There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 623: An ant-like thing, not a small temper!

In the next few days, St. Louis did not come to Lin Nan again!

As for the other rich people, because of the relationship between St. Louis, the number of rich people who came to curry favor with Lin Nan suddenly fell a lot. Only Morgan Sherman was still happy, and he tirelessly invited Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing for dinner every day!

As for Ye Qi, she was also cheeky. As an introducer, she brought Prince William and Avril Lavigne to visit Lin Nan many times, but the results were not very good!

After spending half a month on the cruise ship, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing left the Atlantis!

"Mr. Lin, no matter where you are, the Morgan Consortium will always be your loyal friend!"

"China's New Year is coming soon. On behalf of all the senior executives of the Morgan Consortium, I would like to extend my sincerest New Year wishes to you!"

Morgan Sherman stood on the deck and smiled at Lin Nan who was about to leave.

"Thank you Mr. Morgan!"

Lin Nan smiled and did not answer, but Liu Ruqing said with a smile.

"Haha! Ms. Liu, since you are interested in finance, then I will wait for you on Wall Street. As long as you come to Wall Street in the future, I promise you will definitely have your seat!"

Morgan Sherman smiled, very respectful.

"These days, thank you Mr. Morgan for your hospitality! Many of your insights have made me feel better. Listening to you is better than reading countless financial classics!"

Liu Ruqing smiled politely, revealing a pair of dimples at the corners of her mouth!

In these days, she has indeed gained a lot!

"Haha, how dare I not follow Mr. Lin's orders?"

"Mr. Morgan, you have seen you outside. We will be friends in the future. Welcome to visit Huaxia at any time. Let's go first!

Liu Ruqing smiled and said hello, and Lin Nan turned around and embarked on another yacht!

The Atlantis does not enter the waters of any country. If Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing want to return to Tianhai City, they need to take a yacht back!

Of course, Lin Nan can take Liu Ruqing to any place on the earth with a single thought, but Lin Nan is not ready to do so now!

"Haha, it must be!"

Morgan Sherman smiled cheerfully.

Then he watched Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, turned and left the Atlantis!

This time, Ye Qi did not accompany him, but the yacht on the Atlantis, carrying Lin Nan and others, headed towards Tianhai City!

"Go on, all over the world, no matter where it is, as long as it is an industry under the name of the Morgan Consortium, Mr. Lin must be treated as the chairman of the board of directors!"

Morgan Sherman solemnly ordered!

"What? Mr. Morgan, why are you doing this? Even if you give an order, that Mr. Lin may not know!"

"And if this order is executed, the operation of our consortium will also be affected to a certain extent. Is it worth it?"

A secretary next to him had an expression of astonishment!

"Hehe, you don't know how valuable he is! Just follow my requirements. This is also the decision made by the board of directors overnight!"

Morgan Sherman chuckled lightly, ignored his secretary, turned and left.

On the other side of the deck, Ye Qi, Prince William, Avril Lavigne and others stood here, leaning on a railing, and watching Lin Nan take the leaving yacht!

Not only them, but other world-class billionaires are all watching Lin Nan's departure!

As Lin Nan left, countless news spread from this yacht to all over the world!

Almost all the major forces are watching Lin Nan's every move!


"Lin Nan, did we forget something?"

On the yacht, Liu Ruqing suddenly asked, looking at Lin Nan with puzzlement!

"What about Ergouzi? Didn't we bring it with us when we boarded the boat? Why is it missing now?"

After boarding the Atlantis, it didn't take long for the Golden Sacred Dragon to disappear without a trace. I don't know where it went!

Lin Nan is naturally not worried about Ergouzi's safety, but Liu Ruqing doesn't know Ergouzi's identity!

"Don't worry, that dog can't die!"

Lin Nan shook his head gently.

At the same time, inside the Atlantis, in the private room of St. Louis!

"Master, the godslayer has gone!"

An old servant, standing aside respectfully, whispered.

"Have you contacted the Japanese side?"

St. Louis’ old face was full of coldness!

"We have already contacted them. They hate the godslayers, but the reputation of the godslayers now makes the several dark giants that the country has contacted, quite jealous!"

"After all, the wolf **** Dewar has been cut off!" the old servant whispered.

"Hehe! Look at it, the god-killers won't live long, and the Japanese country has never been a fuel-efficient lamp!"

The corner of St. Louis's eyes twitched slightly.

"You ants, you still think about the idea of ​​fighting the emperor! You really don't know how to live or die!"

An indifferent voice came suddenly!

"Who is speaking?"

St. Louis was taken aback, suddenly stood up from his chair, and looked around, with an expression of uncertainty on his face!

The sound came from the living room, but in the whole hall, all kinds of furniture were clear at a glance, and there was no way to hide people!

"Pretend to be a god! Who is it, get out of me!"

St. Louis screamed, the crutches in his hand stomped fiercely on the ground!

"An ant-like thing, the temper is not small!"

Another sneer came, and the door of this suite was pushed open with a creak, and a golden-haired Chinese pastoral dog, with his head held high, walked in proudly!

"It's this dead dog!"

James's face was dark, his eyes were full of anger, and he stared at the big yellow dog who walked into the hall!

"What dog?"

St. Louis frowned, and a stubborn dog could actually board the Atlantis?

"Grandpa Taizu, this dead dog is Lin Nan's pet, he brought it on board!"

James explained that when Lin Nan boarded the ship, the dog threw him into the water, making a fool of him in front of countless people, and embarrassing him!

The status of a dignified noble was actually humiliated by a dog!

Even James, in order to retaliate against Lin Nan, asked the underworld ace killer No. 47 to shoot!

It’s just that James felt strange, why hasn’t the number 47 been replied to him after so long? These are not important anymore!

James now just wants to kill this dog!

"Lin Nan's dog?"

St. Louis' brows were tightly twisted together. He had an illusion that he always felt that this dog was not easy!

And who was talking just now?

"Grandpa, since it's Lin Nan's dog, we just call someone, grab this dog, peel it, cramp, and then throw it into the oil pan and cook it for seven days and nights?"

"Anyway, Lin Nan and the others have already disembarked, and they will find it back then, no one can be sure, it is us, who killed his dog!" James sneered again and again!

He was condescending, looking down at Ergouzi, in his eyes, this dog was already a dead dog!

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