There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 640: The nine giants gather!

"What's the matter? The army is also involved?"

Ye Qi's best friend was taken aback after seeing these three Russians in military uniforms!

"This is not a soldier! In other words, their army does not belong to any country or department!" A middle-aged man next to him explained in a low voice.

"Huh? Uncle, what do you mean by that?"

Ye Qi’s best friend is a bit strange, her name is Zhou Xuanlin, and she also comes from the Yanjing family!

The middle-aged man said lightly: "Because they are the highest leader of the Siberian werewolf legion! Unexpectedly, the three Sirius commanders Greed Wolf, Broken Wolf, and Killed Wolf are all here!"

The middle-aged man said, but his gaze swept over the three Sirius Commanders!

"Looking at the wolf, breaking the wolf, killing the wolf? What is this? Uncle, can you explain it in detail?"

Ye Qi raised her brows, her eyes fell on the middle-aged man!

"What? You don't even know the werewolf army in Siberia?"

This middle-aged man looked very surprised!

"Uh, I really don't know!"

Ye Qi and Zhou Xuanlin looked at each other, made a cute look, and nodded!

"You are not from the underground world?"

"Uh, we just passed by here and saw a large group of people showing up, thinking we were making a movie!"

Zhou Xuanlin's eyes flickered, she said.


The middle-aged man opened his mouth wide, shook his head, his face was cold, he looked like he was a thousand miles away!

"You should leave quickly, forget about the things here, I am afraid there will be a shocking battle here soon!"

"Ah? Uncle, you haven't explained to us what is the werewolf army in Siberia, and what is the Sirius Commander?"

Zhou Xuanlin still asked reluctantly.

But the middle-aged man had already closed his mouth and said no more!

The other three, with a gloomy look, were wearing ancient costumes from the country of Japan!

"They are the ghosts and gods of Isano, Ishigami, and Meiji of our Great Japanese Empire!"

Among the crowd, the middle-aged man from the Japanese country at the beginning was excited!

"Three ghosts and gods, my name is Ishihara Kojiro. I didn't expect to be able to meet you here!"

While talking, Ishihara Kojiro knelt on the ground, and worshipped the ghosts of Isano, Ishigami, and Meiji, like a pilgrimage!

"Get up!"

Izanuo Ghost and God gently raised his hand, Ishihara Kojiro only felt a force on his knees, holding him up!

"Thank you, sir!"

Ishihara Kojiro was extremely excited, "My lord, this time you must wash away the shame for His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Ishihara-kun is at ease, this time I wait for the shot, I will kill the godslayer!"

The old face of Izanuo ghosts and gods is full of indifference!

The presence of three Sirius commanders, three Japanese ghosts and gods, and the blood alliance and the blood dragon girl, raised the atmosphere of the audience to the extreme!

"Hahaha! Greedy wolves, broken wolves, killed wolves! Unexpectedly you are really here?"

There was a thunderous laughter!

"Who is speaking?"

"It's all in this situation, do you dare to talk at will? And even call the three Sirius commanders by their names! Is it impossible to find death!!!"

"That is, you are not afraid to offend these big people?"

The people in the underground world trembled in shock, looking for people who spoke!

However, among the crowd, a figure wearing a black cloak came out of the crowd. He was tall, two meters tall!

He took the initiative to take the cloak down, revealing the true face under the cloak!

This is a European-descent man with hair all over his body, his eyes gleaming with blue light, like a bloodthirsty beast!

"It's you, Duo, the wolf **** of the werewolves? Dua's brother!"

The Greedy Wolf among the three Sirius Commanders, his eyes condensed, and fell on Duao!

"Yes, it's me!"

Duao nodded slightly!

The blood of the same wolf clan, not only did not have any good feelings between each other, but also filled with a touch of hostility!

"Are you here to avenge your brother?" Greedy Wolf asked with interest.

"I will cut off the head of the godslayer and bring it back to the Wolf Temple as a sacrifice to worship the spirit of my brother in the sky!" Duao's eyes are full of blood!

"In that case, you can join us! We only kill the godslayer, and the body can be yours!"

Greedy Wolf nodded gently.

"I think so too!"

Duo's expression eased, and then he stepped out to join the camp of Greed Wolf and others!


Everyone in the underground world, seeing this scene, suddenly exploded!

"The three major ghosts and gods of the Japanese kingdom, the wolf **** Duao, the Qianye Zen master, the wolf-seeking, the three commanders-in-chief of the wolf, the wolf killing, and the blood dragon girl of the blood alliance..."

Many people's pupils shrank suddenly and were completely shocked. Their mouths opened wide in shock, and they couldn't help but tremble slightly!

"Hey! Nine, a total of nine giants were dispatched! Used to kill the godslayer!"

A dark strong man couldn't help taking a breath, and his heart trembled!

"Ding's handwriting is too big, right?"

"Nine giants make a move, even if an intermediate country is wiped out, it is enough!"

"Nine dark giants, any one person, it is enough to sit in a small country, but at this moment they suddenly descended to nine!"

"It is said that the Ding family was only one step short of entering the customs and became the orthodox royal family! It is a pity that after all, it was one step short, and the Aixinjueluo family was the first to take over the Central Plains world!"

"Such a family, just one step away from establishing an empire, how can its background be low? It can compete with the world!"

The powerhouses of the underground world were all amazed. Although they were talking, their faces were full of shocked expressions!

They have dry mouths, scratching their heads and flexing their hands, trying to calm themselves down!

However, no matter what you do, you still can't calm down!

"Ding's family!"

Venerable Ying Long stood there, his body stiff, and he realized that he was the head of the dragon team!

But now, when facing the nine dark giants, they can't even produce the slightest resistance!


Zen Master Qianye coughed violently twice. Although he was injured, he was not fatal. He flew up quickly and stood in the crowd!

Nine powerhouses of the Dark Giant rank lined up in a row, standing in front, looking down in the direction of Jiangnan City!

"Go, don't waste time!"

Greedy Wolf licked his lips and spoke lightly.

The other eight people all nodded slightly, moved their steps, and walked in the direction of Jiangnan City!

"Da da da!"

The nine dark giant-level figures were approaching the border of Jiangnan City, and everyone present held their breath, and the atmosphere was extremely tense!

Together, these nine dark tycoons can enter and exit places such as the Great Palace in Russia and the White House in the United States at will. Who dares to stop them if they enter no one's land?

Jiangnan City is just a prefecture-level city in China. Even if there is a god-killer, how can it withstand the nine dark giants?

Although there are only nine people, even if there are a million troops, it may not be able to stop them!

At the moment when these nine people approached the boundary of Jiangnan City, an indifferent voice came!

"The teacher has orders, the people of the underground world, those who step into the Jiangnan border-die!"

Leng Yan stepped out, blocking the front!

"What? Someone really dare to stop!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the underground world behind was completely dumbfounded, and every one of them was shocked!

There was a dead silence in the audience, the drop of needles could be heard!

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