There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 682: If you have any opinions, just kill them together!

Lin Nan's words are really arrogant!

Who is upset? It's all gone!

His words almost offended most of Europe!

Even the president of the current superpower dare not say such things, right? No country in Europe is terrible, but if they add up and unite together, it will make the whole world tremble!


Lin Nan was not afraid, said such a sentence and issued such an order!

Jerome Baker, Hansenton Raphael, Charles Twain and others opened their mouths wide and even thought they had heard it wrong!

The other royal nobles in the church stunned one by one, unable to believe their ears!

"Does the God Killer really decide to act against the blood race even if he does not hesitate to be an enemy of most of Europe?"

Jerome Baker's face became extremely ugly!

He has an irreversible relationship with the kinship, and he has the kinship bloodline himself. His current status is all supported by the kinship. If the kinship is destroyed, not only his status will not be guaranteed, but the family behind him will also become passive!

"Although your Siberian werewolf army is powerful, we are not vegetarian. Ants often kill elephants. If we unite, your werewolf army may not be our opponent!"

"Godkiller really considered it? Want to be an enemy of the whole of Europe?"

"Although I wait for the strength to be small, but together, it may not be afraid of you, you better think clearly!"

Hansenton Raphael narrowed his eyes.

"If you want to go to war, my Charles family will not be afraid!"

Charles Twain got up and threw his crutches on the floor, showing his attitude!

"No no no!"

Broken Wolf shook his huge head like a rattle, showing a smile, and explained: "I think you have misunderstood, my master, never thought of being an enemy of Europe!"


Jerome Baker, Hansenton Raphael, Charles Twain, and others looked at ease and snorted in disdain!

‘Sure enough, it’s not subdued! In front of the whole of Europe, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to be an enemy of dozens of countries! ’

‘Are you afraid of it after a long time? ’

Everyone thought triumphantly, this negotiation, they should have won!

Under the pressure of European countries, they believe that the werewolf army will retreat soon!


At this time, Polang's tone changed, and he said, "The master means that if you have any opinions, you can kill them together!"

"If your power is an enemy of my master, then the power behind you will be destroyed!"

"If your country is an enemy of your master, then destroy your country!"

"If, as you said, the entire Europe is an enemy of its master, there is no need for Europe to exist!"

The words of the broken wolf sounded like a bolt from the blue in the church!

Everyone on the scene was dumbfounded, their jaws falling to the ground!

Only the sound of the broken wolf is left, surrounded by the church, and the sound is still there!


Jerome Baker's eyes widened, his eyes are about to burst!


Hansenton Raphael's angry face was blue, and his chest was violent!

If it weren't for a man, he stepped forward and patted him on the back to help him straighten out his breath. Maybe he would lose his breath on the spot!

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I want to see how the godslayer is against the whole of Europe!"

The crutch in Charles Twain's hand slammed on the ground, his anger was extreme!

"Oh? Then you have to take a good look, because our werewolf legion has already started, and the blood clan is destroyed, just today!"

Po Lang grinned, showing his white teeth!

And this time.


There was a sound of howling wolf, and the outside of the church heard the sound of thousands of horses. With the roar of beasts, the werewolf army began to enter the palace!

"Da da da!"


The sound of wolf paws hitting the ground, coupled with the sound of giant werewolves breaking through the city and entering the city, one after another, made the complexions of all the royals and nobles present frequently changed!

The city where this church is located is where the blood family base camp is!

Now that the werewolf legion can break through the city, how can the blood people sit still?

Immediately, there were thousands of figures rushing out from every corner, with a **** light on their bodies, they entered the werewolf legion, and the battle was about to start!

But these kinsmen were not the opponents of the werewolf legion at all. They were all crushed and attacked into the city after they only met each other!

"Bold! This is the forbidden place of the blood race, the resting place of the blood ancestors! You dare to trespass? Kill without mercy!"

A majestic voice came, and more than a dozen dark sound and shadows rushed towards the night!

They wore black cloaks and hid themselves in the darkness. At first glance, they could only feel the thick blood!

These people are all messengers of the blood ancestors, and they don't show up at all on weekdays. Today, there are people who have attacked the blood ancestor holy city. How can they sit still?

More than a dozen blood envoys, at the same time, are comparable to the immortal cultivation base, and the army of werewolves below cannot resist!

In just a few breaths, the werewolf army stepped forward and died unexpectedly!

You know, these werewolves are not even afraid of artillery shells, but these blood envoys can kill them like ants, showing their strength!

"Let's go, it's time for us to shoot!"

Greed Wolf, Kill Wolf, and Po Wolf looked at each other, then turned and walked outside the church!

Jerome Baker, Hansenton Raphael, Charles Twain, and others, their old faces were pale and they looked at each other!

"Go, let's go and see!"

Jerome Baker suggested.

The crowd nodded lightly, and then walked towards the outside of the church. When they were outside the church, they discovered that the outside was already surrounded by the werewolf army!

In addition, there are countless blood races fighting in the blood, and the entire blood race holy city has almost become a **** of Shura!

There is a fierce battle between the werewolves and the blood race. Unlike modern warfare, when the two sides fight, they follow the fighting method of the cold weapon era, so the scene is more bloody, lives are constantly being harvested, and ghosts cry and howling wolves are everywhere!

Some young royal nobles turned pale with fright, and some women even vomited on the spot!

They are used to pampering themselves and have never even seen killing chickens. When have they seen such a horrible scene?


All the blood races and werewolves chose to avoid this church almost at the same time, and did not do anything here, which made the royal nobles who came to participate in the negotiations breathed a sigh of relief!

On the other side, the commander-in-chief of the three major wolf gods confronted a dozen kinship envoys, and the battle was about to start!

"Siberian werewolf army, really want to be an enemy of our blood?"

A **** face was gloomy and said hoarsely.

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