There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 691: It's you--!

"Now, immediately find out who the owner of this hotel is, I will see him in five minutes!"

After a brief anger, He Xiao returned to calmness!

As the son of the gambling king, he is obviously not a slapstick, he has a good education, and has a certain city government!

and so.

After He Xiao thought for a few seconds, he found the best solution instantly!

As long as you find the owner of this hotel, you can drive the people in the Audi just now out of the hotel. Let's pass today's level first!

At least, let Elis live in the hotel for the rest!

As for how to deal with Lin Nan, He Xiao thinks it can be done slowly!

"Yes, master!"

Seeing this, He Zhong quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call out!

"Hey! Is that Mr. Han? This is He Zhong!"

"Yes! Yes! Now we are in your family's hotel and we have had a little trouble. Come and deal with it now. I tell you, He Shao is very angry, and the consequences are serious!"

After speaking, He Zhong stopped hesitating and hung up the phone.

Less than five minutes.

A black coupe rushed to the scene, and a middle-aged man got out of the car, wearing an expensive handmade suit, and a belt tied around his waist, worth hundreds of thousands of RMB!

"Who are you?"

After getting off the car, the middle-aged man was very respectful!

After seeing He Xiao who was standing on the side of the road with a gloomy face, he quickly walked over and stretched out a hand to shake hands with He Xiao!


However, He Xiao didn't even look at this person, swung his head and hummed, which made the middle-aged man very embarrassed!

"Mr. Han, there is no need to shake hands. Why don't we have cleanliness and don't shake hands with strangers!"

He Zhong said indifferently.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Han Rongda's old face, and he smiled sullily, "Excuse me, what happened?"

This hotel is the property of the Han family, and Han Rongda happens to be the general manager of the hotel and the general manager of this hotel!

"Huh! How Shao we have booked your hotel to receive Princess Elis of France, but who knows, before Princess Elis checked into the hotel, an Audi car broke into the hotel indiscriminately. It hasn't come out yet!"

"Mr. Han, please tell me, how should this matter be handled? As far as I know, your Han family's father Han Zhongyan is still good friends with the gambling king! You said if Han father learned about this, he will not Will you be blamed for your inefficient work?" He Zhong sneered unkindly.

"You rich people in Tianhai City, you really are so bold!"


Han Rongda's face changed for a while, and he quickly said:

"I'm sorry, how young, I really don't know about this matter. I will deal with it right now. You will take Princess Elis and go in and check in! I promise that within five minutes, the hotel will not There will be any more guests!"

"I give you this opportunity! By the way, I want all the information about that person! He, almost broke my good deeds, it's impossible, just forget it!"

The corner of He Xiao's eyes twitched lightly, almost speaking every word!

"Don't worry, Shao He, I will do it!"

Han Rongda promised.

He Xiao no longer looked at Han Rongda again, but walked in the direction of Elis's car, performing a very gentleman's etiquette, with a bright smile on his face!

"His Royal Highness, it has been resolved! You just got off the plane, so let's go to the hotel!"

"Has Johnson done it?"

Elis raised his head and glanced at He Xiao through the car window.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

He Xiao answered with a smile.

"Well then, we are in the hotel!"

Elis nodded slightly and ordered his full-time driver to activate the car and drove towards the hotel!

At this time, Manager Ma was already ready to welcome guests and greeted them at the entrance of the hotel. The welcome scene was very lively, which made Elis very satisfied!

"You did a good job Johnson this time! I'll take a bath and rest. You can prepare dinner for me. I want authentic French cuisine!"

Elis explained.

"Okay, Your Royal Highness!"

He Xiao still had a smile on his face, but the gloomy meaning in his eyes became more intense!

"Let's go! Azhong, let's go and see who is so bullish, even the hotel I have contracted, dare to break into it!"

He Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and the cold light shot backwards in his eyes!

At this moment.

Han Rongda just arrived, outside Lin Nan's box!

Ning Xin spent a lot of effort to book this place. If it weren't for the manager of Kangna Jewelry Store in Tianhai City, she would not be eligible to book this box!

The whole box is not luxurious, and any piece of furniture or decoration is enough to buy a super sports car!

And the whole box, the antique design, all kinds of valuable antiques, calligraphy and painting, are rare and authentic!

"Wow! What a beautiful scenery, I never thought there was such a place in Tianhai City!"

Liu Ruqing stood in front of the huge French windows, squinting slightly, looking at the direction of the sea!

At this time, night has fallen, and a whole piece of neon lights in front of it, flooding the coastline, blooming with a dreamy color!

"If you like it here, we can come here every day to watch the night!"

Lin Nan said with a smile, also standing beside Liu Ruqing.

Ning Xin didn't dare to bother, so she could only serve it silently, waiting for the chef to serve it!

"Huh! I really don't understand the style. It's good to see this kind of scenery occasionally. If you always look at it, it won't taste like that!"

Liu Ruqing snorted and rolled her eyes at Lin Nan!

"Huh? That's it!"

"Of course that's the case, Xiao Nannan, you are really a straight man! You don't understand the thoughts of girls at all!" Liu Ruqing couldn't help but complain.

"This is embarrassing..."

Lin Nan smiled awkwardly, he really looked like an ordinary big boy, after being accused by his girlfriend, there was no way to refute it!


Seeing Lin Nan's performance, Ning Xin couldn't help laughing, her eyes flickering!

"Unexpectedly, he has such a time! ’

At this moment.

The door of the box was violently pushed open, and the loud noise made Lin Nan frown!

The three of them looked back and saw Han Rongda standing at the door of the box angrily, his faces full of anger!

Han Rongda was about to blatantly criticize, who is it, even the hotel that the gambling king's son dared to break into?

However, when Han Rongda saw the three people in the box clearly, especially after seeing Lin Nan's face, his expression completely changed!

"It's you--!"

The pupils of Han Rongda's eyes shrank suddenly, like a ghost!

When he first reached his throat, he swallowed it abruptly!

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