There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 607: Can one person be compared to a million army?

"No wonder, no wonder he can be unscrupulous!"

"It turns out that he is a godslayer! This year, the most prestigious person in the underground world, I am afraid that this is the person?"

James murmured in a low voice, deep in his eyes full of shock!

"Yes! As soon as the godslayer appeared, the major forces from all over the world looked for this person!"

"In the end, it was the martial arts circles of China who determined the identity of this person. At that time, there was a lot of trouble in the forum of the underground world!"

"The United States and Russia are scrambling to find the whereabouts of this person!"

"The world's major organizations and consortia have also sent representatives to enter China to search for the godslayers. Apart from some people who were caught by the agents of the Dragon Group, there are also other people who seem to be the ones beside the godslayers. An old servant stopped it!"

"It seems that no country or force has ever been able to really contact the godslayer himself!"

St. Louis spoke lightly, with a strange expression on his face!

"Unexpectedly, God Killer actually came on my cruise ship!"

"I also got this person's photo from an old friend, otherwise, I would never recognize this person!"

"This is a great opportunity, if you can win over this person..."

Speaking of this, in the eyes of St. Louis, the spirits shone!

"Grandpa, is this person really worthy of so many countries and forces?"

James asked suspiciously.

On his face, the shocking meaning still did not fade!

Who could have imagined that a young man who seemed less than twenty years old would be a godslayer in the underground world!

James never dreamed of this!

"Is it worth it? Haha!"

Saint Louis smiled slightly, shook his head again, and said:

"There is nothing worth it. The amazing ability displayed by this person has made all the major forces and countries around the world forget to consider this issue!"

"The American CiA five-star general Arthur Joseph once said that this person is comparable to a hundred armored divisions!"


When James heard these words, he took a breath inexplicably and shuddered with excitement!

"One hundred armored divisions... my God! An armored division needs at least 10,000 soldiers, and one hundred armored divisions. Doesn't it mean that a godslayer alone can rival a million armies?"

When it came to the last sentence, James almost made a trembling voice!

A million troops are enough to sweep the world, any major country!

St. Louis nodded and looked at James calmly!

"Now you understand, how important is this person?"

Suddenly, James was agitated!

"not good!"

With a bad voice, James seemed to have been bitten by a poisonous snake. He turned into an afterimage and rushed out of the room!

The speed is as fast as a 100-meter race athlete!

"what happened?"

When St. Louis’ doubts were asked, James himself had already rushed out of the door of the room!

‘No. 47, don’t do stupid things! ’

‘If you do, the consequences will be disastrous! ’

In James' heart, anxious, he rushed out of the corridor, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed ‘47’!

at this time.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing are in the restaurant on the lower deck, preparing to have afternoon tea together!

Not far from the two, a young man was sitting. He ordered a cup of coffee, held a magazine in his hand, and looked at it seriously!

No one noticed that the corner of the young man's eyes lightly swept across Lin Nan in the distance, secretly calculating in his heart!

This young man is exactly ‘47’, one of the ace killers in the underground world!

‘I’m 37 meters away from him. At my speed, if I approach this person at full speed, it will take about 2.35 seconds! ’

‘With the bullet’s rate of fire, you can penetrate this person’s head in about 0.1 seconds. Unfortunately, the bodyguard next to him is at least a master-level warrior! ’

‘With the strength of the master martial artist, before the bullet of the pocket pistol explodes the young man’s head, he may directly block him! ’

‘In this way, the only choice is to poison! With the neurotoxin in my hand, the mandala flower from the Western Regions of China and the venom of the king cobra are combined, only 0.1g can see the blood seal the throat, poisoning ten adults! ’

No. 47 thought in his heart, after he settled his attention, he stood up and walked in the direction of the kitchen!

The warrior kills people, pursues fairness, and kills opponents head-on!

But the killer is different. You only need to reach the goal, whether it's assassination, sniper, car accident, or poisoning, just kill the opponent!

In No. 47's eyes, there is no such thing as fairness!

If you are pursuing fairness, don't be a killer at all!

About three minutes later, No. 47 turned into a waiter, pushing a cart full of food, and walking towards Lin Nan!

At the same time, Ye Qi, Arthur, Prince William and others just happened to enter the tea restaurant from another entrance, ready to drink afternoon tea!

In order not to disturb the other people on the ship, the wealthy people on the deck as early as when they got off the deck were immediately warned by St. Louis that they were not allowed to spread the matter out to avoid unrest!

Therefore, Ye Qi, Prince William and others do not know what happened just now on the deck!

‘It’s Prince William? Hahaha, it seems that this time is really killing two birds with one stone! ’

‘After waiting for so many days, Prince William has not left the room, he can’t move his bodyguard, nor can he start! Hehe, it seems that today not only will this young man in China be killed, but also Prince William can kill together! ’

The corner of No. 47's mouth was filled with a gorgeous death smile!

He went on the Atlantis this time to assassinate Prince William. He had nowhere to look for it after breaking through his iron shoes. It was all effortless!

On the other side, Prince William and a group of people walked over slowly!

"William, that's what we have agreed. If there is a chance to go to China in the future, we must come to Yenching Ye's as a guest!"

Ye Qi said with a smile, her pretty face was full of a thick smile!

During that period of time, after Arthur’s matchmaking, she and Prince William only met, had a very happy conversation, and became good friends!

"I will go if I have the opportunity. I am also very interested in the history and culture of China!"

There was a faint smile on Prince William's face!

Suddenly, a funny voice came!

"Lucy, isn't this your group of friends?"

A flash of arrogance flashed in Arthur's eyes, as if looking at a countryman, he glanced at Lin Nan and others!

Ye Qi looked back and saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, an embarrassing expression appeared on her pretty face!

"Mr. Lin!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded, and said hello to Lin Nan!

Before Lin Nan responded, he heard the overjoyed voice from Prince William on the side!

Prince William himself, as if he had discovered the New World, took three steps in two steps and hurriedly walked to Lin Nan's side!

"Mr. Lin, it's great that I would not expect to see you here!"

Prince William's words fell to the ground. Ye Qi and Arthur stiffened directly on the spot. They glanced at each other, their mouths opened wide in astonishment, and both saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes!

What's happening here? Why was Prince William so excited after seeing Lin Nan?

Did the two of them know each other before?

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