There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 61: Lin Nan's fairy tale

   When the mercenaries such as Black Viper arrived in Tianhai City, they immediately disguised as a group of European tourists, searching for news about Ye Cheng.

   In the afternoon, all the news was collected, and the black viper and others were staying in a hotel.

   "Boss, everything has been found out, this is their information!" A white man said, with a cold smile on his mouth.

The black viper shook his long golden hair, read the information in his hand, nodded slightly, and smiled: "Go tonight, let people be prepared. After catching these two people, go out to sea immediately and take them. Back to Europe!"


   That night, after Liu Ruqing washed up and was about to rest, Lin Nan came over with a fairy tale book.

   "Has it started?" Liu Ruqing asked.

   Lin Nan grinned and nodded: "Of course, people say this is prenatal education. Tonight we will tell the story of Snow White!"

   "Okay!" Liu Ruqing smiled, patted the bedside, and asked Lin Nan to come and sit down.

   Lin Nan is also welcome, holding a fairy tale book under the orange light, and began to speak slowly.

   "A long time ago, there lived a Snow White in the castle. Snow White had a stepmother. Her stepmother always asked a magic mirror, a magic mirror, a magic mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in this world?"

   "The magic mirror answered, of course it is Liu Ruqing!"


   Liu Ruqing burst into laughter, the branches trembled, and his eyes were crescent-shaped, "You are not a fairy tale, I remember that the story of Snow White is not told like this!"

   "This is my fairy tale. When our daughter is born, I will tell her stories every day." Lin Nan smiled.

   At this moment, the mercenaries such as the black viper had already arrived outside Lin Nan's coffee shop, secretly preparing to do something, prying open the front door of the coffee shop and preparing to enter the lobby.

   Lin Nan moved his brow lightly, patted Liu Ruqing's head, and smiled: "You go to bed first, I have something else."

   "Well, no, you have to sleep with me!" Liu Ruqing took Lin Nan's hand.

   Lin Nan shrugged helplessly, and said, "I haven't taken a bath yet, do you want me to come and sleep in sweat?"


   Liu Ruqing made an expression of disgust, kicked Lin Nan lightly, and said: "Then you are not going to take a bath? What are you waiting for!"

   "I will go now."

Lin Nan smiled softly, put the fairy tale book in his hand by the bed, and then walked out of the room. Before leaving, he gently raised his hand and laid a layer of barrier outside the room where Liu Ruqing was. Nothing from the outside world could affect Liu Ruqing.

   At this time, Black Viper and others have successfully entered the cafe.

   "Boss, people should have rested!" The white man during the day lowered his voice.

The black viper stood in the dark, hiding half of his body. As a professional killer, he should hide himself in the dark at any time. This is a professional habit. Moonlight falls on the black viper through the window of the cafe. The handsome face of the snake.

   "Don't disturb other people, prepare to do it!" Black Viper said solemnly.

   Suddenly, an indifferent voice came without warning.

   "What do you do? Are you tired of living?"


The complexion of the black viper and the others changed slightly, but after all they were mercenaries and professional assassins, so they weren't too flustered. They scattered in seven or eight minutes and didn't leave. Instead, they took care of the cafe. All exports.

   They have already checked, this cafe has only the exit of the front hall, no back door!

   As long as you guard the front door, with the skills of the black viper and others, even if there are twenty ordinary people in the cafe, it is impossible to escape.

   The lights in the coffee shop lobby suddenly turned on, and only a man was seen standing on the national road between the lobby and the back hall, standing with his hands holding hands, looking ahead coldly.

After seeing Lin Nan's eyes, the black viper couldn't help but fought a cold war. Lin Nan's eyes were colder than the eyes of anyone he had ever seen. The indifference penetrated into his bones, and it didn't seem to be pretending. of!

"It's you!"

   Black Viper was slightly surprised, because Lin Nan was the one they wanted to take away.

   Lin Nan said coldly: "Let's talk about it, who made you here?"

After a brief shock, the black viper was not afraid. He swaggered over a chair, sat down, and said with a faint smile: "Just walk with us and you will know. Mr. Lin, I advise you not to resist. Otherwise, I have a thousand ways that you can't survive or die!"

   Black Viper speaks fluent Chinese. As a killer, it is necessary to be familiar with the languages ​​of various countries.

Since    has been discovered, there is no need to hide.

   Long before they entered this coffee shop, this group of people cut off all the networks of this coffee shop, including cell phone signals, and they were all shielded by special equipment. There was no possibility of someone hiding in the back of the coffee shop and secretly calling the police!

   So the dark complexion is not afraid at all, but calms down.

   What was unexpected by the black viper was that Lin Nan acted directly, and saw that he pointed it out, and shot a brilliant glow, which landed on the white man.


The air in the coffee shop trembled slightly, and the black viper's pupils shrank suddenly. It was horrified to find that the body of the understanding person actually burned, and it turned into a burst of blue smoke in a few breaths. Not even the ashes were left, and they disappeared completely.


   The black viper was shocked, and the panic was extreme, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the other subordinates all inhaled cold air, their bodies trembling slightly.


   Black Viper has only one idea. As a professional killer, he has a keen sense of smell like a snake. He felt the crisis. He didn't hesitate to turn around and rushed directly outside the cafe.

   Black Viper's subordinates are also like sharp arrows from the string, shooting out behind them, much faster than ordinary people!

   Unfortunately, what they met was Lin Nan.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   I only heard a series of crashing sounds. The Black Viper and others hit an air wall and couldn't take a step out of the cafe.

   Seeing this scene, the black viper and others, all face gray and pale, as ugly as if they had eaten flies.

   "The same thing, I never ask the second time!" Lin Nan said sensibly.

The black viper trembled all over, turned his head in horror, swallowed a mouthful of foam, and tremblingly said: "I said! It was Bill who asked us to come... Don't do it... Bill is a member of the European Lohill Consortium As for the side branch, he is in charge of a biological research laboratory. Because he learned that you have an evolution fluid in your hands, I hope I will take you back to Europe...

   In five minutes, the black viper explained everything.

(End of this chapter)

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