There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 695: There is a way to heaven, but no way to hell?

"I won't cut your arm!" Lin Nan shook his head gently.

"Haha! You still dare not!"

When Xiao Ruchen heard Lin Nan's answer, the smile on the corners of her mouth became more intense, and the gamblers around also shook their heads and sighed. The Xiao family on Hong Kong Island has a deep heritage and tens of billions of assets behind it!

How can ordinary people afford it?

Even if Xiao Ruchen loses, it is impossible to cut off his arm!

"If you are honest and cut yourself off, this matter will pass, and I will not pursue it! Since you don't admit it, as punishment, I will cut off your arms to show punishment!" Lin Nan said lightly.

His words were like a bolt from the blue, exploding in the crowd!

"What are you talking about? Are you going to cut my arms?" Xiao Ruchen looked at Lin Nan in surprise, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world!

"Haha... I'm standing here, I'm waiting for you to cut my double..."

Before he could finish a sentence, Lin Nan had already started his hand, he tapped his finger!


A fine light shot from his fingertips, and struck both sides of Xiao Ruchen's shoulders at a speed that the naked eye could not catch!


A heart-piercing scream came, and two dark shadows fell from Xiao Ruchen's body!

"Da da!"

Everyone looked at it, and saw two adult arms, cut off from the shoulders!

That's not a big deal. What is even more shocking is that although Xiao Ruchen had both arms chopped off, the incisions in the arms were as smooth as a mirror. Blood vessels, bones, skin, and muscle tissue were clearly visible, but there was no drop of blood pouring out!


Seeing this scene, everyone around took a breath of air-conditioning, and the whole audience was silent and silent!

Only Xiao Ruchen was left, shouting in pain!


A few minutes ago, the second floor of the Macau Royal Casino.

The entire second floor is decorated with splendor, just like an ancient palace!

Here, not only can you gamble, but there are also hotels, hot springs, saunas, restaurants, gyms, hospitals and other facilities. As long as you have money, you can even stay in it for a lifetime!

At this time, He Xiao was talking with a few rich children, talking and laughing!

They were all dressed in tuxedos, with red wine in their hands, resting in the lounge area of ​​the casino!

"Johnson really envy you! At a young age, he obtained the management right of the casino. I am afraid that the banknotes that pass through your hands every year are hundreds of billions! The profit from the wild goose plucking, just sitting on the ground, you kid I have made a fortune!" One of the young men said with a smile.

There is always a faint smile on his face,

"Come on, it's not that I don't know you, your father's fleet in Southeast Asia sent all the goods to Europe! The fleet you are in charge of, earns no less than mine!" He Xiao shook his head gently.

"And you are the only child in your family, and the property will be yours in the future! I still have a lot of brothers and sisters, and now the casino is under my control. In a few years, it may not be anymore!"

The young man who spoke just now, named Zhou Shaowen, comes from the family of ship kings in Southeast Asia!

In his father's name, there are tens of thousands of ships, not only yachts, fishing boats, but also ocean-going cruise ships with a drainage capacity of hundreds of thousands of tons, which can ship goods to Europe, America, Australia and other places!

In Southeast Asian countries, the Zhou family behind Zhou Shaowen is also a big crocodile!

As for the group of young men and women around, although He Xiao and Zhou Shaowen are not prominent in their family background, their family heritage cannot be underestimated. They have seven or eight listed companies, and they are absolutely wealthy!

"Forget it, it seems that nothing will happen at the casino today. Let's go, let's go to Malaysia for dinner! My private jet is waiting on the runway!" He Xiao smiled lightly.

Australia Island is too small, not even as big as a county seat in the mainland!

For ordinary rich people, if they want to have a luxurious dinner, they need to go to Hong Kong Island, go back and simply take a private jet to go abroad to eat. After eating, live abroad and fly back tomorrow morning!

Everyone was very excited and prepared to leave the casino in a booze!

Just now.

