There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 645: Oh? What you think is pretty good!

Lin Nan snapped his fingers and killed the dark giant Dewar!

The three commanders-in-chief of the Siberian Sirius tribe directly chose to surrender!

The trio of Isano ghost god, Ishigami god, and Meiji **** looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of panic and despair in each other's eyes!


Without hesitation, the spirits of Isano, God of Ishigami, and God of Meiji used all the strength of their bodies to rise up into the night and flee into the distance!

Lin Nan's strength has completely shocked them!

Now, the three of them just want to escape back to the country of Japan, hide from now on, never show up!

Lin Nan's terrorist methods have scared them out of their guts!

It's really horrible, this is a dark-class giant, even when he was understated, he was killed with a finger? What is the strength of this person?

"Haha! Just because you want to leave?"

Lin Nan sneered, stretched out a hand, and grabbed it against the sky!

Like a big net, the three ghosts and gods were captured instantly!

The three ghosts and gods of the Japanese Kingdom, their faces pale, like a mourning concubine, and their eyes are full of despair!

"God-killer, we represent the country of Japan, you can't kill us, otherwise, are you afraid of causing a war between the country of Japan and the country of China?" God Meiji stared at Lin Nan with fear.

After moving out of the country behind, I hope that Lin Nantou will not dare to be true!

"If I want to, even your country can be wiped out. What kind of thing are you? Death!"

Lin Nan directly slapped her hands!


Meiji God didn't even have a chance to defend, he turned into a **** mist on the spot and died on the spot!

"Mr. Lin is forgiving, Mr. Lin is forgiving!"

Where is the courage of the ghosts and gods of Izanuo and the **** of stone? Kneeling on the ground, facing Lin Nan like a chicken pecking rice more than kowtow!

What status, status, dignity, how can life matter at this moment?

"Mr. Lin, we are willing to surrender to your feet, please don't kill us!"

"In the beginning, you also surrendered to my feet in the country of Japan, what about now?" Lin Nan sneered and shook his head.

He acted decisively and killed the two ghosts and gods of Izanuo and Ishigami on the spot!

After witnessing this scene, everyone on the scene shuddered in shock and got goose bumps. They didn't even dare to take a breath!

It was really terrifying, less than a quarter of an hour after Lin Nan appeared, there were four dark giants who died under his hands, and almost all of them were shot in a flash, without a second shot!

The three commanders-in-chief of the wolf gods of the Sirius tribe looked at each other in shock, and they all saw a trace of rejoicing in the eyes of each other!

Fortunately, I chose to surrender, otherwise, I would have died long ago!

"You two, shouldn't you give me an explanation now?"

Lin Nan had his hands on his back, his gaze turned, and fell on Zen Master Qianye and Blood Dragon Girl!

The expressions of the two changed drastically, and they took a dozen steps back, trying to escape!

However, that step cannot be taken anyway!

The three ghosts and gods of the Japanese Kingdom just now have a vivid fate after escaping. If the two of them dare to raise the slightest thoughts, they will probably be killed on the spot!

"Your Excellency is far superior to ordinary people. If you say that you are number one in the world, of course you will not let it! The Blood Dragon Girl dare not be your enemy!"

"After I return to Europe, I will report to the senior leaders of the blood alliance. After today, the blood alliance will never step into the south of the Yangtze River!" The Blood Dragon Girl said solemnly, with an extremely sincere tone.

"Back then, the old man promised the ancestors of the Ding family, if the Ding family wanted him, he could do it once!" Zen Master Qianye explained, looking at Lin Nan with a hint of respect!

"Mr. Lin and I have no grievances and no grudges. I hope to turn fighting into jade. Today's incident will be wiped out!"

Zen Master Qianye said with a kind smile on his face, hoping to reconcile the matter!

"Oh? You think it's pretty good!"

Lin Nan chuckled and shook his head!

"Aren't the nine dark giants working together to enter Jiangnan and kill me? Now I just want to say a few words to draw a clear line from this matter? You are thinking too well, right!"

Upon hearing this, the blood dragon girl frowned, and a hint of coldness appeared on her pretty face!

"Mr. Lin, after all, I haven't taken any action yet. Let's just leave it alone! Our blood alliance also has an ancient blood ancestor who sits, but the blood ancestor is still asleep!"

The Blood Dragon Girl said with deep meaning.

Although she was begging for peace, there was a hint of threat in her tone!

"Blood Ancestor? What is that!"

"Mr. Lin, please take back your words!" The blood dragon girl's face sank, her tone was very bad!

"Haha! It's interesting, do you know what your situation is? You dare to speak like this, the emperor will give you death!" Lin Nan grinned.

Raise your hand to pat the Blood Dragon Girl, like a fly!


The pretty face of the blood dragon girl suddenly changed color, "You really want to do something to me, you are not afraid of blood..."

Before the word ‘zu’ was spoken, Lin Nan’s slap came, and the blood dragon girl was too late to scream. She turned into a **** mist on the spot and fell completely!

"And you!"

Lin Nan shot again, looked for Zen Master Qianye, and directly obliterated him on the spot!

So far.

The nine dark giants, except for the three Sirius commanders of the Sirius tribe, all six dark giants were directly killed by Lin Nan!

Everyone in the underground world who came to watch the battle was almost frightened, one by one seemed to be petrified, stiff in place!

This is a dark giant, kill it if you want?

This is like the shock of a president of a country being beheaded in front of the people of the whole country!

No one thought that he would witness the fall of the six dark giants!

"How can he..."

Gentleman Qiangwei's expression was astonished, like a repeater, repeating these words in his mouth!

"It seems that there is no need to report to the emperor, this person definitely cannot become Russia's opponent!" Mileva's pupils shrank and shrank, her delicate body trembling slightly!

"General, our country, there is a terrifying evildoer!"

In the dragon group's camp, someone saw this scene and couldn't help whispering in a low voice, with excitement!

Only Venerable Ying Long trembled all over, as if recalling that night, Lin Nan broke into the Dragon Group headquarters and slapped Venerable Horned Dragon to death!

Venerable Yinglong himself, as if he hadn't heard the words of his subordinates, sweated heavily on his forehead!

"Boss, why do you sweat so much?"

The senior agent who spoke just now asked puzzledly.

‘It’s weird, Mr. Lin is so powerful and he is a Chinese. This should be the luck of our Chinese nation. Why does the boss seem to be afraid? The senior agent thought suspiciously.

Lin Nan was not interested in paying attention to everyone's reaction, and walked in the direction of Jiangnan City!

Before leaving, he flicked his fingers lightly and shot two pills, which fell into the arms of Leng Yan and Lin Canghai respectively!

"this is……"

The commander-in-chief of the three Sirius, the moment he saw this pill, his eyes flickered, and he took a long breath!

As the monster race, they felt the horrible life essence in those two pills in an instant!

As long as you take these two pills, regardless of multiple internal injuries, as long as you still breathe, you will heal immediately, comparable to the elixir!

"This time, I can take action. If it's still so useless next time, I'll die if I die!" Lin Nan said calmly.

"Disciples are taught!"

"The old slave is ashamed!"

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai bowed their heads in the direction of Lin Nan!

Lin Nan ignored the two of them, and continued: "Look at the wolf, kill the wolf, break the wolf and listen to the order!"

"Subordinates are here!"

The commander-in-chief of the three major Sirius, shocked, hurriedly stepped forward, came to Lin Nan, and bowed to answer!

"The Ding family, kill without mercy, destroy the nine races!"

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