There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 654: Rumor-it's true!

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Xu Zhenghao's face flashed with delight!

He is very satisfied, and everyone enjoys this expression!

"Master Jun, you came to our wedding scene, is there anything wrong? Why not sit down and drink a glass of water at the bar?"

"Still drinking? On the highway today, a guy was looking for death and hit me by car! I have found out that the car has arrived here for the wedding!" Wang Jun sneered.


Xu Zhenghao's face suddenly stiffened!

"Master Jun, someone dared to hit you with a car, is he looking for death?" Xu Zhenghao said solemnly.

"Hehe, there are so many people looking for death in the world. I will find out the car in the first place. Don't even try to escape!" Wang Jun looked cold.

After knowing the origin of Wang Jun's horror, everyone on the scene couldn't sit still. They got up and lowered their heads slightly, not dare to look directly at Wang Jun's eyes!

Only Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Wei Anran, and Mu Wanqing are still calm as usual!

They all know that Lin Nan's identity is not afraid of any king of Southeastern Province!

Therefore, they were the only ones who still sat calmly around Lin Nan, and didn't even mean to get up!


Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Wei Anran and Mu Wanqing became the focus of the audience!


Everyone's eyes, all gathered away!

"I'm going, are these people crazy?"

"Sit so calmly!"

"Wanqing, what are you doing? Don't stand up soon!" Mu Siya's pretty face suddenly changed color.

"Cousin, don't worry, when the guests are all sitting down, it's okay!" Mu Wan replied calmly, neither humble nor silly!

"You! What are you talking about? You are from the south of the Yangtze River. I don't know the situation in our southeastern province. This is the young army junior of the Wang family. Get up quickly. It's not a joke!" Mu Siya jumped anxiously on the spot.

Mu Wanqing didn't seem to hear her, so she didn't answer directly!

"Hehe, it's really tough!"

Wang Jun laughed furiously, nodded, and said, "I hope that after a while, you can continue to be tough. By the way, there are only you, the driver?"

"Military young man, could it be their car that hit you?"

Xu Zhenghao opened his mouth in surprise, even a little bit of joy in his heart!

Just now at the dinner table, Lin Nan directly ignored his proposal to get up and clink glasses, sitting there like a rock!

This made Xu Zhenghao very faceless. Now that Wang Jun is here, and he is looking for trouble with Lin Nan and others, how can Xu Zhenghao be upset?

‘Hahaha, heaven and earth, it’s the fairy sister who gave me such a bad breath! ’

Had it not been for Wang Jun still here, Xu Zhenghao would almost laugh out loud!

"Zhenghao, please help out and say a few words in front of Young Master Jun. Although my cousin is in the car, she is not driving, and it has nothing to do with her!" Mu Siya said anxiously.

Xu Zhenghao moved slightly in his heart and glanced at Mu Siya!

I saw Mu Siya showing a pitiful expression, matching her exquisite face, making Xu Zhenghao happy!

He considered for a moment, leaned towards Wang Jun, and smiled: "Young Master, this matter has nothing to do with that girl. You give me a face, can you..."

A word is not finished yet!


Wang Jun raised his hand and slapped Xu Zhenghao's face!

Wang Jun himself was a soldier who had been expelled from the army. His physical fitness was nothing to say. Xu Zhenghao's handsome face was suddenly swollen!

"Military young?"

This slap completely slapped Xu Zhenghao and looked at Wang Jun in horror!

"Do you have a problem with your brain? You let me forget it and I'll forget it? Give your face? What kind of face do you have?"

"Even if your dad is here, you have to bow your waist and nod your head when talking to me, what are you doing? Get out of here!" Wang Jun said coldly.

Xu Zhenghao's face alternated with blue and red, and his heart was ashamed and embarrassed to the extreme!

When Mu Siya saw this scene, surprise and disappointment flashed across Qiao's face!

In her mind, Xu Zhenghao can be regarded as an outstanding talent. She was so unbearable that she was grasped by others in public, and she dared not refute a word!

In the beginning, some of the guests who had long seen Xu Zhenghao displeased, couldn't help but laugh!

"Puff! Hahaha!"

"This kid, who looks like a pug, really thinks he is a human being, so he dare to speak in front of the army young man?"

"You may not know yet, there is a kind of blind confidence!"

Several guests talked funny.

"This is the end of not knowing your own status and weight, son, you have to learn a little in the future!"

A parent even started to preach to his son directly in front of everyone.

Hearing what everyone said, Xu Zhenghao became even more embarrassed, his face was ashamed, and he wanted to find a place to sew in, then fly back to the United States, and never come back again!

Wang Jun ignored everyone's discussion, his eyes were full of coldness, looking at Lin Nan and others, he said solemnly: "You guys, get me here!"

"Damn, Master Jun asked you to roll over, are you deaf?"

Seeing that Lin Nan hadn't moved, the middle-aged man Wang Jun had brought with him, his face was gloomy and shouted!

At the same time, he rushed towards Lin Nan's location at the fastest speed, preparing to pick Lin Nan out himself!

Lin Nan gently raised his hand and pumped at the void!


This middle-aged man just rushed to the average, his whole body was shaken slightly, and then he flew out!

When he fell on the ground, his neck crooked--dead!

"Ah, murder!"

The crowd of guests, their faces changed wildly, they all looked at Lin Nan in horror, like a ghost!

"What? dare to kill!"

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Jun's expression also changed. He did not expect that the young man in front of him would dare to kill in front of everyone!

You know, even Wang Jun absolutely dare not kill people in the public!

"Not only do I want to kill, I want to kill you, what can you do?" Lin Nan smiled faintly.

"Hehe, do you know who I am? Do you dare to kill me?"

Wang Jun sneered!

As soon as his voice fell to the ground, Lin Nan shot without hesitation, flicking his finger lightly, a sword light shot from Lin Nan's fingertips!


Wang Jun trembled, his head was directly penetrated by this sword light, and there was still an expression of horror on his face!

"Military young?"

Xu Zhenghao's voice trembled and looked at Wang Jun in horror. When he approached, he realized that Wang Jun was dead!

"Young Master...dead! Wang Jun is dead!" Xu Zhenghao exclaimed.

"Hi! Dead!"

The crowd was in an uproar, everyone took a long breath and looked at Lin Nan in disbelief, like a monster!

Mu Siya's pretty face was full of shocked expressions, remembering Mu Wanqing's words just now, she looked at Lin Nan in surprise!

‘Raise your hand to kill someone in the air, is he really Mr. Lin from Jiangnan? Rumor-it's true! ’

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