There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 668: Blood messenger!

In the next month, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing lived like ordinary people in Tianhai University!

Classes, classes, and meals every day, study together in the study room!

Although, for Lin Nan, these courses on the earth, he never forgets, but in order to accompany Liu Ruqing, Lin Nan has no complaints!

Regarding Wang Xuan, under the efforts of Han Zhongyan and Wang Zhong, there was no turmoil. Even the group of people in the auditorium that day completely forgot about it!

As for Ning Xin, after becoming the manager of that jewelry store, she came to thank Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing several times, and became good friends with Liu Ruqing!

Within this month, Lin Nan was terribly low-key!

And all over the world, countless intelligence agents are watching Lin Nan's every move!

At this moment, in a private estate in Europe!

Several senior intelligence personnel, holding large amounts of information in their hands, stood there, waiting quietly!

After a long time, in the depths of the garden, a few figures walked out, wearing dark and huge cloaks, like ghosts!

Through the edge of the cloak, you can vaguely see that these people are pale and bloodless!

The moment these people arrived, the temperature around the garden dropped sharply, and some of the flowers were instantly filled with frost!

"How's the investigation?"

Among the group of people wearing cloaks, one of them was 1.9 meters tall, a slender man with slender joints, asked calmly.

An invisible pressure rushed to the face and surged into the hearts of this group of senior intelligence agents!

They only feel that in front of their own eyes is a group of evil spirits from hell, giving people a feeling of gloom, coldness, and infinite fear!

This group of people are the personal messengers of the blood ancestors among the blood clan!

"Report your lord! It's almost done, this god-killer has a very mysterious origin, as if it came out of thin air!"

"However, we found something very important and very strange!"

Are the several intelligence personnel below talking? Don't dare to neglect the slightest!

"Oh? Why is it weird?"

The slender man frowned.

"Judging from the performance of the God Killer, his reputation in the underground world can be compared to the major giants in history. In today's underground world, if those adults do not come out, he has almost no opponent!" the intelligence agent explained.

"However, such a powerful person went to high school in a school in Jiangnan, China. Not to mention high school, but now he went to Tianhai University to study!"

"Although several things have happened in Tianhai City, don't you think this is too strange, my lord?"

"A strong man like God Killer, what kind of woman does he want? And he is decisive in killing, and his character is not like an ordinary young man, he is definitely an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years!!"

The slender man sneered and said, "What's so strange about this!"

"This kind of strong man will feel bored if he lives for too long, so he goes to the game world. What's weird?"

"What the lord said!"

The intelligence officer nodded deeply, not daring to refute!

"How are you preparing for that plan?"

The slender man continued to ask.

"If you tell your lord, you are almost ready, you can start it right away! The godslayer killed the people of my blood clan, and ignored the majesty of my blood clan, and the wolf clan has long been dissatisfied with him!" the intelligence officer whispered. .

"It's so good, everything waits for the blood ancestor to wake up!"

This slender man nodded in satisfaction, and then disappeared into the depths of the garden like a ghost!


As soon as this group of men in cloaks left, this group of intelligence personnel breathed a sigh of relief, like being amnesty!

"Our strength is already comparable to a master martial artist. Among the blood clan, we can only do the job of an intelligence officer!"

One of the intelligence agents spoke a little angrily, and touched the cold sweat on his forehead at the same time!

"Lauren, haha! Just be content with you, be one of those people, drink blood every day, and can't see the sun! What's good about living like a ghost?" A blue pupil with a high nose The pretty man sneered and shook his head!

"However, I still admire these blood messengers. Except they can't see the sun, they are no different from ordinary people! And the life span is more than hundreds of years, even if you are a martial arts master, you can only live for many years, right? "

Lauren's eyes are full of envy!

"Lauren, do you really want to be that kind of person and ghost?" Hugh asked funny.

When the voice fell to the ground, only a cold voice came!

"Who are you talking about?"


Hughes, Lauren and others were shocked. Looking back, they saw the group of blood envoys who had just left, going back and forth, standing there!

"Bloodmaker, we didn't mean that..."

Husseus's face changed drastically, suddenly becoming like earthy color, trembling all over, and fell to the ground with a puff!

However, the blood messenger who opened his mouth immediately shot, and he stretched out his scary pale arm and grabbed it at Seuss!

"No, run away!"

Husseus's face changed again and again, and he stood up without hesitation, as if he had installed a spring under his feet, jumped across the air, and fled toward the back of the garden!

"Ha ha!"

The blood messengers sneered, and the **** runes in their hands surged, as if they had touched a certain mysterious power, and grabbed them against the void!


There was no escape for Hughes, and he was caught back and thrown on the ground like a concubine!

"My lord... forgive me..."

Husseus's lips trembled, and he raised his head in horror, but it was indeed a mouthful of fangs that came toward him!


A scream came, and the blood envoy's teeth penetrated Seuss' throat mercilessly, and the blood poured into his mouth, and his body finally gained a touch of warmth!

And Seuss on the ground was already withered and turned into a corpse, as if he had been dead for a long time!

"Spare, spare!"

The rest of the intelligence personnel were terrified, and their eyes were full of fear and horror. They knelt to the ground and kept begging for mercy!

"Oh, Adams, you are too impulsive. Although this person is a small person, his effect is not small. If you kill him like this, the plan of the blood clan will be affected!" A blood messenger with a black cloak sighed lightly. Breath!

At this moment.

The blood envoy named Adams turned his head gently and took off the cloak on top of his head. A handsome, suffocating, but pale face like rice paper appeared in front of everyone!

"It doesn't matter, he is dead, I will take others, I want to go to Tianhai City for a while, what is the situation of this God-killer, it even alarmed the sleeping blood ancestor!" Adams smiled slightly. Make women feel ashamed!

"What? No!"

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