There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 66: Don't provoke this person, we can't provoke it!

   At this moment, Liu Ruqing and Wei Anran are waiting in the lobby of the Queen’s Hotel. Zhou Tianhua is constantly apologizing.

   "An Ran, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect this to happen!" Zhou Tianhua said with a sincere expression.

   If it was before, Wei Anran might have felt softhearted, but now she has thoroughly seen Zhou Tianhua's face.

"Go away!"

   Wei Anran said angrily, she was extremely disappointed with Zhou Tianhua's performance, and she left her and ran away alone.

   Zhou Tianhua was very excited, and explained: "An Ran, I don't want it either. That is the second son of the Li family, not someone else. I can't fight him at all, and are you all right now? I am willing to make up for you!"

   "Go away! I don't want to see you again!" Wei Anran scolded angrily.

Liu Ruqing's face was cold, she swept across Zhou Tianhua, and said coldly: "Zhou Tianhua, you'd better go. A villain like you is not worthy of An Ran. If you look at you again, my eyes are dirty! "


   The blue veins on Zhou Tianhua's forehead violently, he sneered a few times, glanced at the two deeply, and then turned and left.

   Lin Nan just came over, the coldness on his face was swept away, replaced by a friendly smile.

   "Lin Nan, you are fine!" Liu Ruqing threw into Lin Nan's arms excitedly.

   Lin Nan patted her on the shoulder and smiled: "What can I do, I am the most powerful person in the world!"

   "Hmph, as long as you can stand it." Liu Ruqing snorted softly.


As the two of them said, Wei Anran started crying in a low voice. Today’s incident has dealt a great blow to her. The man he was fond of had treated her this way. If Lin Nan hadn’t come out, he still didn’t know what was going to happen. .

   "An Ran, don't be sad. Fortunately, nothing happened, and you can see Zhou Tianhua's true face clearly. If you are together in the future, you can see his face clearly, that would be bad!" Liu Ruqing comforted.

   Wei Anran nodded sadly and said, "Thank you Ruqing, I want to go back to school."

   "Well, I'll take you back." Liu Ruqing nodded.

   So the three people left the Queen’s Hotel, called a taxi, and came to Hong Kong Island University, which is the school where Wei Anran studied.


   An hour later, the old man of the Li family walked into the Queen's Hotel, surrounded by countless people, came to the imperial hall, looked at the young people in front of him, frowning.

   "Hahaha, the little star... so beautiful, two stars..."

   "I want to hug, hug..."

   "It's burned to death, it's all burned to death, woo...devil, devil!"

   Those young people with the second son of the Li family crawled around on the ground like dogs, drooling, and their eyes were absent. At first sight, they had mental problems.

   In the entire imperial hall, excrement everywhere, full of unpleasant smell!

   "Where are people?"

   Li Jinrong, the elder of the Li family, frowned. He is more than 70 years old. As the richest man on Hong Kong Island, he has a strong aura and is not angry and prestigious. When he speaks, everyone present trembles.

   The general manager of the Queen’s Hotel came tremblingly and said: "Lao Li...Second Young Master, he is dead..."

"what did you say?"

Li Jinrong's face sank, and he shouted angrily, scared the general manager of the Queen’s Hotel. He knelt on the ground with a thump, and said in horror: "Old Li, it really doesn’t matter to us, after the second son entered the imperial hall, We were not allowed to come in, and there were bodyguards guarding the door, we also saw everything through the video of the Imperial Hall..."

   "What about the video? Bring it!" Li Jinrong said angrily.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The manager nodded hurriedly, making people raise a projector and projected the video from the Emperor's Hall on the wall. After seeing the situation in the picture clearly, Li Jinrong's expression became more serious. After watching the surveillance video After that, the serious expression on his face has turned into shock and horror!

   Especially Li Er Gongzi turned into a burst of blue smoke, disappearing without a trace, Li Jinrong's pupils shrank suddenly, like a ghost!

  Beside Li Jinrong, an old man in Tibetan robe was very solemn, with a Tibetan knife hung around his waist, dressed very primitively, like an ancient man.

His name is Kanjin, an ancient martial arts master in Tibet. His strength is unfathomable. As Li Jinrong's bodyguard for more than ten years, he has never made any mistakes. Now he sees this scene, but he is also terrified and horrified. 'S speechless.

   "Kan Jin, what kind of kung fu is this? Is it sorcery? Or is it sorcery?" Even if Li Jinrong has been on Hong Kong Island for decades, he can't calm down at this moment.

In his life, he has seen a lot of things, such as the art of raising ghosts in Southeast Asia, the blood art of southern witches, the Gu art of Miaojiang, and the art of lowering the head of Burma. He has heard of it, but this kind of thing is out of thin air. Even Li Jinrong was afraid of the means of disappearing.

   "Killing is invisible, this method is too terrible, even I can't do it!" Kanjin gently shook his head, holding the hidden knife at his waist in one hand, looking very solemn.

   Li Jinrong frowned. He had many illegitimate children. Although the dead second son of Li was a direct son, he was ignorant. In fact, Li Jinrong was not much sad. When he reached his position, his personal feelings were already very weak.

   "Can you find him?" Li Jinrong said solemnly.

   Kanjin gave a wry smile, shook his head and said: "I can find it, but I dare not find it!"

   "Why? Did my son die in vain?" Li Jinrong frowned, a little angry.

Kanjin shook his head and said solemnly: "This method may only be possible with the legendary witch god. The witch **** was furious, and corpse a million, he killed a few thousand miles away with a blood curse. Thousands of people, for the sake of the Li family’s inheritance, I advise Mr. Li to forget about this!"

   "Hiss! Killing thousands of people thousands of miles away, is this true?" Li Jinrong took a breath, feeling a chill behind his back.

   "It's only true! If my master is still alive, I can compete with the witch god, but the master has traveled immortally, and there are few people in the world who can compare with the witch god!" Kan Jin said solemnly.

   "But this person looks so young, how could he be a witch god?" Li Jinrong still didn't give up.

Kanjin chuckled and said, "This is where the witchcraft is terrifying. Witchcraft is at its extreme and can be rejuvenated! Mr. Li, I still remind you, don’t provoke this person, we can’t afford it! And today’s incident , Forget it completely!"

   There was a moment of silence in the entire imperial hall.

   After a long time.

"I know!"

   Li Jinrong nodded, his eyes fell on the general manager of the Queen’s Hotel, and asked: "How many people have seen this video?"

   The general manager of the Queen’s Hotel was shaking slightly and replied: “How dare I spread this kind of video? Apart from me, there are only two people in the monitoring room.”

   "Take it all away."

   Li Jinrong spoke faintly, a frightful breath rushing toward his face.

   The general manager of the Queen’s Hotel screamed and was killed on the spot. The entire imperial hall fell into a dead silence again.

(End of this chapter)

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