There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 720: Chairman! Something happened!

In the clothing store, everyone looked over in surprise!

Manager Chen almost jumped up in shock!

Wang Guofeng of Huatian Group, in terms of net worth, can be ranked in the top ten in Tianhai City, and in the top 30 in China, is the top rich, on par with countless rich and powerful!

But actually bowed to a young man who came suddenly?

‘It’s really him! ’

The moment he saw Lin Nan, Wang Guofeng's heart was full of stormy waves!

‘If the owner of this bank card is Mr. Lin, then all of this can be explained! And only this person can have 360 ​​billion not used, not invested, but placed in a bank card! ’

‘Only Mr. Lin has this kind of spirit! ’

For Lin Nan, Wang Guofeng is the one who knows and understands Lin Nan!

Moreover, Lin Nan conquered the Han family in Tianhai City. After the Han family headed by Han Zhongyan became Lin Nan's servants, the entire circle of wealthy people in Tianhai City, as long as they were worth enough, hardly knew Lin Nan!

"My wife, I have something to do, so I'm a little late, sorry!"

Lin Nanli ignored Wang Guofeng, instead smiled lightly at Liu Ruqing and walked toward Liu Ruqing!

"My husband is talking to you, what is your attitude?"

Seeing her husband, he bowed his knees, but Lin Nan ignored Wang Guofeng, and Mrs. Wang was a little angry!

"shut up!"

Wang Guofeng's face changed drastically, and he stepped forward to face his wife, slapped him, and beaten Mrs. Wang with a dazed expression, tears in his eyes streaming!

"Do you know who he is? If you talk nonsense, I will divorce you!"

"Although your wife is wrong, as a man, have you beaten women like this?"

Liu Ruqing frowned, she couldn't pass it!


Wang Guofeng looked embarrassed!


Liu Ruqing snorted coldly, then turned to look at Lin Nan and asked: "Where have you been? You can't find it if you look for it!"

"Go to the country of Japan!" Lin Nan smiled.

"Waguo? What did you do?"

Liu Ruqing was taken aback!

"I just wiped out a Mitsubishi family and didn't do anything serious!" Lin Nan grinned.

‘Destroy the Mitsubishi family? What do you mean? ’

Wang Guofeng was in a daze, wondering what Lin Nan's words meant!

Naturally, he didn't expect that Lin Nan's words would be taken literally, and he would wipe out the Mitsubishi family!

Wang Guofeng didn't think of this level because he didn't think about it at all. With the status of the Mitsubishi family, how could it be destroyed?

Besides, the news of the Underground World Forum is very fast, but it is also restrictive!

Lin Nan came back from the country of Japan only a moment ago, how could Wang Guofeng know the news there?

"What nonsense is it, I don't understand it anyway! But you just came here, let's go shopping for clothes with us!"

Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes, and threw the shopping bag she was carrying into Lin Nan's arms!

Lin Nan shrugged helplessly, and could only carry it honestly, and let the emperor of a generation help carry the shopping bags. I am afraid that only Liu Ruqing is qualified to do it!


Leng Yan, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong and others couldn't help but laugh!

Shen Qingxue stood there, with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, looking at the young couple!

As for Mrs. Wang, Liu Ruqing didn't pursue it anymore!

When Lin Nan and the others paid and left the clothing store, Wang Guofeng seemed to have collapsed. He breathed a sigh of relief. The whole person was about to lose his footing and was crumbling. It was Mrs. Wang who came forward and supported him. Up him!

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Mrs. Wang asked aggrievedly.

"You almost got into a catastrophe! Fortunately, Mr. Lin was in a good mood today. Otherwise, you wouldn't know how to die!"

Wang Guofeng was furious!

In the entire clothing store, no one dared to interrupt anymore. The secretaries that Wang Guofeng had brought were even more trembling, and they dared not breathe!

"Chairman Wang, who the **** is that young man? And what you just said, is there really so much of the 360 ​​billion yuan in that CCB card?"

Manager Chen could no longer bear the doubts in his heart and broke the silence!


Wang Guofeng snorted coldly, "If you change to someone else, there are 360 ​​billion in Kari, it must be fake!"

"But if it is Mr. Lin, then it must be true!"

"Huh? So, is the balance in the CCB card just now true?"

Due to the excitement, Manager Chen's voice trembled slightly!

"Of course it is true! With Mr. Lin's identity and status, Jiangnan is respected, the Li family on Hong Kong Island bows their heads, the Han family in Tianhai City kneels for their servants, and the Emperor of Japan is kneeling! A mere 36 billion yuan, for him, It's really nothing!"

While talking, Wang Guofeng gently shook his head!

Manager Chen, Mrs. Wang and others were shocked to hear this, their heads were still digesting the news!

"If Mr. Lin is willing, to be the richest man in the world is nothing but a nod!"

"According to you, is he just—"

Manager Chen stayed, as if thinking of something!

"He is the zealous Mr. Jiangnan Lin in the circle of Tianhai City a few months ago?"


Wang Guofeng nodded gently!

"It turned out to be him! My dear! I didn't expect him to be so young!"

Manager Chen was speechless, and at the same time he felt extremely regretful. Such a great figure was right in front of his own eyes. Why didn't he know how to swear!

"Husband, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?" Mrs. Wang looked dazed!

"If you don't understand it, let me keep a low profile in the future, lest I get caught up with some big people. I won't be able to protect you at that time. Today is Mr. Lin in a good mood, otherwise our Huatian Group will be finished!" Wang Guofeng didn't fight. Come in one place!

Mrs. Wang lowered her head nervously, not daring to say another word!


Manager Chen's heart is still full of endless doubts, "What else did Mr. Lin say just now? He went to the country of Japan and destroyed the Mitsubishi family...what does this mean?"

Wang Guofeng frowned and hesitated!

"This...I don't know this. Maybe it's just for fun. We can figure this out!" Wang Guofeng shook his head.

at this time.

One of Wang Guofeng’s secretary rushed into the clothing store in sweat, breathless, and said: "Chairman! Chairman! Something has happened!"

"What's the big deal? Panicked!"

Wang Guofeng calmly glanced at the secretary!

"The Mitsubishi family in the Japanese country was wiped out! Now the entire Mitsubishi family's industries, whether it is banking, technology, electronics, or automobile industries, are all paralyzed!"

"Hi! What did you say?"

Wang Guofeng and Manager Chen both suddenly shrank their pupils at the same time. They looked at each other and took a breath!

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