There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 621: The identity of the owner is not something you can know!

Seeing the heads and representatives of the major consortia disappear at the entrance of the stairs, Han Zhongyan stood in place, his eyes still filled with endless shock!

When everyone disappeared at the end of the stairs, Han Zhongyan got to Lin Canghai's side!

"Brother Lin, what's going on? What is the identity of the master?"

"Why are the heads of these consortiums so respectful to their masters? Even if the President of the United States is here, he won't be valued by so many heads of consortia?"

Han Zhongyan asked in surprise.

In his eyes, the representatives and heads of these consortia are world wealth

Lin Canghai stood there and said with a light smile: "This is just a small scene, I have seen even bigger scenes!"

"A bigger scene?"

Han Zhongyan was startled suddenly, and subconsciously asked, "What is the bigger scene?"

In his eyes, this is already a big scene!

Almost all of the leaders and representatives of large consortia appear here all over the world, please see Lin Nan!

Even at the expense of taking out the shares of their respective consortiums to please Lin Nan, Han Zhongyan could not imagine who it was with such a great energy!

"Ha ha!"

Lin Canghai smiled proudly, and another image flashed in his mind, saying:

"I have met the generals of the Twenty-Nine Nations, and begged to see the master, but didn't even enter the door, and returned without success!"

"I have seen that in front of a mortal, a person who is like a god, kneels at the feet of his master, and prays for his forgiveness! The dark giants of the underground world, like worms, kneel on the ground begging for mercy!"

"I have also seen the president of a major country in the world, the highest military commander, the highest person in charge of special departments, personally visit the master, and hope that the master will join their forces!"

"I have even seen the Hell King, millions of Yin Soldiers, and billions of evil spirits, kneeling under the owner's body and worshiping like gods!"

"You said, compared with these, is it a small scene today?"

When the voice fell, Han Zhongyan's eyes widened, his whole body stiffened in place, and he exclaimed!

"What? How could it be possible!"

"Master...what is his origin? Brother Han, are you kidding me?"

Han Zhongyan opened his mouth, his chin almost fell to the ground!

"The identity of the master is not something you can know!"

"Brother Han, I am equal to the master’s slave, and there is a trace of affection. I remind you that you don’t need to expect too much! As long as you are loyal to the master, you will have no betrayal in this life. One day, you will reach a height that you can't even imagine!"

"In the past, the Ye family had this opportunity, but it was destroyed by Ye Qi!"

"Now, the opportunity is right in front of your eyes. I can only help you get here. It depends on whether you can catch it!"

Lin Canghai shook his head faintly, no longer caring about Han Zhongyan who was astonished in place, raising his foot and walking towards the deck!

Lin Canghai knew that it was time for him to serve Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

When Lin Canghai came to the deck, the representatives and persons in charge of the major consortiums had already stood like a military training phalanx, in an orderly manner, standing there one by one, like a trained elementary school student!

"Mr. Lin, what I just said, don't you really think about it?"

Morgan Sherman smiled. As one of the heads of the Morgan Consortium, he has the absolute right to speak in the world!

"As long as you nod your head, 3% of the annual net profit of the Morgan Consortium will be benefited by you!"

"Even if you are willing to become the true director of our consortium, there is no problem!"

Morgan Sherman said with a smile, full of sincerity in his tone!

He knew that things like Lin Nan's existence, such as money, status, and rights, are hard to impress them!

You can only try as much as you can. If Lin Nan agrees, there will be great benefits for the Morgan Consortium!

"Mr. Lin, what the Morgan Consortium promised can be done by the Citi Consortium!"

The representative of Citigroup, Sherman Karaschi also stood up!

Their consortium, which controls the National Bank of the United States, has more than a trillion dollars of capital in their hands? I have already surpassed the concept of money, but thinking about how to continue the consortium!

Money and power are nothing to them!

After the whole night of last night, the consortium’s overnight calculations and analysis, plus the words of the American CiA five-star general, Lin Nan alone can be worth a hundred special divisions!

Therefore, early this morning, there will be so many forces vying to make Lin Nan, and only then have the present picture!

"Mr. Lin, the promise of the Morgan Consortium and the Citi Consortium, my San Diego family can do it too!"

"Mr. Lin, our consortium..."

"You don't have to waste your tongue, I'm not interested!"

Lin Nan sat on the sofa, and faintly refused!

Liu Ruqing on the side was already surprised and couldn't get any more, holding Lin Nan's arm nervously!

She knew that Lin Nan's origins were not simple, but she did not expect that the persons in charge and representatives of these large consortia in the world could attach such importance to Lin Nan!

"Then Mr. Lin, you let us come up... Is this...?"

Everyone looked at Lin Nan with doubts and confusion, waiting for his answer!

"My wife wants to study finance, so I asked you to come up for advice!"

Lin Nan said calmly.

Although he said he was asking for advice, his tone was beyond doubt!

"That's it!"

Sherman Karaschi suddenly realized!

Several other big figures in the financial world all lit up before their eyes, how they didn't realize that Lin Nan attached great importance to Liu Ruqing!

‘So, what Mr. Lin values ​​is not money and status, but the Chinese woman next to him! ’

‘Isn’t it just financial knowledge? After all, it’s still the same, who can stand at a world-class height, who hasn’t understood those rules? ’

‘If you want to make friends with Mr. Lin, it seems that you have to start with this Chinese woman! ’

The financial tycoons present have been in the business world for decades, and they still have these visions!

In just a few seconds, you can see the core of the problem!

On the contrary, it was Liu Ruqing. Liu Ruqing's eyes widened in astonishment, her pretty face was full of surprises and surprises!

"Huh? Learn financial knowledge with them?"

"Yeah! Didn't you say that you want to meet these big figures in the financial world? In that case, I will ask them to come over. You can meet anyone you want. You want to know what financial knowledge, these people will definitely give it to you. !"

Lin Nan nodded slightly, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"Lin Nan!"

Liu Ruqing was very moved and looked at Lin Nan deeply, "Thank you for doing so much for me!"

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter at the entrance of the stairs on the deck!

"Hahaha! Mr. Lin, it's better to see it before you hear it. You have been on the ship for a few days. This is the first time I, the owner of the Atlantis, appeared. I hope Mr. Lin will not blame it!"

The people on the deck moved their hearts and looked back!

I saw a white old man walking slowly with a cane under the help of his servant!

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