There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 600: Phoenix ribs? Good name!

In the evening, Lin Nan personally cooked in the cafe and made a big table of delicious food for Liu Ruqing!

On the table, the fragrance is overflowing, making people move their index fingers!

Extremely sea’s deep ice big lobster, raw sliced ​​soy-flavored dragon fish fillet, golden steak, phoenix pork ribs, vegetable dishes fried with elixir...

A dinner cooked with fairy rice irrigated with Lingquan fairy milk, plus a large bowl of chicken soup made from Wannian Lingzhi!

The sum total of the entire dinner is astounding!

Knowing that Liu Ruqing likes these delicacies, Lin Nan has been perfecting his little world since these dozens of epochs!

As long as it is a creature that can become a food material, it will be brought into the small world by Lin Nan and domesticated!

In countless years, the entire small world has expanded ten thousand times in total, and it is larger than the entire solar system. There are countless spirit beasts and fairy treasures inside, all of which have become Linnan's pasture, vegetable farm, forest farm, and fishing ground!

All kinds of spirit beasts, fairy beasts, and precious treasures have become Lin Nan's food!

Most of the essence in the food will be eliminated by Lin Nan, otherwise Liu Ruqing's mortal body will be directly exploded by the majestic essence!

"How, how does it taste?"

Lin Nan sat there and asked with a smile, picking a piece of spare ribs and putting it into Liu Ruqing's bowl!

"Lin Nan, you are simply a natural chef! It's so delicious!"

Liu Ruqing was full of praise while eating!

"Where did you buy such a big lobster?"

"And this fish fillet, it's so delicious, it's soft and tender, and melts in your mouth. Isn't this a taste that a Michelin three-star chef can make?"

"The best thing is this rib. I like it so much. What's its name?"

Liu Ruqing pointed to the dishes on the table, talking one by one, the light in her big eyes flickered!

"Hahaha! You really haven't changed. You used to like Phoenix Spare Ribs the most, because you like to eat. The fire phoenix in the small world is almost extinct by you!"

Lin Nan couldn't help but laughed!

He still remembered that it was as if Liu Ruqing liked Phoenix Marrow Spare Ribs very much. During her pregnancy, Lin Nan made them for her almost every day!

Therefore, the fire phoenix in the small world was almost wiped out by her!

Now, in the entire small world, Lin Nan has opened up a fire field, hundreds of millions of fire phoenixes, all being domesticated there, it is impossible to eat them all!

"Phoenix Spare Ribs? Good name!"

"Wait, what do you mean? I have eaten it before?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan happily, her face filled with confusion!

"Nothing, just like to eat!"

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth was a hint of smile!


Since Liu Ruqing was attracted by the food in front of her, she did not pursue Lin Nan's meaning too deeply!

After a supper, Lin Nan cleaned up the dishes and cleaned them personally!

"Let me do it!"

Liu Ruqing walked into the kitchen.

"no need!"

"Hee hee, you made such a delicious dinner, where can you wash the dishes? I'll do it!"

Liu Ruqing covered her mouth and smiled secretly!

"You're a big man, it doesn't matter if you cook, what's the matter of washing the dishes here? It's Mr. Lin, if you let those rich people see it, wouldn't it be too dignified!"

As she said, she pushed Lin Nan's back and pushed him out of the kitchen!

"Okay! I'll wait for you outside!"

Lin Nan stood at the door of the kitchen and smiled dozingly!

After leaving the kitchen, Lin Nan returned to the front hall of the coffee shop!

Leng Yan made a cup of coffee for him and brought it up!

at this time.

Han Zhongyan's car happened to be parked outside the cafe. It was a black Rolls Royce!

After getting out of the car, Han Zhongyan stood outside the cafe and said loudly: "Old servant Han Zhongyan, please see the master!"

"Master, Han Zhongyan, please see you!"

Lin Canghai came over.

"Let him in!"

Lin Nan waved his hand.


Lin Canghai walked out of the cafe, stood there, and said to Han Zhongyan: "The master lets you in!"

"Thanks a lot!"

Han Zhongyan bowed to Lin Canghai, then strode into the coffee shop!

When he saw Lin Nan sitting there, sipping a cup of coffee, he squatted slightly, lowered his shoulders, and whispered: "Master!"

"What's the matter, talk about it!"

Lin Nan glanced at Han Zhongyan and said lightly.

"Master, that's it!"

Han Zhongyan didn't dare to neglect, he directly explained his intentions, and smiled: "The carnival of the world's richest circle once every five years! It will begin soon!"

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the Atlantis will pass by the high seas of the Pacific Ocean. By that time, the rich and powerful people of Asian countries will have many people landing on the cruise ship to participate in the carnival!"

"Atlantis? Carnival?"

Lin Nan raised his head with interest and looked at Han Zhongyan!

Han Zhongyan didn't dare to look directly at Lin Nan, lowered his head and explained, "Yes, master!"

"Atlantis, with a length of 350 meters and a width of 109 meters, is known as the world's largest cruise ship, and its size is comparable to an aircraft carrier!"

"At that time, representatives of the world's major consortia and the heirs of the royal family will board this cruise ship for global sightseeing for half a month!"

"There are various cocktail parties, casinos, ring competitions, auctions, and concerts on the cruise ship. World-class super singers will be invited to come!"

"Master, this trip will definitely make you unforgettable. Are you interested in participating?"

After speaking, Han Zhongyan stepped aside and waited expectantly for Lin Nan's answer!

"Not interested in!"

Lin Nan refused Han Zhongyan without even thinking about it!


A trace of disappointment flashed deep in Han Zhongyan's eyes!

However, he dared not force Lin Nan to leave!

at this time.

Liu Ruqing, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, suddenly received a call!

"Hey, where is Ruqing?"

On the other end of the phone, Ye Qi's voice came!

"It's sister Qi? I'm in Tianhai City, are you okay?"

Liu Ruqing replied crisply.

"Haha, of course something is going on, I am going to take you to have fun!" Ye Qi smiled.

"What are you playing?"

Liu Ruqing asked casually.

"Recently, there is a very large cruise ship passing through the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, called Atlantis. This cruise ship will travel around the world. There is still more than half a month before the trip is over!"

Ye Qi explained with a smile.

"I can tell you that this cruise ship is more luxurious than the Titanic of the year, and it is all world-class rich and famous. All kinds of Hollywood stars will board the ship!"

"I have a few ferry tickets, do you want to see it? If I want, I will pick you up in person tomorrow!"


Liu Ruqing hesitated, thinking about it in her heart!

Seeing Liu Ruqing thinking about it, Ye Qi hurriedly said, "Oh, don't think about it, aren't you interested in finance?"

"This carnival is only held once every five years. World-class rich people will be there. If you meet some seniors in the financial industry, you can increase your horizons! This is a rare opportunity!"

"Okay! But I can't promise you yet, I will ask Lin Nan and call you back!" Liu Ruqing thought for a while, nodded and agreed!

"Okay, I'll wait for your call!"

Ye Qi smiled faintly, hung up the phone, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth!

As long as Liu Ruqing agrees, Lin Nan basically does not need to do work!

Ye Qi had already noticed that as long as Liu Ruqing was willing to go, Lin Nan would not object at all. This was the case of the Japanese country last time, and this time the Atlantis will be the same!

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