There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 75: All in one thought!

   "Junior... the junior has no eyes to know Tarzan, please forgive me!"

  Lin Canghai trembled, his voice, like a stormy sea, fell in the crowd, making waves!

   "What? Master Lin is admitting his mistake!"

   "How could this happen? Who is this young man, and how could Master Lin admit his mistake?"

   Everyone is dumbfounded and at a loss.

  Wang Shao and Liu Xinru were even more dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost!

   "Old Lin, what's the matter with you? Why did you kneel for him!" Shao Wang got up from the chair and asked in shock.

   "You shut up!"

   Lin Canghai didn't raise his head, he stubbornly lowered his head, staring at the steel ring in front of him, his eyes were full of horror!

   Except for a few ancient martial masters who saw that the meridians in Lin Canghai's body were broken, no one else could tell, what exactly had changed in Lin Canghai!

   In the eyes of ordinary people, Lin Canghai is no different from the beginning!

   Of course, the only difference is that at the beginning, Lin Canghai was condescending, looking down at sentient beings, standing in the middle of the ring, but now he is kneeling!

"what happened?"

   Black Viper raised his head in surprise. After being named by Lin Canghai just now, he had been in a daze. Now he suddenly woke up, only to find that things didn't seem right!

   Lin Canghai actually knelt in the center of the ring, and the person opposite was Lin Nan!

   At this time, Liu Ruqing, who had been hiding behind Lin Nan, also felt the atmosphere was a little strange. She looked towards the ring and found that Lin Canghai, who was aggressive just now, was actually kneeling there!

   And the whole venue of the arena is dead silent!

   "Lin Nan, what happened to him?" Liu Ruqing asked in a low voice.

   Although Liu Ruqing's voice was very small, because the scene was so quiet, many people still heard her!

   Lin Nan smiled faintly, and explained: "This uncle thinks that his attitude just now was really bad, so he knelt there and apologized for what happened just now!"

"is it?"

   Liu Ruqing looked suspiciously at Lin Nan. Before Lin Nan could continue to explain, she glanced at Wei Anran who was sitting on the ground. After an exclamation, she helped Wei Anran up.

   "An Ran, how are you doing?" Liu Ruqing asked worriedly.

   Wei Anran's pretty face was pale, without a trace of blood. She was just an ordinary woman. She was injured by Lin Canghai's murderous a moment ago. Now she is completely cold and her blood is almost solidified!

   "Lin Nan, take a look, An Ran seems to be sick!" Liu Ruqing shouted.

   Lin Nan walked over, glanced at Wei Anran, took out a pill, and said: "She was frightened. Feed her the pill, and let her rest!"

   Liu Ruqing had no doubt, and immediately took the pill that Lin Nan had sent over to Wei Anran.

   At this time, the owner of Titanic II, Duke Lawrence, was all startled and came to Lin Nan himself!

   In addition to Duke Lawrence, there are several other ancient martial masters, all of whom came in person!

   A martial arts convention ended in this way. The purpose of this martial arts convention was to elect the first master of Southeast Asia!

   But now, it is obvious that there is no need to continue the comparison. Everyone knows that it is impossible to be Lin Nan's opponent!

   Snap Pointing to the Abandoned Master, how many people in the world can have this ability?

  In everyone's hearts, Lin Nan has long been regarded as the kind of old monster that never came out of the world, maybe he has lived for hundreds of years!

  As a master of ancient martial arts, I naturally know that in this world, there are people who are more powerful than them!


   Titanic II, somewhere in the luxurious presidential suite!

  Originally, this was where Duke Lawrence rested. Since Lin Nan's finger was to abolish Lin Canghai, Duke Lawrence has personally come forward and invited Lin Nan here!

   At this moment, Lin Nan is sitting on the sofa in the lobby, while Liu Ruqing and Wei Anran are in the room inside. Wei Anran is still a little uncomfortable. Liu Ruqing is worried about Wei Anran's safety, so she is watching her.

   In the entire hall, in addition to Lin Nan, Duke Lawrence, Li Jinrong, Kanjin, etc., plus the tycoons of Southeast Asia such as the Philippines and Burma were all present.

  The black viper stood behind Lin Nan, standing with his hands down, leaning slightly, like a loyal servant!

   And Lin Canghai was kneeling in the hall with his face as gray as death. Now he finally knew that the black viper was also Lin Nan's subordinate!

   "It's Liu Xinru and the others, let you deal with me, right?" Lin Nan asked lightly.

   Lin Canghai trembled all over, bit the bullet and said: "Yes! I am entrusted by Young Master Wang to kill you and your friends!"

   "An ancient martial master thought about shooting ordinary people. You did a good job!" Lin Nan smiled.

   Lin Canghai's complexion alternated with blue and red, and said helplessly: "Wang Shao is the heir of the billionaires on the surface, but he is actually a member of the Philippine royal family. No matter how powerful the ancient master is, he cannot be an enemy of a country!"

   "So, I blamed you?" Lin Nan smiled.

   Lin Canghai was shocked and said: "Don't dare, don't dare!"

   "Give you a chance to kill Wang Shao and Liu Xinru, do you dare to do it?" Lin Nan said lightly.

   The whole hall fell into a dead silence, even the Duke of Lawrence opened his mouth, dare not say a word!

  Wang Shao is a member of the Philippine royal family. How can such a person kill him? Maybe it will cause a war between the two countries!

   But if Lin Canghai did it, the situation would be different. After all, Lin Canghai is a Filipino and has nothing to do with other countries!

"Besides Wang Shao, besides me, the ancient martial master, there are more than a dozen inner strength martial artists. Now I have been abolished by seniors, and he will definitely increase the guarding power around me! Ability to kill him! Unless I can regain my strength, but my internal muscles are broken, how can I recover?" Lin Canghai gave a bitter smile and shook his head helplessly.

   He was originally an ancient Thai boxing master, but Lin Nan's finger was abolished his strength, and he fell from the clouds to the ground!

   Tendons and veins are broken, even if it is modern medicine, it can be continued, but it will not allow him to return to the realm of martial arts master!

   "Who said that the broken veins cannot be recovered?" Lin Nan smiled proudly.

The next moment, Lin Canghai's whole body trembled with a flick of his curved fingers. The meridians that flowed in his body were broken and blood was blocked. Although he could act as usual, he did not have the strength of the ancient martial master, like a Ordinary old people are no different!

   Now, the broken meridians in Lin Canghai's body are all restored at this moment, even wider than they were at the beginning!

   "I'm sorry, I not only helped you repair the meridians, but also helped you unblock the blocked meridians in your body!" Lin Nan said calmly.


   Everyone took a breath, and their eyes were full of shock!

   Lin Canghai's meridians were broken, and he was completely reduced to a useless person, but Lin Nan restored the broken meridians of Lin Canghai with every gesture!

   This can no longer be described by a miracle, this is simply the power of ghosts and gods!

   In the flick of the finger, life and death are all in one thought!

   "Thank you predecessor, thank you predecessor! I, Lin Canghai, have been willing to be a cow and horse in this life, and I have served predecessors!" Lin Canghai was excited and tears.

   It was a blessing in disguise. Not only did the broken meridians in his body recover, and the blocked tendons were also unblocked by Lin Nan. In this way, wouldn't he have a chance to hit the higher realm of martial arts?

(End of this chapter)

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