There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 638: Celestial? I've never killed it!

Zen Master Qianye came here on an ox. He clearly belongs to the Taoist line, but he is known as the Zen Master and has a connection with the Buddhism!

In his early years, Zen Master Qianye merged the five sects of Tantric, Qi, Zen, Buddhism, and Taoism into one. Only one step away, he can reach the realm of the unity of nature and man. His strength is no less powerful!

The moment I saw Zen Master Qianye.

Countless strong men in the underground world shook their bodies!

Many people's complexion changed drastically, and even some earth immortals existed. When they looked at Zen Master Qianye, they looked at the abyss, without knowing his true strength!

"In Hua Country, there is such a terrifying figure?"

The wolf **** Duao's expression condensed, revealing a trace of jealousy!

"What kind of strength is this?"

"I don't know, it's very powerful anyway! Very powerful!"

Several other strong men in the underground world also looked solemn!

"Hua Guo is really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! I can't think of an unknown Zen master who has the strength comparable to that of a dark giant. If this person is capable of participating in the ranking of the underground world, I am afraid it is not below me!" Shen said.

"Unexpectedly, apart from the one in Kunlun Mountain, China still has such an existence?"

The faces of several other dark giants also showed solemnity!

At this time.

Zen Master Qianye has been riding the green bull and reached the crowd!

He looks extremely old, like an ordinary farmer, walking slowly in the direction of Jiangnan City!

Wherever they went, everyone in the underground world gave way to a passage for Zen Master Qianye to pass through!

It was the moment that Zen Master Qianye, riding a green bull, stepped into Jiangnan City!


A green light fell from high above, like lightning, coming quickly!

The concrete-cast national road can be used for tanks to drive. At this moment, a terrifying crack appeared out of thin air on the road, which was cut out abruptly by this knife!

"The master has orders, and those who enter Jiangnan City-die!"

Lin Canghai descended from the sky and stood at the end of the front.

"Blessed Tianzun! Donor, please give way. The person poor Dao is looking for is not you, but your master!" Zen Master Qianye still had a smile on his face.

"Huh! Master can you see if you want?"

Lin Canghai stood in front and snorted coldly.

"In that case, offended!"

Zen Master Qianye bowed slightly to Lin Canghai!

Then his hands clasped together, forming a seal on his chest, a sharp glow shot out from his chest, turned into a terrifying wave of air, and struck towards Lin Canghai!


A sound of breaking through the air came, as if a mortar had penetrated the sound barrier!


Lin Canghai's face sank, and he felt the unprecedented pressure. He yelled, and the strength of the long sword in his hand smashed Huashan!


The knife energy collided with the air wave, and a violent roar broke out!


The isolation belts, greenery, guardrails and other objects around the road seemed to have been baptized by a hurricane, flying upside down, like scenes in Hollywood movies!

"Huh? Just a servant who has such strength. Peng Dao wants to see more and more, what strength is your master!"

Zen Master Qianye gave a soft sigh, his old eyes flickered!


While talking, Zen Master Qianye stretched out a hand and flicked the horn of his mount green bull!


There was a roar of an old cow, and the sound waves rushed, like the legendary roar of a lion, it was deafening!



Some spectators in the distance, seeing this scene, all spewed a mouthful of blood, and the blood in their mouth and nose continued to surge!


Ye Qi and her best friends, because they stood in the corner of the crowd, were blocked by other strong people in front, the impact was relatively small!

Even so, the body still trembled, blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, and his internal organs rolled over!

"What a powerful force!"

"Is a cow so powerful? This method of sound wave attack is like ultrasound, which contains great energy!"

The faces of the people around changed drastically!

"This time, Ding's family is really moving!"

Many people raised their heads in horror!

"Infinite Heaven!"

Zen Master Qianye recites the Dao's name, very calmly, as if winning a step in a leisurely garden, stretched out a big hand and grabbed it towards Lin Canghai!


Lin Canghai was not afraid, and slashed a knife in the air. If the knife was implemented, let alone a mortal person, even an armored car would be cut in half by Lin Canghai!


The sword energy fell on Zen Master Qianye, and his whole body burst like a bubble, disappearing without a trace!

"Master Qianye is dead?"

Everyone present was slightly taken aback!

"Wait, it's not dead!"

At the next moment, people were surprised to find that Zen Master Qianye did not know when he appeared above Lin Canghai's head, looking down at Lin Canghai from a height of 100 meters!


Zen Master Qianye's whole person, like a cannonball, pressed down against Lin Canghai!


Lin Canghai stretched out his arms to defend against the enemy, and he felt a shock all over his body. Most of his entire body was plunged into the ground!

All around the national highway burst open, and a large cobweb pattern appeared on the cement road nearly half a meter thick, which was abruptly shattered by this force!


Lin Canghai's face paled for a while, his strength could deal with ordinary earth immortals, and he could do a spike, but the Zen Master Qianye in front of him had clearly surpassed the limit of earth immortals!

"I thought you were very capable, but that's all!" Zen Master Qianye shook his head amused.


Lin Canghai's face was green and red!

At this moment, a burst of sweet laughter came!

"Lin Canghai, you can't do it, a little Taoist priest, you can't handle it!"

The words fell, and at the end of the road, a charming woman came slowly!

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this charming woman!

"Venerable Jiaolong!"

Somewhere in the crowd, a group of people from the dragon group changed their expressions!

"Boss, what's going on? How could Venerable Jiaolong be here? Why did she become a godslayer?" Several senior generals in the dragon group couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Venerable Ying Long stood there, his expression fluctuating, watching the cold face coming oncoming!

"Leng Yan, you are late! This person has at least entered the realm of heavenly immortals! Be careful!" Lin Canghai couldn't help but reminded.

After all, he was just Lin Nan's servant, but Leng Yan was half of Lin Nan's disciple, and his strength was far stronger than Lin Canghai!

Leng Yan shook his head funny: "God? I haven't killed it!"


The audience was shocked by this statement!

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