqing, and then left the dining table and ran towards the back garden!

"Lin Nan, come on!"

Looking at Liu Ruqing's beautiful shadow, disappearing into the door of the box, her voice came from outside!

"You really can't help it, it's only half of the meal!"

Lin Nan shook his head, a trace of petting flashes in his eyes, got up and ran after him!

"I also go out to get some breath!"

Yang Huaian also stood up and walked out of the box, ready to go to the bathroom to smoke a cigarette. As soon as he reached the door of the bathroom, he met Wu Changlin and came out of the bathroom!

"Brother Wu!"

The moment Yang Huaian saw Wu Changlin, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes!

When the two were in contact before, they were commensurate with brothers. After this happened today!

Yang Huaian also lowered his face and called Wu Changlin, who was younger than him, to give a big brother!

"Oh, it's Brother Yang! What's the matter, I'm here to entertain the'Mr. Lin' in your house!"

Wu Changlin said without a smile.

While talking, he bit the word'Mr. Lin' very hard!

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Yang Huaian's face!

"Brother Wu, where are you? You left in a hurry, I haven't had time to explain!"

"Haha! Okay, I don't blame you for being the eldest brother, but today, an important person has really arrived in the hotel!" Wu Changlin smiled, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

In his mind, he already had an idea!

"Oh? Brother Wu, what important person?"

"Mr. Lin from the south of the Yangtze River must be bigger than yours! Yanjing Qi family, do you know?" Wu Changlin gave Yang Huaian a faint glance.

"Yenching Qi family?"

Yang Huaian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately nodded solemnly, and said solemnly: "Although the Qi family is known as one of the four major families of Yanjing! But its industry is not limited to Yanjing, but in the northern coastal area. Several trading ports do shipping business through ocean shipping!"

"More importantly, Qi Junliang, the elder of the Qi family, has accumulated countless prestige in the business world in his early years. Although he is now retreating from the rapids and taking care of the elderly at home, no one can handle it!

"Some wealthy people from other provinces go to Yanjing, they will inevitably have to visit this old man in private!"

"What's the matter? Is it the Qi family?"

After he finished speaking, Yang Huaian's eyes flashed with a thick light!

"Hehe! You will come with me to the venue later, you will know when you go!" Wu Changlin smiled.

Soon, Wu Changlin took Yang Huaian to the banquet!

A man who looks rebellious and dressed in casual clothes sits in the chief crowd!

Around him, other rich and powerful men, uniformed suits and shoes, dressed formally, only this young man in casual clothes seemed incompatible with the others!

This person is one of the four princes of Yanjing-Qi Yunhui!

Qi Yunhui himself, doesn't like being tied up, and loves video games. He has personally formed several e-sports teams, and he has rankings at home and abroad!

"Brother Yang, that is the prince, you go toast a glass of wine!"

Wu Changlin patted Yang Huaian on the shoulder.

"Good! Good!"

Yang Huaian was so excited that he poured a glass of wine and walked in Qi Yunhui's direction!

"Idiot! A big man like Shao Qi, you used to toast and he drank it?"

The corner of Wu Changlin's mouth showed a thick sneer!

"But well! I have a way to make Qi less drink you a glass of wine!"

Wu Changlin smiled profoundly, then winked at a middle-aged man not far away!

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, indicating that he knew it!

When Yang Huaian passed by him and approached Qi Yunhui, the middle-aged man stretched out a foot and gently hooked Yang Huaian!

Yang Huaian's body staggered forward, and the full glass of wine in his hand splashed onto Qi Yunhui's head in an instant!

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