There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 604: Do you know who I am? Dare to tell me to go?


Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were still sitting on the sofa on the deck!

The temperature in the northern hemisphere has entered winter, and the sun on the sea is shining down, and the whole body is lazy, coupled with the salty sea breeze, making people linger!

Suddenly, a low voice came:

"You guys, don't let it go!"

Looking up, I saw a yellow man who looked more than 20 years old standing there ten meters away!

He is dressed in a formal suit, looks good, but speaks English very fluently!

His name is Zhao Baofeng and he comes from Malaya!

This time I landed on the Atlantis and tried my best. I finally got acquainted with a few European royal nobles and wanted to curry favor with them!

Not long ago, these nobles of the European royal family said that they were going to be moldy in the cabin, and they hope to get some sun!

Zhao Baofeng volunteered and brought everyone to the deck, and searched around on the deck. Lin Nan and the others sat in the best place, with plenty of sunshine and a great view!

If you can sit here and communicate with these European nobles, Zhao Baofeng believes that today must be a perfect day!

When Zhao Baofeng discovered Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, deep contempt flashed through his eyes!

Who is able to board the Atlantis is not a super-rich who is either rich or expensive and worth a trillion?

With a net worth of only one billion yuan, I am afraid that there is no chance to even look up and speak on this ship!

Of course, there are also some small and wealthy people who are not worth a lot. They don't know how to get the tickets and hope to board the Atlantis!

These little rich men are nothing more than thinking, taking the opportunity to make friends with some powerful people!

In Zhao Baofeng's eyes, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing had such a history!

If you are a real rich man, who would keep a native dog as a pet? Besides, the dresses of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing are too out-of-grade. Although they are not local stalls, they are far from that kind of world famous brand!

Therefore, in Zhao Baofeng's heart, the two have been labelled as ‘inferior’!

Seeing Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing did not answer!

"Why? Can't understand English? Haha!"

The disdain on Zhao Baofeng's face grew stronger, he sneered!

He changed to fluent Chinese and said, "These are aristocrats from Europe. This location is pretty good for sightseeing, so we want it! You can let it go!"

"There are still so many places here, why should we let it?"

Liu Ruqing frowned!

It's not that she doesn't understand English, but that Zhao Baofeng repeats the same sentence twice, which makes people feel very uncomfortable!

"Zhao! Alright? If it doesn't work, we will go back!"

At this moment, behind Zhao Baofeng, a white woman with long red hair and aristocratic atmosphere all over, reminded!

"Miss Daphne, please wait a moment, I'll be fine soon!"

Zhao Baofeng turned his head and showed Dai Funi a brilliant smile!

However, at the moment when he put his head back, Zhao Baofeng's expression became gloomy and said, "You guys, don't you understand human words?"

"These are all nobles from Europe, just rely on you to offend?"

"Now! Right now! Get up! Get out!"

Zhao Baofeng gritted his teeth, his voice was low, with a commanding tone!


The voice falls!

Zhao Baofeng's whole person, like a human-shaped sandbag, flew out with a bang, hit an iron plate in the distance, stopped, and landed heavily on the ground!

"Ah! My leg, my leg is broken!"

Zhao Baofeng lay on the ground, wailing endlessly, holding one of his legs, his face turned into a pig liver color, lying on the ground rolling!

"What! My master is here, do you dare to yell? Suppress your leg and get out of here!"

Lin Canghai stepped out and stood in the forefront, an old face filled with chill!

"Aboard the Atlantis, how dare you do it?"

The face of the European aristocrats brought by Zhao Baofeng changed slightly, a little surprised!

You know, there are absolute rules on the Atlantis. If anyone dares to do it here, the owner of this cruise ship, even if you throw you into the sea to feed the sharks, there will never be any problems!

Because the whole ship is sailing on the high seas!

The laws of any country in the world cannot be controlled here!

"The master and the hostess are resting here, who dares to interrupt the idlers?"

"You guys don't get out of here!"

Lin Canghai said solemnly.

"Do you know who I am? Do you dare to tell me to go?"

A blond youth stood up, his handsome face was full of proud expression!


There was another muffled noise. The fate of the blond young man was worse than Zhao Baofeng!

He turned into a parabola, flew directly out of the deck, smashed through the railings on the deck, and fell on the next floor of the Atlantis. Even if he was not dead, he would be seriously injured!


A group of friends of the blond young man were shocked, they all rushed to the side of the deck and looked down!

I saw George lying on the ground, already unconscious, not knowing his life or death!

"Hehe, something that lives and lives!"

"Does anyone else want to stay?"

Lin Canghai stood in the forefront, glanced at the crowd, his eyes were extremely cold!


The expressions of these young white men and women changed for a while, and anger could erupt from their eyes, staring at Lin Canghai!

Just now.

The movement on the deck also alarmed the patrolmen on the Atlantis. A dozen mercenary-like people all gathered!

"What's the matter? Who is making the trouble?"

The head is a black bald man, he is tall, 1.9 meters!

The tattoos of black scorpions and cobras were pierced between his wrists, and his eyes flickered coldly, and he glanced coldly at Zhao Baofeng who was lying on the ground screaming!

"it's him!"

Several white youths shouted sharply!

"These people beat people for no reason. One of our friends was injured, and George is also unclear!"

"Take them down immediately. George is the eldest son of Earl Wilson. If something happens to him, Earl Wilson will not let you go!"

Daphne stepped forward, her arrogant and pretty face was extremely cold!

The headed black bald man frowned, not because of a few words from Daphne and others, he completely believed it!

"Who are you guys? Now I want to check your ferry tickets, please show your ferry tickets!"

He was going to check the ferry tickets of Lin Nan and others before making a decision!

after all.

Those who are able to board the ship are either rich or expensive, and Lin Nan and others cannot be convicted of guilt based on the words of Daphne and others!

Seeing that Lin Nan and the others did not answer to himself, the black bald man's face sank slightly!

"Please show me your ferry ticket!"

The black bald man continued, his voice became colder!

Lin Nan and others were still sitting there, as if they hadn't heard what the black bald man said!

"Should you guys have no tickets?"

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