There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 565: hiss! Twenty-year-old martial arts master!

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound source!

I saw Lin Nan standing with his hands held in hand, standing there with cold eyes in his eyes!

"It's you?"

Zhou Yi's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth opened slightly, and he looked at Lin Nan in surprise!

His expression is so wonderful. Just now I realized that Lin Nan had the appearance of the emperor. Now Lin Nan has taken a decisive move and gave him a surprise. How could Zhou Yi not be surprised?

"Lin Nan?"

Zhou Rui was also horrified and looked at Lin Nan!

The huge movement at the scene caused everyone present to gather and talk!

"what happened?"

"I don't know!"

Many warriors passing by stopped and shook their heads slightly!

"Just now, this young man, because he interrupted, said a few words, another young man suddenly started...!"

An insider, who witnessed the ins and outs of the whole incident, stood up and explained in a low voice!

"That's it!"

The people nearby suddenly realized and nodded!


"Wait, the sign of iris, is this... from the Sun family in Qianxi Province?"

After seeing the group of people in front of them with the ‘iris flower’ sign on their bodies, many martial arts practitioners were shocked and their pupils shrank slightly!

In the Sun Family of Qianxi Province, a god, three martial arts masters are in charge! It is said that one of the masters has broken through the realm of masters and stepped into the realm of gods!

If the rumors are true, I am afraid that there are already two gods in the Sun Family of Qianxi Province!

"Humph! At a young age, I dare to offend the majesty of my Sun family. I will teach you a lesson for your parents!"

The half-step grandmaster of the Sun family gave a cold snort, and then he stepped out one step at a time, driving a strong wind towards Lin Nan!


Lin Nan didn't move, but stretched out a big hand, slapped it at the Sun family's half-step grandmaster!


The ground of the whole town is made up of bluestone floors, and it can't help but tremble slightly at this moment!


The half-step grandmaster of the Sun family, like a toad, lay on the ground, coughing up blood, and completely lost his combat effectiveness!

Around him, the large bluestone slabs were all cracked inch by inch!

Lin Nan's slap directly smashed his meridians. Although he did not kill him, he could no longer use force in this life!


The half-step grandmaster of the Sun family raised his head in horror and stared at Lin Nan: "Are you a grandmaster? Impossible, in the entire Huaxia, there is no such young grandmaster as you!"



"How is it possible! He looks so young, how could he be a martial arts master!"

Hearing this, the audience was shocked!

Everyone looked at Lin Nan like a monster!

"This young man, what is he who is not a grandmaster? The old man of the Sun family is a half-step grandmaster himself, only one step away from the martial arts grandmaster. Like him, he was severely injured by a slap in the face. It may be the master!" A middle-aged man looked at Lin Nan's profile with dread.

"I still can't believe it!"

"Looking at him, he is too young! I am afraid he is only about twenty years old!"

"Hi! Twenty-year-old martial arts master!"

Many other warriors, their expressions all changed, couldn't help but take a long breath!

Many people have already recognized the strength of Lin Nan Budo Master!

A grandmaster of about twenty years old is already shocking enough. As for the divine realm above the grandmaster, no one has thought about it!

"Although your Excellency is a grandmaster, but you insult my Sun family like this, don't you fear that the grandmaster of my Sun family will come to take revenge?

The half-step grandmaster of the Sun family raised his head with difficulty and looked at Lin Nan!

"If you dare, just come!"

Lin Nan lightly glanced at Sun's Half-Step Grandmaster!

The people around were shocked and looked at Lin Nan in astonishment!

"What a great spirit!"

"What's the background of this young man? Not even afraid of the gods?" An old man was speechless.

But at this time, Lin Nan and the others have been walking along the bluestone road in Nanling Town all the way forward!

Now, Zhou Yi, Zhou Rui and other children of the Zhou family, looking at Lin Nan's eyes, have completely changed!

At the beginning, when entering the town, a few people dared to lead the way, with their heads high!

Now, everyone has shrunk to Lin Nan's back, daring not to take a step beyond him, and their shoulders are still half short out of thin air. They bowed slightly to Lin Nan, and their expressions became very respectful!

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you all?" Yang Xueqi asked strangely.

She is not from the martial arts world, so she doesn't know what a martial arts master means!

"Senior Lin is a grandmaster, and as a junior, I will naturally wait on the sidelines!" Zhou Yi said respectfully.

"My fifth brother is right! Great masters, no matter where they are, they should be respected!"

Zhou Rui also nodded lightly and continued:

"Just now, although Senior Lin abolished the Sun family, according to the rules of the martial arts world, they interrupted casually and interrupted the martial arts master!"

"Senior Lin is qualified to kill two people on the spot! Even after the matter is over, the Sun Family in Qianxi Province wants revenge, it is not reasonable to say!"

In the martial arts world, strength is respected!

The dignity of the strong is extremely important!

The realm of the master is a watershed. Below the master, all are ants!

Moreover, if you are ranked as a master of martial arts, you can already start a sect, how can dignity be insulted by ordinary people?

Now, the status of Lin Nan's martial arts master has been confirmed. If he is from the Sun family in Qianxi Province, if he comes to Lin Nan's trouble again, it is equivalent to breaking the rules of the martial arts world!

For a young man, plus a half-step master, and become the target of the entire martial arts world, the Sun family is not so stupid!

Yang Xueqi looked dumbfounded: "Huh? Can the master of martial arts still ignore the law?"

"The world of the martial arts world is completely different from the world of ordinary people! It belongs to the underground world. As long as there is no too much noise, the police will not take care of the affairs of the martial arts world!" Zhou Rui shook his head gently, seemingly reluctant to say more!

At this moment, Yang Xueqi was completely lost!

On the contrary, it was Liu Ruqing, with beautiful eyes flowing, and there was a sly light flashing deep in the bottom of his eyes!

"Lin Nan, I guess you are from this martial arts world, right?" Liu Ruqing leaned over, pulled La Linnan's sleeve, and asked in a low voice.

"what happened?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile!

"Huh! If you weren't from the martial arts world, these people would treat you so respectfully? Senior Lin, how old are you, aren't you about me? Why do you pretend to look old-fashioned every day!" Liu Ruqing said. He curled his lips and rolled his eyes at Lin Nan!

Lin Nan said amused: "Your husband is much better than these people!"

"What martial arts master, under my hand, a finger is worse!"

"Puff! It sounds like a real thing!"

Liu Ruqing pursed her lips and laughed secretly!

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