There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 573: Unable to conquer, kill on the spot!

"What Mr. Lin from Jiangnan?"

"Who is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan?"

Many warriors are puzzled!

Everyone didn't know who Mr. Lin from Jiangnan was!

After all, although Lin Nan's reputation is prominent in Jiangnan, in the martial arts world, Jiangnan is only a small area!

Compared with the mountains and rivers of Huaxia, Jiangnan is just a corner!

It's just a snake in the south of the Yangtze River, and it really doesn't exist yet, so this group of warriors take it to heart!

Therefore, they don't know who is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!

Only some of the rich people present, their expressions condensed slightly. They had heard of Lin Nan's reputation, but they had never seen him himself!

‘How could it be him? ’

Ji Haifeng thought with some doubts in his heart.

As the first family in Dongdu, his Ji family also knows something about Jiangnan!

The power of the richest man in Lanzhou, Haizhou, and Jiangnan is not much lower than that of the Ji family in Dongdu!

Countless pairs of eyes are fixed on the face of this little rich man!

"Tell me, what is going on with Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

A martial arts master said in a deep voice, he is a master of the Baguazhang line of Xijiang, looks like an immortal, like a master of Taoism!

Facing the problem of the master, the little rich man naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly explained:

"Mr. Lin from Jiangnan has a mysterious origin! No one knows where he came from!"

"A few months ago, he suddenly appeared in Jiangnan City and triggered a series of things..."

"The richest men in Lanzhou, Haizhou, and Jiangnan are all here..."

"At the Liu family's family banquet... the rich people all call that young man, Mr. Lin!"

The little rich man explained, telling what Lin Nan had done in Jiangnan City one to five to ten!

The warriors present listened, and their brows were tightly twisted together!

Patriarch of the top ten families, his face is weird!

Guo Yunchen asked in amazement: "Why is such a powerful person willing to be a little ground snake in Jiangnan City?"

"Yes! If he is willing, the entire Chinese martial arts world has his foothold! But he is willing to stay in Jiangnan and do what Mr. Lin!" A young woman in her forties also asked strangely.

How can they understand Lin Nan's thoughts?

For Liu Ruqing, he is not even willing to do it for the Emperor of Heaven, otherwise, how could the Emperor of Heaven be dignified on a small planet and be an ordinary person?

"In any case, we must check this person's information!" an old man said.

"However, don't be stunned for the time being, if any senior expert does not want me to disturb him, wouldn't it offend him?" Another middle-aged man hesitated!

"It can only be so!"

The heads of the other big families all nodded!


at this time.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing had already left Nanling Town, and Yang Xueqi hurried out after following them!

"You are going too fast, right?"

Yang Xueqi ran out of breath!

"Are we going fast?"

Liu Ruqing turned her head and looked at Yang Xueqi strangely!

In her eyes, standing with Lin Nan was just walking normally. In fact, under Lin Nan's supernatural powers, the two appeared almost ten meters away in one step!

If it wasn't for the fear of Liu Ruqing not to shock the world, Lin Nan only needs a thought to return directly to the city from Nanling Town!

"Not fast? If I hadn't stopped you, you would have run away long ago!"

Yang Xueqi's pretty face was full of helplessness!

"By the way, Lin Nan, are you a master in the martial arts world? I just saw that the man named Yu Qinlong is so powerful that he can fly in the sky with light skills. You slapped him in the air. defeated!"

"What martial arts are you studying?"

"Nine Suns True Scripture? Or is the universe moving? Or is it simply the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon?"

Yang Xueqi asked excitedly, filled with doubts!

Lin Nan didn't bother to answer her at all, with a faint smile on her face, smiling silently!

"Well, Xueqi! Lin Nan doesn't want to say, just forget it, what do you want to know so much for?" Liu Ruqing said.

"Forget it, it's mysterious!"

Seeing Liu Ruqing saying this, Yang Xueqi couldn't help it. After making a lot of words, the three of them headed towards the city center!


At night, Liu Ruqing and Yang Xueqi slept in the same room, while Lin Nan was arranged in the guest room!

At night, the entire Jinling City became silent!

Within the range of the villa area where the Yang family is located, a figure suddenly appeared, coming from far and near, toward the villa of the Yang family!

If you look closely, you will surely find that this person is walking in the air, surpassing the shackles of gravity, flying in the air with his toes more than ten meters above the ground!

This figure stopped when approaching the Yang family villa, stood there respectfully, and then knelt to the ground!

"Lin Canghai, knock on the master!"

A loud voice came, but the entire Yang family villa was silent, and everyone was asleep!

Liu Ruqing and Yang Xueqi, and Shen Qingwen accompany Yang Huaian in the hospital, so there are only Lin Nan and others at home!

In a certain room, Lin Nan sat cross-legged on the sofa!

"What's the matter?"

He didn't come forward, but his voice came from inside the villa!

After hearing Lin Nan's voice, Lin Canghai shuddered and bowed his head:

"Master! Recently, the underground world is not peaceful again. Someone is searching for your information-Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

"Even, the incident of the Wa country was stabbed out. Someone was bowed to you by the Emperor of Japan! Now many forces are very interested in you and have sent someone to spy on you!"

Lin Canghai knelt outside the courtyard of the Yang family's villa and reported in a deep voice!

"The two major consortiums of the Japanese country, the Japanese country, Canada, and the United States, have also sent people to enter China to find your information and traces!

You see? "

After saying this, Lin Canghai knelt there, waiting for Lin Nan's order!

"This time, I just want Ruqing to live a good life, and don't want her to be interfered or disturbed by anyone!"

"These people, if they don't interfere with Ruqing, don't care! Dare to interfere with Ruqing and kill you without mercy!"

Lin Nan's voice came, indifferent and unforgiving, no one could doubt it!

"Yes! Master!"

Lin Canghai replied.

"Today in Nanling Town, those people from the martial arts world will definitely check my identity!"

"You and Leng Yan, let's run! Rectify the entire Huaguo martial arts world. If you can conquer, you can conquer. If you can't conquer, you will kill on the spot!" Lin Nan sat on the sofa in the living room and ordered.

If he is in front of Liu Ruqing, in order to take care of Liu Ruqing's feelings, he does not need to kill anyone!

But at this moment, Lin Nan is the emperor of all living beings, life and death are all within his thoughts! Who dares to disobey him?


Lin Canghai bowed to Lin Nan deeply, then got up and disappeared into the night!

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