There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 63: National Day Trip

   Time flies quickly, unconsciously, Lin Nan came to this planet, more than three months, tomorrow is the country where Lin Nan is, the National Day of China.

   Three days ago, the black viper came back from Europe. He told Lin Nan that he had successfully killed Bill, and he learned from Bill that it was a young man named Jace who passed the news of Evolution Liquid back.

   Lin Nan didn't take it to heart, because Liu Ruqing is very excited now. Yesterday she received a call from Wei Anran, who was studying on Hong Kong Island, and planned to invite Liu Ruqing to visit Hong Kong Island.

"Skin care products, facial masks, toners...all with them, as well as beautiful clothes, um...I heard that there are many pedestrian streets on Hong Kong Island. Lin Nan must accompany me to go shopping when he comes!" Liu Ruqing said. Pack things up.

   Liu Ruqing would not let Lin Nan touch her precious cosmetics.

   Lin Nan stood aside helplessly, and said, "My wife, isn't it just the past few days to play, need to bring so many things?"

   "Huh, what do you know!" Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes and continued to prepare her cosmetics.

Early the next morning, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing went straight to the airport and boarded the plane to Hong Kong Island, while the Golden Dragon stayed at the coffee shop to watch the house. The sisters Chu Qiong and Chu Yao received a month’s worth of money. Salary, I went back to my hometown excitedly, and I won’t be back until after the National Day.

   At noon that day, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing finally met Wei Anran who came to pick him up at the airport on Hong Kong Island.

  Wei Anran did not come alone. There was also a very polite young man who came with him, who seemed to be in his early twenties.


   "Ru Qing!"

   As soon as the two women met, they were so excited that they swaggered in their arms and hugged them.

   Lin Nan was a bit speechless. The two women answered video chats almost every night, and then shared various gossips about school. It was just a holiday gathering. Are you so excited?

   "Let's go, I have already booked the restaurant, and I will take you to dinner first!" Wei Anran smiled.

   "Who is this? Your boyfriend?" Liu Ruqing asked in a low voice, pointing to the man behind Wei Anran.

"Hehe, it hasn't developed so fast yet, but I feel good about him, he should be a good man. Although I am pursuing me now, I haven't agreed yet." Wei Anran whispered, but looked at her face The expression on the face was filled with a hint of happiness.

   "His name is Zhou Tianhua, his family background is not bad, there is a listed company, assets of two to three billion!"

   The Wei family where Wei Anran is located, in the south of the Yangtze River, is also a strong one, so Wei Anran doesn't care much about whether the other party has money, she cares more about how she feels.

   After more than a month of contact, Wei Anran felt that Zhou Tianhua was okay, so he made an exception and brought Zhou Tianhua to pick up Liu Ruqing today. By the way, let his girlfriends check and see how this man is.

   Liu Ruqing smiled and said, "If there is a real man, hurry up and grasp it!"

   "Got it! Hey, aren't you pregnant? Why haven't your belly grown up yet?" Wei Anran nodded deeply.

   Liu Ruqing lowered her head to see that she was still flat, like a girl's lower abdomen, and shook her head and said: "I don't know, maybe I don't show my bosom..."

   "I don't show my sorrow...what is your reason..."

   Wei Anran was a little speechless.

   Talking time, Zhou Tianhua had already drove a top-equipped BMW from the parking lot, loaded Liu Ruqing, Lin Nan and others, and drove towards the Queen Hotel on Hong Kong Island.

"Let me tell you, the chefs in the Queen’s Hotel come from all over the world. More importantly, many big stars on Hong Kong Island are willing to come here for dinner. It is also a place where many directors receive foreign superstars. Last time I paid I met Robert Pattinson and took a photo with him!" Wei Anran said proudly, took out his mobile phone, and opened the photo with Robert Pattinson.

"Oh my God, An Ran! Isn't Robert Pattinson the hero of the Twilight Saga? I like him the most, you can take a photo with him!" Liu Ruqing exclaimed, her little heart startled and she instantly transformed Became the appearance of a little fan.

  I don't know why, there was a trace of jealousy flashed in Lin Nan's heart, the more handsome male protagonist, is there a handsome Lingtian?

  ‘No way, no way! I am the emperor of the fairy world, how can I be jealous of mere mortals! Lin Nan gently shook his head.

   Amidst the chattering discussion of the two women, the Queen Hotel finally arrived.

  The British style is like a European palace in the Middle Ages. It is like an old castle, located next to Victoria Harbour. On the upper floors of the hotel, you can overlook the entire port through floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Step aside!"

As soon as the car stopped at the hotel door, I heard a shout from the front. A group of men who were incompatible with the modern city walked into the hotel in front. They were dressed in a strong suit, similar to a combination of Tang suit and Chinese tunic. But it's not like it, very peculiar.

   "Hey, are these people all actors?" Liu Ruqing asked curiously.

   Wei Anran shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

   Zhou Tianhua smiled softly and said, "These are martial artists, not actors, but people with real skills!"


"Yes, outside the high seas these few days, Duke Lawrence has held an unprecedented martial arts meeting on his cruise ship. Many celebrities from home and abroad will come here. If they can get the first place in the martial arts meeting. , Will get a reward of 100 million U.S. dollars!" Zhou Tianhua smiled lightly.

   As a native of Hong Kong Island, he has a lot of news. Naturally, this kind of news cannot be hidden from him.

   "One hundred million dollars, so much!" Wei Anran's eyes widened.

"What's this? The real money is the gamble on the cruise ship. The richest people will suppress the warriors they value. After a gamble, people can get rich overnight, but it may also be ruined. It is said that Duke Lawrence held this martial arts. Yes, it is to expand his influence in the underground world." Zhou Tianhua explained.

   "Underground world, what is that place?" Wei Anran felt as if he didn't understand anything.

Zhou Tianhua frowned slightly, looked at Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing with some contempt, lowered his voice, and said, "I will tell you the specific situation later. I can only say that this world is not what you see on the surface. Get up like that!"

   When Wei Anran saw this, he stopped questioning.

   Everyone entered the Queen’s Hotel, and because they had already reserved their seats, even the dishes were ordered in advance. Less than three minutes after everyone had been seated, a delicious French meal was served to the table.

   "Wife, eat this..."

   Lin Nan is also welcome, and very carefully chopped up the food for Liu Ruqing and put it on her dinner plate.

   "Wife, this tastes good, try it soon!" Lin Nan smiled.

  ‘Wife with a mouth open, a wife with a closed mouth, the soil buns from inland are uncultured! Zhou Tianhua watched secretly, and dragged Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing into a list that he couldn't cross. Even if Liu Ruqing was Wei Anran's best friend, in his opinion, it was just a play on the occasion!

(End of this chapter)

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