There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 70: Tell the truth pill

   "What do you mean?" Wei Anran said angrily. It was obvious that she also heard it. These people seemed to have some misunderstanding.

   "What do you mean?"

Yun Yawei sneered and shook her head: "In order to keep pace with Qingyun, I ran into the private room of the second son of the Li family, and had a sweet talk with Tianhua in private, deceiving people's feelings, defrauding his money to buy luxury goods, and waiting for him He kicked Tianhua away with the second son of the Li family again. For a woman like you, do I need to continue talking?"


   Wei Anran's eyes were dark, and her puffed chest was violently ups and downs. She never expected that Zhou Tianhua's ability to reverse black and white would be so powerful.

   Before Wei Anran could explain, Zhou Tianhua shook his head, made a victim expression, and sighed: "Forget Yawei, let's go!"

   "Tianhua, you are too kind-hearted!" Yun Yawei looked at Zhou Tianhua's gaze, with a strange feeling gleaming.

   Anyone with a clear eye can see that if this continues to develop, I am afraid that the relationship between the two will be closer!

   Zhou Tianhua was very sad on the surface, but he sneered secretly in his heart.

  ‘Hey, Wei Anran, Wei Anran, would I have no woman without you? Yun Yawei is the prostitute of the Yun family, with assets in the family tens of billions, and the Yun family is just such a daughter. If I get Yun Yawei, will the Yun Group not belong to Zhou Tianhua in the future? ’

  ‘I liked you a lot, but why don’t you give me a chance? ’

   Seeing Wei Anran's painful expression, Zhou Tianhua's eyes flashed a hint of revenge.

"It's too much! Obviously you took An Ran to see the second son of the Li family and wanted to cheat him. The second son of the Li family detained An Ran. You didn't have the courage to ask someone. If it weren't for our Lin Nan, An Ran wouldn't know it. What happened!" Liu Ruqing said angrily.

  As soon as Liu Ruqing finished speaking, Zhou Tianhua was obviously panicked.

   Yun Yawei was taken aback, frowned and said, "What are you talking about?"

  The young men and women behind Yun Yawei have different expressions. Is there really something hidden about this matter? There is another version?

   "Yawei, don't listen to her nonsense!" Zhou Tianhua said nervously.

   "I didn't talk nonsense, what I said was the truth!" Liu Ruqing gritted her silver teeth, very angry.

   Zhou Tianhua sneered and said, "Whoever believes in you is just your one-sided words!"

   Just then, Lin Nan spoke and said, "I have a pill that tells the truth. As long as you eat it, people will automatically tell the truth!"

   As soon as Lin Nan raised his hand, a light blue pill appeared in his palm, and his eyes scanned Zhou Tianhua.

   "Hey! Is there really a pill to tell the truth under the sun? Funny!" Zhou Tianhua shook his head funny.

Liu Ruqing and Wei Anran also looked at Lin Nan with a look of astonishment. They didn’t know what he meant. Obviously they didn’t believe it either. There are things like telling the truth in this world, but Liu Ruqing felt that Lin Nan did this. There must be his intention.

   Lin Nan flicked lightly with one hand, and flicked the pill into Zhou Tianhua's mouth.


   Zhou Tianhua's expression changed and he swallowed the pill, and he spoke in less than a second.

   "Hahaha, what she said is correct, it is my private room of the second son of Li who took Wei Anran to!"

   Yun Yawei and others looked at Zhou Tianhua in horror and said in surprise: "Tianhua, what are you talking about?"

A smile full of desire appeared on Zhou Tianhua’s face, and said: "Ya Wei, you have a very good figure. I really want to know how wonderful the body under your clothes is, if nothing else. , Within a month, you will be my girlfriend, and then I can enjoy this body!"

"what did you say!"

   Yun Yawei’s pretty face changed color completely, and she looked at Zhou Tianhua as if looking at a stranger. The group of young men and women behind Yun Yawei were dumbfounded and dumbfounded, petrified on the spot!

   In Yun Yawei’s impression, Zhou Tianhua is a serious, knowledgeable, sunny, and cheerful person. How could he say such filthy words?

"Hey, Yawei, you are beautiful, you are the goddess in everyone's hearts, and you have a strong family background. The Yun Group's assets are over 10 billion, and you are the only daughter in the family. If I take you down, the entire Yun Group will, Isn't it mine? Hahaha!" Zhou Tianhua laughed wildly, his eyes full of madness.

   Upon hearing this, Yun Yawei trembled angrily.

   "Then what's the matter with this girl?" Yun Yawei pointed at Wei Anran.

"She? I really liked her at first, and wanted her to be my girlfriend, but when I saw that the second son of the Li family had taken a fancy to her, I found an excuse to send her over! A woman like this , I have been with six in private!" Zhou Tianhua said in his mouth, the expression on his face became more and more frightened.

   I don't know why, as long as he speaks, he will directly speak out the most true thoughts in his heart.

   "Hit him, hit him!"

   Yun Yawei fainted, pointing at Zhou Tianhua and said angrily.

   Several young men and women behind her rushed up and punched and kicked Zhou Tianhua.

   Zhou Tianhua wailed constantly, kneeling on the ground and kowtow begging for mercy, but these people didn't mean to let him go.

   Wei Anran’s pretty face was full of disgust. After taking a deep breath, she came to Lin Nan and said, "Lin Nan, thank you!"

   "Hmph, of course, my Lin Nan is the best!" Liu Ruqing snorted and waved a small fist with a look of arrogance.

   Lin Nan smiled and said: "How can my family Ruqing be so powerful!"

   "Able to talk and behave well!"

   Liu Ruqing nodded in satisfaction, and was about to make a gesture of patting Lin Nan's head as a reward, but she suddenly realized that she seemed to be shorter than Lin Nan and could not photograph the top of Lin Nan's head at all. The scene was once very embarrassing.

   "Ahem, Lin Nan, that was really a pill to tell the truth just now?" Wei Anran asked after taking a mouthful of dog food, changing the subject.

   Lin Nan hasn't explained yet, the people on Yun Yawei's side beat Zhou Tianhua painfully, and after getting out of breath, walked over.

   "Sorry, it was I who believed Zhou Tianhua's nonsense. I spoke harshly to you just now, but I am sorry to come over now!" Yun Yawei apologized.

   If it weren't for Lin Nan just now, I'm afraid she would really be deceived by Zhou Tianhua. At the thought of Zhou Tianhua's shameless words just now, Yun Yawei got goosebumps!

   "Forget it, everyone is a victim!" Wei Anran shook his head lightly and sighed.

   Yun Yawei smiled and said: "The cruise ship is about to enter the high seas. The underground ring competition is about to begin. Let's go down and take a seat. I have a VIP seat. Do you want to join me?"

   "The arena, isn't it a martial arts club?"

   "The martial arts club will not start until the second half of the night. The previous arena is a warm-up scene. It is a rare scene where many rich and powerful people spend a lot of money..."

(End of this chapter)

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