There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 618: The wolf **** Dewar is dead, who wants to be an enemy of my master?

That day.

Outside a certain old castle in Europe, the security is tight, although it is late at night, it is still brightly lit!

Unlike ordinary castles, the interior of this castle is decorated as luxurious as the palace!

A dark shadow, like a shooting star, cut through the bright night sky!

"Alert! Alarm!"

The entire castle suddenly lit up like daylight, breaking the tranquility of the night!

"There is an enemy attack!"

A large group of guards were alarmed, and they all rushed out of the castle, picked up high-intensity searchlights, and shone toward the outside world!

That dark figure has reached the sky above the castle!

He stood in the void, like a god, looking down at the castle below!

He had an oriental face, his face was dignified, his hands on his back, and he said solemnly:

"Where is Dewar the Wolf God?"

The voice fell, and the bottom of the castle exploded!

"Damn it!"

"Who are you? You dare to call Master Duval by name!"

"Quickly kneel down and die! Master Dewar's name, can you just yell and scream?"

"Come down and die!"

The group of guards below yelled to the sky, and even someone had taken out a hot weapon and attacked the Chinese old man in the sky!

Facing the rapid attack of the shells, the Chinese old man raised his hand and condensed, and a transparent light curtain was condensed out of thin air, horizontally in front of him, like an enchantment!



The fire blazed into the sky, and mushroom clouds rose in the evening, and countless shells exploded in the air, like a meteor shower!


The people below were shocked!

"Wow! He is not an ordinary person, report it to Lord Wolf God!"

An old werewolf screamed up to the sky, his white hair stood up, turned into an afterimage, and ran towards the depths of the castle!


Lin Canghai looked cold, raised a hand, and slashed down at the old castle below!

A terrifying wave of air condensed into Ling Li's sword energy, turned into a training, and directly cut off more than half of the old castle below!

Countless guards, under Lin Canghai's men, couldn't go through even a round, and they were all killed under the terrifying air wave!


At this moment, in the depths of the castle, a roar came!

"Who dares to do it here? Do you want to start a war?"

The wolf **** Dewar appeared. He turned into a werewolf body. His entire body was three meters tall, and his body was covered with blue hair, like a steel needle, cold and cold!

He walked out from the depths of the underground castle, followed him, and there were thousands of werewolf army, all of which came from the depths of the earth!

"You are the wolf **** Dewar?"

Lin Canghai stood in the air, looking down indifferently!

"A strong man from the East, my Dewar has no grievances with you. You have entered my wolf clan castle. Is it because you want to cause a war between the East and the West?"

Duval's face was cold, his eyes were full of chill, and he stared at Lin Canghai firmly!

"Hehe, you are right! I come to take your life by the order of the master!"

Lin Canghai sneered, then raised a hand and shot directly at Dewar!

"the host?"

The wolf **** Duval was taken aback, and sneered shook his head: "Who is your master?"

"The dying person, what is the use of knowing so much?"

Lin Canghai shook his head funny.

"court death!"

Duval's expression was extremely gloomy, his feet stomped fiercely on the ground, his feet were like springs installed, like a rocket lifted into the sky, and he galloped toward Lin Canghai!


Lin Canghai's eyes were indifferent, as if looking at a four dead man, he spit out a word!

He held one hand behind his back, and the other hand patted the wolf **** Dewar!


There was a muffled sound, and the wolf **** Dewar seemed to hit Lin Canghai's hand, shaking his whole body, and fell towards the ground at a speed comparable to when he flew up into the sky!


The ground around the entire wolf clan castle trembled slightly, and the sky was full of smoke!

At a glance, Dewar, the wolf god, fell!

"Wolf God? But so!"

After Lin Canghai gave a sneer, he raised the knife and dropped it. Dewar's blood stained the entire land, and his head was cut off by Lin Canghai abruptly!

The audience is dead!

Of all the werewolves present, no one dared to speak. Lin Canghai cut off Dewar's head, and after taking the photo, he walked away!

In the whole process, no one dared to stop!


On the other side, a large number of assassins from the entire underground world formed an alliance and prepared to kill Lin Nan!


In an online chat room, a large number of killers were invited to join the chat room!

"This time the task is very tricky! But if it succeeds, the benefits are incalculable!"

An iD named "The Strongest Bullet" spoke up.

The voice of his speech has been specially processed by the voice changer, so that the people in the chat room can't even tell whether he is a male or a female!

"Not bad!"

"But, this is a godslayer! What chance do we have to kill him?"

"Do you know where he is? How do you kill someone without knowing the location?"

The killers in the chat room are talking fiercely!

"I know where the Godkiller is. This person is on the Atlantis. Three days later, this cruise ship will dock in Hawaii. At that time, we can get on board and try to kill him!"

An iD named "Shadow" sneered.


"It's a bit tricky!"

"This person's strength is at least in the realm of earth immortals. At this level, he has exceeded the scope of human beings! In terms of strength, it is impossible for us to kill an earth immortal!"

The killers in the chat room are all making ideas, hoping to find the best opportunity to kill Lin Nan!

After all, the conditions offered by the wolf **** Dewar are really tempting!

Suddenly, a faint voice came!

"Everyone, I think...we don't have to continue discussing this matter!"

The sudden sound interrupted the discussion of all the killers present!

"What do you mean?"

"Are you scared?"

"If you are afraid, you can withdraw. Anyway, we all don't know each other's identity. Even if you withdraw, we don't know who you are!"

"Everyone is an ace killer, and they like challenging things. If we kill the godslayer, in the future, our commission will be at least ten times higher!"

"I didn't mean that, you should log into the forum of the underground world by yourself!" The assassin who spoke, sighed lightly, and then stopped talking, and left the chat room!

"What do you mean, this kid?"

"That's right! So many reasons?"

The people in the chat room sneered!

However, with curiosity, everyone logged into the forum of the underground world, and just entered the forum of the underground world, a brand new post fell in everyone's eyes!

[The wolf **** Duwa is dead, who wants to be an enemy of my master? 】

"What? The wolf **** Duval is dead?"

"How is it possible, go see what's going on!"

The assassins were surprised to click on this post and they all felt that their backs were chilly, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they couldn't help taking a breath of air!

I saw a photo, appeared in front of my eyes, it was a blue wolf head!

And the owner of the wolf head is the wolf **** of the werewolf tribe-Dewar!

"This... hiss!"

In the entire killer chat room, there was a sound of inhalation, and then fell into deathly silence!

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