There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 592: Do you think this is funny?

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing walked side by side into the venue! Did not attract the attention of these rich people!

"Ruqing, you are here!"

Qin Haoxuan walked up with a smile, and said, "It happens that we are discussing financial topics in our circle, so come together!"

"Lin Nan?"

Liu Ruqing looked back, looking forward to Lin Nan!


Lin Nan carried his hands on his back, showing a petting smile!

Although he spoiled Liu Ruqing, he didn't regard him as a canary in a cage, and was firmly in his palm!

But let Liu Ruqing fly in the sky!

This kind of opportunity to communicate with peers is for people who all study finance. You can make progress together by interacting with each other!

Since Liu Ruqing wanted to participate, Lin Nan definitely had no intention of stopping!

Seeing Liu Ruqing coming, Qin Haoxuan was very enthusiastic and introduced to the group of young people in front of him!

"This is Wang Ziwen, this is Pan Lili, this is Zhou Mingfei, this is Wu Li!"

Wang Ziwen wears a pair of gold-wire glasses, looks very gentle, and between his gestures, he has an elegant atmosphere!

Pan Lili is dressed **** and hot, with very heavy makeup, she does not look like a young girl of 18 or 9 years old!

Zhou Mingfei and Wu Li both had faint smiles on their faces, and they looked ordinary, but they had a strong sense of confidence between them!

"This is Liu Ruqing, from Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School!"

Qin Haoxuan introduced to both parties.

"Do you also want to apply for the Department of Finance? Before entering the university, have you previewed financial books?"

Wang Ziwen pushed the glasses on his nose, looked at Liu Ruqing, and asked with a serious expression.

Liu Ruqing nodded lightly and said: "I have read "The Secret of Capital", "Currency War", "Gold Trade" and other books, and I have some understanding of the financial world, but I don't know much, so everyone laughs!"

Hearing Liu Ruqing speaking like this, Wang Ziwen's serious expression eased slightly!

He nodded and said: "It's already pretty good. Before you go to university, you can read these books, you can see that you have spent energy!"

"An average girl, but you don't have the patience to do this, you are very good!"

"Hehe, I don't think you, a nerd, would also praise people!"

Pan Lili pursed her lips and chuckled lightly, and she trembled!

Next, Liu Ruqing quickly integrated into the circle to discuss world financial topics with everyone!

Regardless of any topic, Liu Ruqing has her own unique insights. Hearing Qin Haoxuan's eyes flickering, she is more satisfied with Liu Ruqing's eyes!

‘Where do you look for a woman with good temperament, beautiful, elegant, decent, generous, and unhurried while being shy? Qin Haoxuan thought secretly.

He talked eloquently, and after Liu Ruqing said his thoughts, he added a few words, all of them hit the nail on the head and were unique!

As for Lin Nan, who was sitting there quietly, he didn't mean to participate in the discussion at all!

It's just that Lin Nan's face has a faint smile, and his eyes never leave Liu Ruqing!

"Student Lin, do you have any insights?"

Seeing Lin Nan not speaking, Qin Haoxuan's gaze swept his face contemptuously!

Everyone is a student applying for the Department of Finance, and there are financial topics to discuss. How can there be reasons not to participate?

Like Lin Nan, who came to the party but didn't say a word, I am afraid there is only one possibility, and that is to know nothing about financial matters!

"I am not interested in finance!" Lin Nan said lightly.

"Oh I got it!"

Qin Haoxuan smiled profoundly!

"Ha ha!"

Pan Lili and the others sneered, without saying much!

However, everyone looked at Lin Nan with a hint of disdain and contempt!

‘I applied for the Department of Finance, but I said that I’m not interested in finance? This kind of excuse is too bad! ’

‘What's the use of being handsome? Without real talent, no matter how handsome he is, he can't make it to the table! ’

After just over half an hour, everyone ended this small topic!

After the chat, Liu Ruqing sat beside Lin Nan and said, "Sure enough, I still know too little, these people know more than me!"

"We just talked about the topic of world finance and found that no matter what the final result, Wall Street can control the direction of world finance!"

Speaking of this, Liu Ruqing sighed lightly!

"Sure enough, Wall Street is the center of world finance!"

"Haha, if you really like finance, I will buy the whole Wall Street and give it to you?" Lin Nan smiled lightly and said seriously, from his tone of voice, it doesn't seem like a joke at all!

"Puff! Bragging again!"

Liu Ruqing snorted, gave Lin Nan's shoulder, gently hammered twice, and rolled his eyes at him!

Lin Nan is not laughing, if he wants to buy the entire Wall Street, it is just a matter of fingertips!

Even if an order goes on, there is no need for him to execute it!

But Liu Ruqing still didn't know Lin Nan's horror ability, so she thought it was to make her happy, so she said this!

However, this word fell in the ears of Wang Ziwen, Pan Lili and others, but it made the corners of their mouths a little funny!

They know that the opportunity is here!

"Hehe, buy the entire Wall Street, why don't you say to buy the American Capitol? That's cheaper than Wall Street!"

Pan Lili's sneer voice came!


Along with her voice, several young people next to her also burst into laughter!

"The total amount of bank cash, stock transactions, credit card transactions, insurance transactions, capital integration, and cross-border trade transactions on Wall Street each year is impossible to count!"

Wang Ziwen shook his head lightly, but continued:

"Someone once counted the transaction volume of Wall Street in one day, exceeding 20 trillion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to the entire year's gDP in the United States!"

"The accumulated transaction volume in one year is equivalent to the total wealth of all the world, which has flowed more than ten times!"

"If you want to buy Wall Street, even if the assets of the top 100 billionaires on the Forbes list add up, they may not be able to do it!"

When other people heard Wang Ziwen's explanation, they all smiled at each other!

"Student Lin didn't mean that, just for fun, don't take it too seriously!" Qin Haoxuan smiled lightly.

He seemed to relieve Lin Nan, but actually added fuel to the fire!

"Haha, what Lin Nan meant, maybe it was just buying that street!"

Zhou Mingfei laughed loudly, leaning back and forth, tears of laughter were about to come out!

"Buy that street? Wall Street is one-third mile long and only eleven meters wide. In New York City, buying such a large piece of land is estimated to be enough for two to three billion dollars!"

Wu Li said jokingly, his eyes swept across Lin Nan's body, and he snorted!

"In the future, if you work hard, maybe you can do it!"


Upon hearing this, the laughter of the people around became even happier!

"What? Do you think this is funny?" Lin Nan looked at these people calmly!

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