There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 676: The emperor, the universe is invincible!

After Liu Ruqing left the box, according to Yang Xueqi's words, walked towards the lounge!

"Boom boom boom!"

Liu Ruqing knocked on the door of the lounge, only to hear a sound coming from inside!

"Come in!"


The door of the lounge was pushed open, and Yang Xueqi stood there in horror. Yang Mi fell to the ground with a few more palm prints on Qiao's face. It seemed that she had been beaten!

As for Qian Senyu, he was sitting quietly on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, tasting it gently!

"Xueqi! What's wrong with you? Sister Mi...and what about you...what is going on?"

Liu Ruqing looked at the crowd in surprise, secretly shouting bad.

She just wanted to turn her head and leave, only to hear a muffled noise coming from behind!


The door of the lounge was closed voluntarily, making Liu Ruqing unable to leave!

"What are you doing?"

Liu Ruqing glared, looking at Qian Senyu on the opposite side!

"Hehe, the shame you gave me, I will double it back to you, I will let Lin Nan see it with my own eyes, and my woman dies in front of him! Hahahaha!" Qian Senyu laughed up to the sky, his eyes full of madness Meaning!

"Oh? Are you true?"

At this moment, a faint voice came!

"Who is speaking?"

Qian Senyu's face changed drastically, and he looked around in horror!

Sweeping the entire lounge, but no one was found, Qian Senyu even thought that he had heard it wrong!


In the next moment, a figure gradually appeared in front of him, and when he fixed his eyes, it was Lin Nan himself!

"How did you get in?"

Qian Senyu took a dozen steps back, staring at Lin Nan with fear!

However, he soon calmed down again!

Not long ago, he was cast by Adams the blood spell, and now he has mana, so he dared to be so arrogant in front of Lin Nan!

"What if you come in? Lin Nan, Lin Nan, you didn't expect it! I came back so soon, you provoke my blood clan, you will definitely die today!"

Qian Senyu didn't know where his confidence came from. He didn't retreat but moved forward. He walked a few steps forward, holding his head high, and looking at Lin Nan's eyes with pride!

"Blood? A bunch of poor little bugs, I thought they were hiding, but I didn't expect to be thirsty, and really dare to come to me for trouble!" Lin Nan shook his head funny.

"Hehe! Really? The godslayer seems to be very confident!"

A sneer came!

Spread throughout the sports center!

"what happened?"

"Who is talking?"

The audience outside all raised their heads in surprise and looked at the dark night sky!

This voice is gloomy, cold, cold, and indifferent. Just hearing it makes people shudder!

"What? The blood ancestor didn't come over? He sent you such a small bug?"

Lin Nan looked back, through the wall of the lounge, looking towards the outside world!

This look seemed to penetrate the void and directly found Adams who was hiding at the top of the sports center and using the blood shield technique!

'how is this possible? Can he discover my existence? ’

When Lin Nan's eyes swept over, there was an illusion in Adams' heart!

Lin Nan in front of him seemed to be looking at an ant!

That's right, I was watching the ants, and this ant was Adams himself!

"Huh! You can also let the blood ancestor and his old man come forward in person? God-killer, you really value yourself too much!"

"In this world, there are too many people stronger than you. You are just a frog at the bottom of the well, sitting on the well and watching the sky! Do you really think that you are invincible in the world?"

Adams stood there, his eyes shimmering, full of chill!

"The world is invincible? Ha ha, how big is the world?"

Lin Nan shook his head amusedly, then changed his tone and said, "This emperor, the universe is invincible!"

Adams was taken aback. At this moment, he only felt that Lin Nan in front of him was like a mountain with a height of billions of feet. People could only look up, and even wanted to worship!

In fact, this is the result of Lin Nan hiding his momentum!

Otherwise, just relying on the majesty of his heavenly emperor, not to mention Adams, only need to show a little, the creatures on the entire earth, I am afraid that will kneel to the ground!

"What a universe invincible!"

Adams's face sank and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. With a wave of his big hand, blood surged in his cloak, and a fishy wind blew out, causing the sky over the sports center to change!

"Godkiller, you can enjoy it! The entire sports center has already been cast by the blood forbidden curse. The 100,000 spectators here will be sacrificed by me. At that time, you can't even die!"

The voice falls!



There was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, and the entire sports center was alarmed. There were nearly 100,000 people in the sports center, all looking up to the sky!

I saw the night sky disappear without a trace, replaced by a **** light curtain!

A hideous and terrifying evil spirit appeared in the sky, grinning, as if it would swallow the 100,000 spectators present at any time!

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

The staff at the sports center changed their complexion and all rushed out!

Zhao Tianming and Qian Zhonglin also walked out of the box, looking at everything in front of them in horror!

Earl Statham had not left the sports center, and was also halfway through leaving. He saw this scene, standing in place like a petrified person!

Only those 100,000 ordinary viewers, not only did not have the slightest fear, but were extremely excited!

"I'll go! This ticket is worth it!"

"That's right! What's the situation?"

"3D projection? Or the latest holographic technology? This thing is too real! It's like I'm wearing 3D glasses, it's immersive!"

The audience at the scene looked at the evil spirits above the sports center, talking excitedly!

They thought that this was just a form of entertainment for the organizers, using movie technology to create a terrifying atmosphere and experience for the audience!

"Huh! Stupid human beings, they don't know how to die when they die!"

Adams snorted coldly when he saw this scene!

The next moment, he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Please come, Lord Bloodthirsty Demon God, your most loyal servant, brought one hundred thousand souls to make the best, please enjoy it!"

"Blood Envoy Adams, pay tribute to my life with my blood, please come, Lord Bloodthirsty Demon God!"

"Please come, Lord Bloodthirsty Demon God!"

"Please come, Lord Bloodthirsty Demon God!"

When it comes to the last sentence, Adams is already roaring, his voice is like a wave of air, spreading throughout the sports center!


At the same time, the entire sports center trembled violently, and a terrifying black shadow, like the emperor of the night, appeared in the sky above the sports center, looking down below, and spreading blood-filled fangs!

"Who is calling me?"

A voice came, as if it had penetrated through the ages, coming from prehistoric times!

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