There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 685: Those who leak the news will be burned to death by the holy fire!

Outside the church, they all knelt down!

These people are all European royal nobles, and many of them are princes, grand dukes, and heirs to the throne!

But at this moment, they all knelt at the feet of the golden holy dragon, hoping to get his forgiveness!

The divine might that the golden sacred dragon showed just now completely shocked them. Even the blood ancestors were slapped and beaten to death on the spot. Where did they dare to resist?


What appeared before him was a real Eastern Dragon. Who would dare to be an enemy?

"Huh! If you are acquainted, if you are fine in the future, don't provoke my master!"

The golden sacred dragon hummed, holding his head high, looking down below, and continuing:

"The master and the hostess just want to live a peaceful life, but there are you idiots who do not know whether to live or die, and have to disturb. This time is just a small warning. If there is another time, the Holy Dragon will come personally and destroy you all. Family!"

"Also, today's matter, it is forbidden to spread out! This sacred dragon has already planted the art of Dao law, and anyone who leaks the news will be burned to death by the sacred fire!

The voice of the golden sacred dragon, like thunder, exploded in everyone's hearts!

"Yes Yes Yes!"


"I swear in the name of God, if we provoke Mr. Lin again in the future, we will fall into Ashura **** forever!"

"I will never reveal anything today!"

The European nobles present, kneel on the ground and swear!

"It's good to know! This sacred dragon is too lazy to be familiar with your group of ants, and this sacred dragon will go! Wang Wang!"

The golden sacred dragon held his head high and prepared to leave, but suddenly made two barking noises!


Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene looked at each other. Why is this Oriental Sacred Dragon so? It turned out not to be a dragon chanting, but a dog barking?

"Ahem! It's a wrong call, embarrassing!"

Er Gouzi coughed slightly, then cleared his throat, and turned into a golden rainbow, disappearing at the end of the cloud without a trace!


It wasn't until the golden sacred dragon disappeared, and deep in the clouds did a deafening dragon roar!


After the blood clan was annihilated, the wolf-greedy, wolf-breaking, and wolf-killing three brought their werewolf troops back to the valley of the wolf **** in the Siberian plains!

At the same time, all countries outside are watching the progress of this battle with an expression of nervousness!

However, what everyone did not expect was that within three days, the werewolf army had retired!

"what happened?"

"In the end what happened?"

The heads of many countries were stunned, with a confused and thoughtful look, but they didn't understand what was going on!

at the same time.

CiA headquarters.

An urgent phone call came in, and the chief of CiA, General Joseph Arthur, answered the call!

Before the restart of the era, General Joseph Arthur once detonated an atomic bomb in the main base of CiA, which killed his life. Later, Charles William succeeded General Joseph Arthur as the new head of CiA!

After restarting the era, there has been no atomic bomb explosion, so the current CiA person in charge is still General Joseph Arthur!

"How is the situation going? I got news that the holy city of the blood race has been completely destroyed? What is going on?"

General Joseph Arthur's face was solemn.

"General, if I say it, you definitely don't believe it! Because even I don't believe it! It's really shocking! Guess what I saw?"

The intelligence officer on the other side of the phone was very emotional and gasped!

"What happened on earth? As an intelligence officer, you are basically quasi-stricken when things happen. How did you train!"

Joseph Arthur's face sank slightly!


The intelligence officer on the other end of the phone swallowed a mouthful of foam, and said, "General, this is really not to blame me! If you are me, you must be more excited than me, because I saw...a dragon!"

"One dragon?"

General Joseph Arthur was taken aback, his tone a little hesitant!

In his mind, a Western dragon flashed past, the kind with a lizard-like body, a pair of wings behind it, and a hot flame from its mouth!

"Yes! A dragon! An oriental sacred dragon, and... General, this dragon can speak!"

The intelligence officer explained.

"The dragon can talk? Isn't it possible to become a fine?"

General Joseph Arthur's face was solemn and his brows were tightly twisted together!

He can guarantee that his intelligence personnel will never lie, but a dragon can speak? It's incredible!

Moreover, is it still an oriental sacred dragon?

"Yes! This oriental sacred dragon can not only speak, but after it appeared, it directly killed the blood ancestor with a single blow, and the dragon voluntarily admitted! Lin Nan, the godslayer, is its master!" The intelligence personnel were serious! Tao.

"What are you talking about? The dragon said, Lin Nan is his master?"

This time, even Joseph Arthur couldn't calm down!

"Yes, General! It's true! That's what the dragon said, but it's a bit strange. Before the dragon left, it made two barking sounds. It seemed that it was not a dragon, but more like ..."

The intelligence personnel frowned and spoke out their doubts!

"Dragon? Dog?"

Joseph Arthur's brows were twisted together again!

After a while, he said, "By the way, is there any video?"

"General, the situation was in crisis at the time, and the subordinates did not shoot the video, but there is a set of precious photos! I will pass it to you immediately!"

"it is good!"

General Joseph Arthur nodded!

Ten seconds later, a file was sent to his encrypted mailbox!

This mailbox is safer than the National Bank's vault, and the world's top hackers cannot attack it!

Joseph Arthur opened the mailbox and clicked in to take a look. Sure enough, he found a group of photos, only about a dozen, even a little fuzzy!

But in a few of them, you can clearly see a golden oriental sacred dragon with auspicious clouds on its feet and golden scales. Even if you just look at the photos, you can feel a sense of sacred majesty!

Joseph Arthur’s pupils shrank slightly, a little excited!


The voice of an intelligence officer came on the phone again, "General, have you received the photo?"


Joseph Arthur replied casually while watching the photos.


Suddenly, the intelligence personnel on the other end of the phone heard a painful scream, which was extremely heartbreaking!

"What's wrong with you? What happened? Agent X564?"

Joseph Arthur was taken aback!

"Fire--! What a big fire!"

"General! I don't know where the flames appeared. They have already burned to my body! Wait... "The one who leaks the news will be burned to death by the holy fire!" I know, I know!"

"Those who leak the news will be burned to death by the holy fire!"

This agent codenamed X564, after a scream, completely turned into a bullet of blue smoke, and completely disappeared from the world!

In other parts of the world, the same scene happened in the intelligence organizations of various countries. After the intelligence personnel under their name spread the news back to the various countries, they suddenly burned with a raging fire and turned to ashes on the spot!

All the agents, before dying, shouted: Those who leak the news will be burned to death by the holy fire!

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