There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 652: You dare to let Mr. Lin give you face?

When it was almost noon, the vehicle that Lin Nan and others took finally reached the wedding scene!

Although it is only a four-star hotel, it is very lively.

The vehicles that go to and from are only Volkswagen, Toyota, Hyundai and other scooters, and occasionally one or two low-end Mercedes-Benz and BMW appear. They are not very advanced!

The Mu family's family background is average, and they have no access to the upper circles of Southeastern Province, so the friends and relatives they know are all ordinary well-off families!


After Lin Nan arrived, no one recognized him, he was Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!

Lin Nan and the others got out of the car, and Uncle Jiang drove the car to the parking lot!

"Wan Qing!"

As soon as I arrived at the door of the hotel, I heard a woman's voice in front of me!

Everyone looked up, and saw a generous and decent woman in a slim dress, standing there!


Mu Wanqing said hello with a smile, introducing Lin Nan and others one by one!

"Hehe, they are all guests when they come. Go in and sit down. I will take you in!"

Mu Wanqing's cousin, named Mu Siya, is in her sophomore year this year!

The entire wedding scene is hardly luxurious, but it is definitely not shabby!

Lin Nan and the others, the wine table was arranged by Mu Siya Wine, the ages of the people around the same age, all seemed to be about the same age, they were chatting!

These seven or eight young men and women, when they saw Lin Nan and others attend the table, they couldn't help but shine, falling on the three girls, Liu Ruqing, Mu Wanqing, and Wei Anran!

They are very beautiful in their own right, and today they have specially put on makeup, and they are elegant and beautiful, which is more pleasing to the eye!

"This is my cousin Mu Wanqing, these are her classmates in Jiangnan!"

Mu Siya introduced with a smile.

At the same time, other people at the wine table are also being introduced!

A few of them have quite a few assets in the family, just over 100 million yuan, and they are considered small rich people in Yunzhou in the southeast province!

The other is that my father is the director of Yunzhou City Hall. He was studying in the United States. Because of the Chinese New Year, he was invited by Mu Siya to attend the wedding soon after returning home!

If it weren't for Mu Siya's face, these people would not move at all because of the well-off family like the Mu family!

"Oh? From Jiangnan?"

I heard that it was someone from Jiangnan, one of them named Zhou Yiyang, was very interested!

"I heard that you have a Mr. Lin in Jiangnan. He is very powerful and famous. He is comparable to the country's chief official! Jiangnan's authorities are afraid of him. Is it true?"

There was a faint smile on Zhou Yiyang's face.

"Mr. Lin, it's just a false rumor, you really believe it! Last time there were rumors that the Han family in Tianhai City had surrendered to Mr. Lin's name, but now the Han family is not good?"

The other boy shook his head slightly and did not believe.

The assets of their family have just exceeded 100 million, and they can't even reach a higher level!

Therefore, when Lin Nan's deeds were almost mythological, these people certainly did not believe it!

"It's not necessarily, there can be no waves without wind, but I think this Mr. Lin is not easy!" Mu Siya frowned slightly.

Since Mu Wanqing didn't give too much introduction, Mu Siya didn't know that Lin Nan who came with Mu Wanqing was the Li Xiunai from Jiangnan!

"Beauty Siya, you really believe it!"

"It's better to believable than to be trusted, such a big man who is discussing everywhere, it is better to be respectful to him between our words!"

There was a faint smile on Mu Siya's face.

Hearing this, the other young people shook their heads slightly!

They are all young people with strong spirits. They have never seen Lin Nan, they just listen to some half-truths, like making them respectful to Lin Nan, how could it be possible?

"Zhenghao, you are a top student who came back from college in the United States. What do you think of this?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yiyang asked with a smile.

The eyes of everyone gathered on a young man who was opposite to Mu Siya!

He looks gentle, dressed in a decent hand-made suit, and has rarely spoken since he was on the table, very calm!

Now, seeing someone asking himself, Xu Zhenghao smiled slightly and said:

"When I returned to China, I also heard some stories about Mr. Jiangnan Lin! According to my analysis, this Mr. Lin should have some ability, but it is too exaggerated to make a government fear him. It should be fake! "

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Listen thoroughly!"

Everyone on the desktop questioned, all their eyes were on Xu Zhenghao's face!

"Zhenghao, what do you think?" Mu Siya also asked with a smile.

Xu Zhenghao smiled lightly and talked freely:

"On the American side, those super consortia and the government have an interdependent relationship, but even if the Citi consortium controls the four major U.S. banks, they have no right to interfere in politics!"

"The Morgan Consortium's industries, involving banks, automobiles, mining, aviation, and even the military industry chain, still cannot influence the political decisions of Congress!"

"Do you think that Mr. Lin has much power to make the government bow to him? Is it possible?"

Xu Zhenghao said, shook his head lightly, with a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth!

"But I heard that this Mr. Lin knows magic spells, how can he look at him with ordinary people's eyes?" A boy frowned and heard some news from some channels.

"Spell? What age is this!"

Xu Zhenghao sneered and said jokingly: "Even if Mr. Lin really has magical powers, in front of the modern army, let your spells pass by, can you stop it?"


"There is really some truth to what I say! It seems that the rumors really cannot be trusted, most of them are bragging!"

"It is worthy of being a high-achieving student from the United States, and his opinions are extraordinary!" Many people exclaimed.

"When I go back, I want to tell my dad, don't believe those people too much. How can Mr. Lin from Jiangnan be so powerful!"

The young people at the dinner table nodded in agreement, feeling that Xu Zhenghao's words made sense.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this Mr. Lin, it's not interesting to say that he, everyone hasn't seen each other for more than two years, let's have a drink together!"

Xu Zhenghao smiled, got up, and took a glass of wine.

"Okay, cheers!"

The group of people who had just agreed with Xu Zhenghao also got up one after another, ready to clink glasses!


Lin Nan and the others didn't move, they still sat there, didn't even stand up!

"This friend, you and your companion, come together too!"

Xu Zhenghao reminded with a smile. It sounded like a reminder, but his tone was like an order, which was beyond doubt!

This is a kind of speaking skill. Xu Zhenghao has practiced it for a long time. After listening, ordinary people will unconsciously want to listen to you!

However, Lin Nan seemed to have not heard him, and still sat there calmly!

Xu Zhenghao's expression was a little uncontrollable, and he said in a deep voice, "My friend, don't you give me this little face?"

"Only you, dare to let Mr. Lin from Jiangnan give you face?"

At this moment, a faint sarcasm came!

"what did you say?"

"He is Mr. Lin? That Mr. Lin from Jiangnan?"

All the people on the wine table cast their gazes on Wei Anran's pretty face, and each one was full of suspicious, surprised, and surprised expressions!

Mr. Lin, who has been discussing Jiangnan for so long, is this righteous now in front of everyone?

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