He Zhong, who hadn't seen him for half a month, hurriedly walked in from outside the casino. After a round of inspections, he found traces of He Xiao!

"Master, they said you are here, but they have found you!"

He Zhong spoke quickly and found that Zhou Shaowen was there, so he bowed to Zhou Shaowen and said, "I have seen Shao Zhou!"


Zhou Shaowen nodded slightly, he has seen it!

"What's the matter?" He Xiao glanced at He Zhong!

"Master, this..."

He Zhong hesitated looking at the group of young men and women around him!

"If it's inconvenient, let me avoid it!" Zhou Shaowen smiled lightly, ready to avoid!

"Shao Wen is my friend. There is nothing you can't say in front of him? Just say it, don't hesitate!" He Xiao raised his face and waved his hand.

Zhou Shaowen also stopped!

He Zhong lowered his throat when he saw this, and said, "Master, in Tianhai City that day, I found the news of the person you asked me to check..."

"What? Did you find it? Say!"

The smile on He Xiao's face instantly solidified and became extremely gloomy!

"Master, things are a bit bad! That young man is not an ordinary person!"

"His name is Lin Nan and he is from Jiangnan City in Mainland China. It is estimated that he is about 18 years old this year. The woman next to him, named Liu Ruqing, is his fiancee! From the Liu family in Jiangnan City!"

"The assets of the Liu family are average, less than a few billion. Although it ranks first in Jiangnan, it is not a big deal in China! As for Lin Nan, he is quite famous in Jiangnan. Everyone calls him Mr. Lin. ..."

He Zhong said, his face became very solemn!

"Jiangnan City? As far as I know, this is just a small city! Damn! A small family with billions of assets, dare to humiliate me like this?" He Xiao's eyes twitched lightly!

He felt that he was the biggest joke in the world!

His own family, just his father's worth, is as high as 500 billion Hong Kong dollars!

And the casino business controlled by his dad, the shares all add up to trillions!

Moreover, casinos are a huge profit industry. If it is not restricted by certain factors, the industry of the gambling king family is completely comparable to those of the current super consortia!

However, He Xiao, who has such a background and foundation, was actually humiliated by Lin Nan from the interior?

Let him go?

In fact, this is completely misunderstood by He Xiao!

Everything that day was handled by Han Zhongyan, and Han Rongda's orders were also passed on by Han Zhongyan!

Lin Nan didn't even know that such a thing happened!

"Master, it's not that simple! On the surface, this person's identity is very simple, but in another aspect, he is..."

He Zhong hasn't finished his sentence.

There was a sensation in the casino, and the originally quiet casino turned into a vegetable market in an instant!

"what happened?"

He Xiao frowned. Inside the casino, noise was forbidden. Someone didn't listen before. After his tongue was cut off in public, this kind of thing never happened again!

A person in charge hurried over, took out a handkerchief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said:

"Master on the first floor, there is a disturbance over there! Xiao Ruchen bet with others, and the loser cut off an arm. He is now in debt!"

"Oh? There is such a thing? Xiao Ruchen? This kid seems to be the son of the Xiao group boss, isn't it? It's interesting, go and see!"

He Xiao chuckled lightly!


The person in charge didn't dare to neglect, and walked towards Lin Nan with He Xiao!

I happened to see Lin Nan and the others, that face that could not be forgotten even in a dream, caused He Xiao's pupils to shrink slightly!

Then, the corner of He Xiao's mouth burst out with an extremely cold smile!

"Hehe! There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to cast yourself!"

"I really didn't expect that you would dare to come to Australia Island?"

He Xiao couldn't believe his eyes, there is such an idiot in the world? Not long after I offended myself, now form a group to come to the casino on Australia Island? And still swaggering in? Make no secret!

"Master...Master! Wait, about Lin Nan...I haven't finished talking yet..."

He Zhong opened his mouth, but it was too late, and He Xiao had already strode towards Lin Nan on the first floor!

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