There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 577: you are wrong!

Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, and Yang Xueqi arrived, and Yang Mi immediately greeted him!

That day, in the Shangri-La Hotel, what happened to Yang Mi is vivid!

Even Qi Yunhui, one of the four great princes of Yanjing, respected Lin Nan, plus the rumors from Yanjing's side, the Ye family's attitude towards Lin Nan was ambiguous!

Yang Mi wanted to take advantage of her opportunity in Jinling to curry favor with Lin Nan!

"Mr. Lin, I am really happy that you are here, Mr. Lin!"

Yang Mi greeted with a smile, a mature charm, rushing to her face, amorous feelings!


Lin Nan nodded lightly, the amplitude was almost invisible!

On the side, Yang Xueqi was extremely excited and said: "Yang Mi? Are you really Yang Mi? Oh my God, I actually saw a real person!"

Last time, at the Shangri-La Hotel, Yang Xueqi’s father, Yang Huaian, had his legs broken!

Therefore, she has no thoughts at all to pay attention to Yang Mi!

But today is different. I came to the party with enthusiasm and saw Yang Mi herself. How could Yang Xueqi not be excited?

"It's me! Are you Mr. Lin's friend?"

Yang Mi smiled and nodded. If she was an ordinary person, she didn't need such an attitude at all!

However, Yang Xueqi came with Lin Nan and increased her weight out of thin air!

"Haha, he is my cousin's fiancé, if you are considered seniority, hehe, I'm still his cousin!" Yang Xueqi raised her pretty face proudly.

Hearing this, Yang Mi's attitude became more enthusiastic!

She even took the initiative to step forward, holding Yang Xueqi's arm, pursing her lips and smiling: "It turns out to be Mr. Lin's cousin, I don't know your name?"

"My name is Yang Xueqi!"

Yang Xueqi felt flattered by Yang Mi's arms!

"Yang Xueqi? Good name, how old are you? If you don't mind, just call me Sister Mi, I call you Sister Xueqi, how about?" Yang Mi suggested with blinking eyes.

She did not dare to be too presumptuous and close to Liu Ruqing, but there was no problem with Yang Xueqi!

As long as he can get close to Lin Nan and arouse Lin Nan's favor, Yang Mi believes that everything is worth it!

If she can stand next to the towering tree Lin Nan, will she walk sideways in the entire Chinese entertainment industry in the future?

You know, even Prince Qi Yunhui is so respectful to Lin Nan!

Yanjing Ye's family worshipped Lin Nan as a guest of honor, and Ye Fengyun even ordered him to see Lin Nan as he himself!

Based on this sentence, Lin Nan's weight is inestimable!

Because of Lin Nan's presence, Han Tianchen was left aside, and Yang Mi completely ignored him!

"Shao Han, Yang Mi is too much!"

"Yes, who is this young man? It's worth Yang Mi's initiative to put Han Shao aside?"

The young people who followed Han Tianchen's side were speaking in a gloomy way!

Han Tianchen stood there, a trace of coldness flashed deep in his eyes, he came to Yang Mi's banquet, naturally, he came for Yang Mi!

But at this moment, the host of the banquet left him, the number one young man in Tianhai City, aside, and entertained other guests in front of him?

‘Boy, no matter who you are, there is only one dead end if you dare to touch the woman I like! ’


Han Tianchen snorted coldly, he strode and walked over!

"Ms. Yang, who are these?"

Han Tianchen's indifferent voice came!

At the same time, his gaze, which looked like a smile but not a smile, crossed Lin Nan's face, revealing the murderous intent in the depths of his eyes!

How can he not see that Yang Mi is so passionate because of the man in front of him!

"Are you intent on killing me?"

Lin Nan frowned!

As soon as Lin Nan's voice was uttered, everyone present was shocked, and Han Tianchen's gaze was even more uncertain!

No matter how much he had a city mansion, he never expected that Lin Nan would say this directly!

"Hehe, my friend, what do you mean by that?"

Although he was a little shocked in his heart, he calmed down quickly!

As Han Tianchen, he has also heard that some capable people and strangers can feel the killing intent of the enemy!

Just now, Han Tianchen's heart did reveal murderous intent, so Lin Nan felt the killing intent, and Han Tianchen was relieved!

"I only met you for the first time, and I have no grievances against you, so why would I have murderous intentions against you?" Han Tianchen shook his head gently, with a hint of joking at the corner of his mouth!

"Don't look at your identity! What identity is Shao Han?"

A young man behind Han Tianchen stood up!

He wears gold-wire glasses and a top-notch hand-made suit. At first glance, he is the elite of the society!

Who can follow Han Tianchen, who is not a human being?

Therefore, at the moment Han Tianchen spoke, several people understood Han Tianchen's thoughts and stood up to help!

"Only by you, does Young Master Han need to show murderous intent to you?"

"You have persecution delusions? The first time Han Shao saw you, he wanted to kill you? You take yourself too seriously!"

"Fortunately, this is the mainland. Otherwise, if you are on Hong Kong Island, based on your words, Shao Han can sue you for libel!"

"Master Han has a lot of them, so I don't care about him!"

These young people all shook their heads funny!

Among them are lawyers and orators. They are very eloquent. After a few words, no matter the reason is occupied!

If they are ordinary people, they will definitely be speechless when asked, but they are not facing ordinary people!

But-Lin Nan!


There was a crisp sound, and the man standing in the forefront with golden glasses, his whole person was like a top, and he flew out directly!


After a muffled body, the man with golden silk glasses fell heavily on the ground, his face on the ground!

The customized glasses on his face, made of space metal, worth more than 100,000 US dollars, were deformed and completely damaged at the moment!

"How do you fight..."

The other young people have not finished their words!

"Boom boom!"

A series of noises came, and in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Lin Nan continued to kick his feet, kicking all these speakers away!

After knocking over several banquet tables in the air, he lay on the ground and rolled in embarrassment!


The guests present looked at each other and were speechless in shock!

"Mr. Lin?"

Yang Mi was also shocked, but Lin Nan did not expect Lin Nan to do it, without any signs!

"What do you have, you can come to me and do something with them, what kind of ability?"

Han Tianchen's face suddenly sank!

"you are wrong!"

"I beat him because he violated my majesty!"

Lin Nan glanced at Han Tianchen lightly!

"Now, it's your turn!"

"Oh? You still have to do it to me?"

Han Tianchen's face was full of incredible expressions. After a brief surprise, he amused: "I want to see, what do you want to do to me?"

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