There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 57: This is magic!

   When Mu Wanqing took Liu Ruqing to the auditorium of Tianhai University, he realized that it was already full of people, not only professors from all over the country, but also a large number of foreigners.

The students of    Tianhai University occupy only a small part, and they are all top students in the biology department!

On the podium in front, stood a white old man with gray hair and seemed to be at least seventy years old. He spoke very slowly. He even stopped when he saw Mu Wanqing and Liu Ruqing enter the auditorium. Nodded slightly at Mu Wanqing.

   Muwan nodded in response, took Liu Ruqing's hand, came to the front of the auditorium and sat down.

   "This is Dr. Modern. I study life sciences in a national investment laboratory in the United States!" Mu Wanqing introduced that as a protégé of Dr. Modern, she is highly regarded.

   "Life Science?" Liu Ruqing thoughtfully.

   She studies finance, and she has very limited knowledge of life sciences, but she also knows that this will be of great help to the future of medical care!

   Just when Liu Ruqing questioned, Dr. Modern on the stage was already slowly explaining. His speech speed was not very fast, but everyone present was listening with their ears up, for fear of missing places.

   "In our research room, we discovered the key to the human genetic code. Once this code is solved, the life span of human beings may be extended to one hundred and fifty years, or even two hundred years!" Dr. Modern said.

   The people below listened to this, all holding their breath, their eyes were fiery, and with the explanation of the various pictures and videos on the slide, everyone was even more excited.

   "Dr. Modern, is what you said is true? Humans can live for two hundred years?" a student asked excitedly.

Dr. Modern nodded slightly, scanned the surroundings, and smiled faintly: "Of course, our laboratory has only solved a corner of the genetic code, and reached these conclusions, but I think the upper limit of human life is far more than two. In a hundred years, it may be possible to break through the limit and achieve the effect of immortality!"

   "Living forever!"

   Hearing this kind of remarks, there was a sensation in the auditorium. Everyone talked about it, and they were all shocked.

   "Huh, Dr. Modern, is there any evidence for your remarks?" In front of the auditorium, a man who appeared to be about 60 years old snorted coldly.

"Yes, just based on a video and dozens of pictures, it is said that the genetic code has been cracked. If it is really so powerful, will this year's Nobel Prize in Biology be awarded to you?" Another white man, the same Sneered and shook his head.

   People were startled, looking at these two people, they were curious, with Dr. Modern’s status in the biological world, who would dare to refute his views in public?

   When everyone saw the two who had spoken, they all closed their mouths.

   "It's Michel and Dr. Aslant..."

   "They are all the masters of the biological world, we still don't just want to interrupt...The battle between the big players in this field, we are not qualified to be beaked!" Someone whispered.

  Modern, Michel, and Aslant, all of them have long talks in various biological forums around the world. Their academic status is almost the same, but none of them agree with each other, which led to the occurrence of a three-legged situation in the biological world.

   "Hehe, Michelle and Aslant, I know you don't agree with me, and I came to China this time to study the immortality in China's legends!" Dr. Modern smiled gently.

   "Living forever? It's just people's imagination, you take it seriously!" Michelle shook his head.

   "I don't think so. My research shows that immortality is possible!" Dr. Modern looked calm.

   "The mouth is unproven, you have to show evidence to prove your statement!" Aslant said solemnly.

   Everyone listened to the three people's debate, but the atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath, they all listened quietly.

   You need to know that the debate between the three heroes is not always possible. Such a scene is rare in ten years!

   "What if I have evidence?"

   Dr. Modern glanced at everyone present, his eyes full of pride.

   At this moment, a staff member of the modern doctor's studio brought up a dead bonsai. This is a peony flower, which has long been decayed.

   "Doctor Modern, what do you mean? Can this bonsai prove your academics?" Michelle sneered.

   Dr. Modern was not irritated, but smiled faintly, and took out a test tube. At the bottom of that test tube, a faint crystal clear liquid was stored.

   "The time to witness the miracle has arrived!" Dr. Modern smiled proudly.

   He opened the test tube, and everyone only felt a majestic vitality, rushing to their faces, and people couldn't help but lift their spirits.

   "Tick to tick!"

   The liquid in the test tube slowly dripped onto the dead peony, and everyone was staring at the peony!

one second……

   Two seconds...

   ten seconds...

   Everyone held their breath and waited quietly.

   "There has been a change!"

   Suddenly, someone shouted. At this moment, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and an incredible scene appeared.

That withered peony actually took out a young shoot, and then it grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, almost in just a few breaths, that withered peony, already glowing with newness, s life.

   And this is not over yet, on the verdant branches of peony, young and tender leaves are quickly born, and then one after another flower buds bloom, and finally several peony flowers like the scorching sun bloom!


   Seeing this scene, the sound of air-conditioning was heard everywhere in the auditorium.

   "This... this... how is this possible!" Dr. Michelle stood up from the chair suddenly, with surprised expressions in his eyes.

   "Turn decay into magic! This is simply a miracle of life!" Dr. Aslant sighed.

  His face flushed, and then faded again. I am afraid that starting from today, the three-legged situation in the biological world will be gone forever. The entire biological world will only be left with the voice of Dr. Modern!

   "This is not magic, right?"

   Liu Ruqing suddenly asked, because Lin Nan said he was a magician, Liu Ruqing thought of this.

   The entire auditorium suddenly fell silent, everyone glared at Liu Ruqing, eyes full of anger!

   "Are you joking?" A young man stood up excitedly and yelled at Liu Ruqing.

   "In front of so many people, Dr. Modern would use magic to deceive everyone? This is a miracle in the history of biology! If you don't understand, don't say anything!"

   "Don't take ignorance as funny?"

   People shook their heads and looked at Liu Ruqing with disappointed expressions. This woman is very beautiful, but she is too ignorant!

   "What are you talking about? Ruqing is not a person in the biological world. I don't know that these things are normal. Why do you ridicule her?" Mu Wanqing stood up and glared at the group of people who scolded Liu Ruqing.

   "Huh, can ignorance become pride in this age?" The young man sneered.

   "She was right, this is magic, why do you have any opinions?"

   A faint voice came, like thunder, falling in everyone's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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