There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 674: Coming here today is to kill the Godslayer!

"Yes, yes! It's my fault, my fault! I don't dare anymore!"

Qian Senyu kowtows like garlic, his fear is extreme!

Lin Nan frowned and said coldly: "In the entertainment industry in the future, if I find out that you have anything against Yang Xueqi, I will not be merciless!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Qian Senyu still knelt there and kept kowtow!

"get out!"

Lin Nan said indifferently.

Qian Senyu was like an amnesty. In the eyes of everyone, he rushed out of the rehearsal site with shame and anger. He was so embarrassed and angry that he wanted to find a place to sew in!

When Qian Zhonglin and Zhao Tianming saw this, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

"Mr. Lin, who is this?"

Zhao Tianming walked forward with a smile and looked at Yang Xueqi!

"Big boss, she is Yang Xueqi. As I mentioned to you, Mr. Lin's fiancee's cousin is interested in the entertainment industry, so I took her into the circle, and she is still a newcomer now!" Yang Mi explained in a low voice.

If it weren't for the relationship between Yang Xueqi and Liu Ruqing, it would be almost impossible for an ordinary person to enter the entertainment circle and be brought to hand by a top traffic actress like Yang Mi!

"Oh I got it!"

Zhao Tianming suddenly realized it, nodded, took a deep look at Yang Xueqi, and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Zhou!"


A man wearing gold glasses and a suit hurriedly pushed aside the crowd, walked up, and stood there respectfully, like a servant!

"Xiao Zhou, go back and contact several directors and planners to see what movie and TV heroines our Flower Brothers have, suitable for Ms. Yang Xueqi to act in!" Zhao Tianming ordered.

"This one……"

An embarrassing expression appeared on Secretary Xiao Zhou's face, and said helplessly:

"Chairman, the candidates for the heroine were already determined when the script was selected. If you change at this time, I'm afraid it will delay the shooting!"

When shooting movies and TV series, casting is very important, the protagonist of a number can decide the life or death of a drama!

Some people will even change some of the plots of the original work to make the script suitable for participating actresses!

"And those are deadly actresses and big names, and there will be a lot of compensation. The chairman's change of the protagonist at zero hour, some of the gains are not worth the loss!

Secretary Xiao Zhou said, but wanted to say a few more words, but Zhao Tianming interrupted!

"Did you not hear what I said?"

Zhao Tianming turned his head and glanced at his secretary coldly!

Secretary Xiao Zhou trembled, lowered his head in horror, and said in horror: "I know, I'm going to prepare now!"

"Huh? Chairman, you?"

Seeing this scene, Yang Xueqi looked at Zhao Tianming in surprise, feeling a little dizzy in her head!

I'm just a newcomer, so why are you going to act the heroine of movies and TV series in an instant? And Zhao Tianming, the chairman of the Floral Brothers, spoke in person?

"Hehe, don't worry, based on this relationship between you and Mr. Lin, my floral brothers will hold you up!"

Zhao Tianming showed a kind smile, without the slightest evasiveness!


"My God, the chairman actually said such a thing himself?"

"What kind of luck has Yang Xueqi gone, it can be like this!"

A group of stars and singers around, looked at Yang Xueqi's gaze, full of envy!

"What luck, it's not because this young man brought Yang Xueqi!"

Someone shook his head and stared at Lin Nan stubbornly!

"Who is he? There is so much energy that even Chairman Zhao treats him so respectfully? It's incredible. Could it be someone from Yanjing?"

In the crowd, everyone talked cautiously.

As for Wu Liya, who was kneeling on the ground, her pretty face became even more pale!

She knew that her acting career was over!

"Mr. Lin, please come here, there is still some time before the charity concert begins, I will take you to rest first!"

Zhao Tianming's suggestion with a smile, like a hotel waiter, personally led Lin Nan and left the rehearsal site!

"Xueqi, are you okay? Can you still sing at night?"

Yang Mi helped Yang Xueqi and asked with concern while leaving.

"Don't worry, Sister Mi, the charity concert tonight is very important. I take a rest and recover. It should be possible!"

Yang Xueqi nodded.



At this moment.

Qian Senyu has already rushed out of the sports center, like an angry beast, his eyes full of bloodshot and resentment!

"why why!"

"Why make me kneel down? In front of so many people, let me kneel down and apologize and admit my mistakes! How will I get confused in the circle from now on?"

"I hate it! I hate it!"

Qian Senyu roared and rushed to the side of a wall, kicking and kicking, despite the expensive leather shoes on his feet, the blood on his toes was dripping, as if there was no feeling!

"Incompetent roar!"

Suddenly, in Qian Senyu's ear, a ridiculous voice came!

A figure wearing a black cloak came slowly from the dark and stood there!

"what did you say?"

Qian Senyu suddenly turned his head, glaring at this figure, gritted his teeth!

"Do you know who I am? My dad is a member of the board of directors of the Flower Brothers, and I can kill you believe it or not with just a few words!"

"Ha ha!"

The black shadow sneered, his tone was full of disdain, and he said contemptuously: "Waste is waste, and it will only vent against a wall! If you have strong enough strength, it is not your feet that hurt, but it will knock it down. Facing the wall!"

"For example, like this--!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Sombra sneered, and stretched out his hand to punch this wall!



There was a loud noise, and this concrete wall collapsed in an instant, sparking smoke and dust!


"who are you?"

Qian Senyu's complexion changed drastically, he took a dozen steps back and sat down on the ground, looking at the dark shadow, full of panic!

"Hehe, stupid human beings, I am the messenger of the blood ancestor! I am here today to kill the godslayer!"

The person in the dark shadow is Adams from Europe!

"Who is the Godkiller?"

A trace of confusion flashed through Qian Senyu's eyes!

"It's Mr. Lin who just made you ashamed and angry!"

Adams lifted the cloak on his head, revealing his pale and handsome face!

"It's him!"

The confusion in Qian Senyu's eyes disappeared without a trace, replaced by a monstrous hatred, anger, humiliation and unwillingness!

"Very well, I am very satisfied with your performance. I will give you a chance. As long as you help me once, I will kill this person for you. How about?" Adams grinned.

"it is good!"

Qian Senyu didn't even think about it, the killing intent in his eyes skyrocketed, and he roared: "If you can kill him for me, no matter what the conditions are, I will promise you!"

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