There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 581: grandfather? Why are you — kneel down?

"What? Master, what are you—?"

Hearing Han Zhongyan's words, the old butler was startled, and said in surprise: "What did you say on the phone? Why are you..."

If it is an ordinary housekeeper, he would not dare to ask the head of the household like this!

But Han Zhongyan's housekeeper was his partner since he was a kid. He had studied in a private school and was also a friend and servant!

"What the hell! You have worked so hard for the Han family for decades, but this time, our Han family may be really in trouble!"

Han Zhongyan sighed, unwilling to say more.

"Master, what's the matter?"

The old housekeeper was a little anxious.

"You don't have to ask any more, call everyone immediately, get ready for the helicopter, and we will rush to Jinling City at the fastest speed!"

Han Zhongyan said, raising his muddy eyes and looking at the scenery outside the window!

Through the quaint Han family courtyard, you can see towering skyscrapers in the distance. At a glance, it looks like a world away!

"An hour, not much time!"

Seeing Han Zhongyan behaved like this, the old butler did not dare to neglect for a moment, and hurriedly retreated!

When the old butler left, Han Zhongyan's voice came faintly:

"Brother Xiao, will you come with me?"

Han Zhongyan looked back at Xiao Ruyuan, with a hint of hope in his old eyes!

"No no no!"

Xiao Ruyuan shook his head quickly, a head like a rattle, and said:

"Mr. Lin said that he didn't want to see anyone in the martial arts world, so just one day before, all the martial artists in the whole Jiangnan City had retired!"

"If I go with you and anger Mr. Lin, do I still want this life?"

Lin Nan had already ordered that all warriors were not allowed to appear in front of him!

How dare Xiao Ruyuan disobey him?


At the moment, Jinling City, inside the Shangri-La Hotel!

Lin Nan sat on the sofa in the venue, and no one of the rich and powerful people around dared to sit down!

Everyone stood there dryly, talking in a low voice!

"It's been more than half an hour, do you think Han people will really come?"

A rich man with a fat body and a jade finger at his fingertips asked in a low voice.

"Master Hong, it's hard to say, one is from the Han family in Tianhai City, and the other is Mr. Lin from Jiangnan! This is a battle between the dragon and the tiger, we people, let's watch it!" Another rich man next to him , Chuckled!

Master Hong's eyes flickered, and he whispered: "My eyelids are always jumping, and it feels very bad!"

"Oh? Hong Ye, what do you say?"

The rich man was taken aback!

Hong Ye shook his head, glanced at Lin Nan, and said in a deep voice: "Calm! It's so calm!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Mr. Lin, look at him. Although he was waiting for the Han family to come, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he sat there!" Hong Ye's gaze fell on Lin Nan's face and he did not move away!

"You know, with the status of the Han family, Mr. Lin's words are almost declaring war with the Han family!"

"However, he neither called for support nor showed any anxiety!"

"Tell me, where does he come from?"

After Hong Ye said this, he looked at Lin Nan and became even more puzzled!

After thinking about it, Lord Hong continued: "He made me...think of someone!"


The rich man next to him subconsciously asked!

"Zhuge Kongming--!"

Hong Ye answered without hesitation!

Hearing this, the rich man next to him shook slightly!

"This person's performance gives me a feeling of strategizing, as if everything that happens later is under his control!"

"The average person is either extremely self-confident or extremely conceited! I feel that this child belongs to the former!"

"Let's watch it, I always feel that there will be a good show in a while!"

After Hong Ye said these words, he closed his mouth and stopped talking!

On the other side, Han Tianchen was still lying on the ground, no one dared to support him!

The severe pain distorted Han Tianchen's face. He wanted to faint to death, but found that he could not do it!

The severe pain in the limbs passed into his mind through the nerves!

At this time, Han Tianchen was soaked with sweat!

He lay there, raised his head and stared at Lin Nan, the spiteful color in his eyes, without the slightest concealment!

"Ho ho!"

Suddenly, Han Tianchen laughed!

"Lin Nan——!"

"Mr. Lin, you are so courageous! When someone from my Han family comes, you will know what it means to be unprovoked!"

"You abolish my limbs, my Han family will not let you go! Jiangnan is nothing but a small place, your whole Jiangnan, prepare to bear the anger of my Han family!"

Han Tianchen's eyes were full of madness!

"Oh? I would like to see, what is your anger in the Han family!"

Lin Nan glanced at Han Tianchen lightly, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth!

Suddenly, Lin Nan's words changed and said: "The person you expected is here!"

"Da da da!"

There was a rush of footsteps, and a man in a suit walked into the party!

He saw the guests around, all standing there, and he couldn't help but be surprised!

"Sister Mi, more than 20 helicopters came outside, claiming to be from the Han family, and one of them was an old man who said he was Han Zhongyan!"

The man's voice echoed throughout the hall!

The scene of the whole hall is quiet!

"What? Han Zhongyan? Isn't this the old man of the Han family in Tianhai City? He really came?"

Countless tycoons, when they heard this sentence, their hearts moved!

Han Zhongyan is famous, as long as he is in a few cities and counties near Tianhai City, no one knows, no one knows?

"Hahaha! My grandpa is here, my grandpa is here!"

"You are dead, you are all dead!"

Han Tianchen looked up to the sky unscrupulously and laughed!

At this moment, a large group of people filed in and entered the venue, all eyes gathered in the past!

The headed person is the old man of the Han family-Han Zhongyan!

He had just entered the venue, his eyes swept across the crowd, and he found Lin Nan's position!

In the whole scene, everyone was standing there, only Lin Nan and others, sitting on the sofa, knew it at a glance!

"Mr. Lin, Han Zhongyan-I am here to make amends for you!"

Han Zhongyan made three steps and two steps before he came to Lin Nan, and then fell to his knees!



All the high-ranking members of the Han family stepped forward and knelt to the ground together!

Dozens of high-ranking Hans, where are they all, low-headed, only a large forehead can be seen!

"Mr. Lin, the Han family-come to pay you!"


Seeing this scene, everyone stiffened in place, their pupils shrank suddenly!

"Grandpa? Why are you—kneeling?" Han Tianchen's shocked eyes came out, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief!

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