There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 635: Otherwise, kill-no-pardon!

Outside, everyone will wait and see, all are looking forward to the follow-up development of this matter!

Lin Nan is on one side, and the Ding family in the three northern provinces is on the other. This is a struggle between a dragon and a tiger, and the strength of both sides should not be underestimated!

Somewhere in the center of Jiangnan.

Venerable Ying Long, the boss of the Dragon Group, stood on the roof of a building, frowning, and asked in a low voice, "How's it going? Does the Ding family have to do it?"

Behind him, stood the intelligence leader of a dragon group!

The heads are densely packed, there are fifty or sixty people!

There are also hundreds of intelligence personnel under the name of the leader of this fifty or sixty intelligence group!

Since last night, the intelligence personnel of the Dragon Group have been paying attention to the every move of the Ding family from all over the world. They have recorded all the people they contacted and the reactions they made!


"9527 Tell me!"

Venerable Ying Long frowned.

A young intelligence team leader stood up, he looked very ordinary, he belonged to the kind of person who was thrown into the crowd and couldn't be found!

"Yes, boss! The situation is very unclear now. Although you refused Ding Shan's request last night, he did not give up!"

9527 explained.

"The Siberian werewolf army has entered the border and is ready to stand by! And Zen Master Qianye of Zhongnanshan has also agreed to Ding Shan's request and is willing to fight for the Ding family!"

"The messengers of the European blood alliance...Among the ghosts and gods of the Japanese kingdom, several also joined in, and the dark giants alone occupy six!"

"This lineup can be described as the most luxurious lineup in the world! Not only the Siberian werewolf army, but also blood alliances and Japanese countries joined in!"

After 9527 finished explaining, he took a step back, returned to the crowd, stood with his hands, and stopped talking!

"9536 What did you find?" Venerable Ying Long nodded lightly.

9536 stepped out and out of the crowd, she looked extremely young, only more than twenty years old!

If you just look at the appearance, everyone would think that this is an ordinary student who has just graduated from university!

However, the identity behind this person is the intelligence officer of the Dragon Group, code-named 9536!

"Boss, the ghosts and gods of Isano, the **** on the stone, and the **** of Meiji from the country last night, all sneaked into the territory of China and entered the house of Ding!"

"The Blood Alliance sent a person with a very mysterious identity. Nine of my agents died. I still didn't see his face clearly. I only knew that this person was wearing a black cloak and a pet Persian cat in his arms!"

"Pet Persian cat?" Venerable Ying Long frowned, then took a long breath!

"Hey! It's the Blood Dragon Girl, this woman has lived at least three hundred years old! She is a senior veteran of the blood alliance, she would help the Ding family?"

"It is rumored that the blood dragon girl has the blood of a western dragon in her body. I don't know if it is true. This girl is among the dark giants, and her strength is very high, at least above the wolf **** Dewar!"

Venerable Ying Long's tone was extremely jealous!

The identity of the blood dragon girl is mysterious, and the blood alliance hides it deeply. Even in the underground world, not many people know the specific news of the blood dragon girl!

Only the Dragon Group, such a national machine, has spent a lot of effort to get some news about the Blood Dragon Girl!

Unexpectedly, this time the blood alliance would release this person!

"In addition to the ghosts and gods of the Japanese kingdom and the blood dragon girl, there are several witch gods in Southeast Asia, and they have also been invited to move!"

"Also this morning, someone under the Zhongnan Mountain saw a fairy light overflowing. An old man riding a green bull and leaving Central South Province, most of them are Zen Master Qianye!"

Listening to the report of 9536, Venerable Ying Long's expression changed for a while!

"What a big battle, what a big handwriting! If it weren't for Lin Nan's trouble, as the person in charge of the Dragon Team, I don't know yet. The Ding Family's background is so terrifying! Even with the Dragon Team! In comparison, the Ding family's background is not too much to give up!"

Venerable Ying Long said, a deep fear flashed in his eyes!

You know, the Dragon Group is a state machine, and the Ding family is just a family!

But such a family, the background behind it is comparable to the state apparatus, how can it not be shocking?

"Boss, after this battle, God-killing will undoubtedly die! What we have to do is how to minimize the impact and keep the public from knowing this!" 9536 said.

Venerable Ying Long laughed and shook his head!

"Who said that a godslayer must die?"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

A trace of doubt flashed across 9536's pretty face, and he continued to ask: "Does the godslayer still have a chance to survive?"

"Impossible! According to the analysis of big data, the strength of the godslayer is very strong, maybe in the middle-level land immortal cultivation base! But facing the siege of several dark giants, how can he not die?"

Faced with the problems of his subordinates, Venerable Ying Long smiled and said nothing!

He still remembered that a few months ago, Lin Nan broke into the Dragon Group base alone, just like entering no man's land!

It was also because of that time that the Dragon Group moved the headquarters overnight. It was also the same time that Venerable Horned Dragon slapped Lin Nan with a few words and was slapped to death by Lin Nan, killing him on the spot!

The strength of Venerable Horned Dragon is already an elementary earth immortal. This strength was also slapped to death by Lin Nan. One can imagine how terrifying Lin Nan's strength is!

Venerable Ying Long believes that Lin Nan's realm is at least in the realm of heaven!


As time passed, many people in the world had entered China and came to Jiangnan City, watching the progress of the incident!

Even people who can't enter China are silently watching the progress of the event on the forums of the underground world. Some people even set up a live post for this purpose!

"This time the godslayer really caused anger!"

"The Ding family found several dark giants and entered Jiangnan. Today, in history, I am afraid it will be called a black day!"

"Last time, so many dark giants besieged the same person, it was on the outskirts of Berlin during World War II..."

In the forums of the underground world, countless people were discussing, recalling that incident!

The various skyscrapers in Jiangnan City have long been occupied by major forces. Watch the battle in the best position!

With so many dark giants and pressure from all parties, the Dragon Group has no choice but to bite the bullet and maintain the order of the scene, let ordinary people stay at home and prohibit going out, so as not to cause too much sensation!

at the same time.

The signals of the entire Jiangnan City were all blocked, and even the power supply system was cut off, blocking the message to the outside world!

Just as everyone waited and waited, a figure, as if walking on the ground, climbed high in the sky, and everyone was watching!

He looked down and said: "The master has orders, anyone in the underground world, within a quarter of an hour, leave Jiangnan City!"

"Otherwise, kill—no—pardon!"

Lin Canghai's voice, like running through thunder, instantly spread to the ears of all spectators!

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