There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 739: I am here now, how do you kill me?

Ding Zhe turned his head in horror and looked towards the entrance of the hall. He saw an old man in sixties standing at the entrance of the hall, blowing his beard and staring at himself!

"Uncle Chongwen? What are you talking about? Why am I not filial?" Ding Zhe said angrily.

"The whole family of the Ding family was destroyed, leaving only my bloodline. I reorganized the Ding family. When my grandfather was in the past, there were one or two people in the North Three Provinces who dare to oppose our Ding family!"

"Now that I'm back, apart from Ding's family in the entire North Three Provinces, is there a second voice?"

"Even the Dragon Group dare not care about our Ding family anymore. This kind of glory and glory has never been seen in our ancestors. How can I be unfilial?"

Facing a question from Ding Zhe!

"Ding Zhe, aren't you unfilial? Kneel to outsiders in front of the ancestor's spiritual position?" Leng Yan sneered.

"Shut up!" Ding Zhe yelled angrily.

"Haha! What's wrong? Did you poke your sore spot?" Leng Yan sneered again and again.

"Ji Shao, this woman is talking nonsense, you should break her mouth!" Ding Zhe raised his head to look at Ji Chen.

Ji Chen sat there like a jade-like young man, holding a teacup in his hand, took a faint sip, and said unhurriedly:

"I like watching dogs bite dogs the most. To me, you are a dog, and they are also a dog. It makes no difference!"

Hearing this, Ding Zhe's face turned green and red alternately!

However, he calmed down in an instant, showing a flattering smile, and said: "Even if I am a dog of Ji Shao, that is the most loyal dog? And this woman is a wild dog!"

"It depends on the owner when hitting the dog. Ji Shao is bullying me like this. Shouldn't you help your dog and teach him a lesson?"


Ji Chen was amused, laughed, and nodded: "Tsk! Not bad, not bad! It's really hard for you to be a dog to do what you are doing! In that case, this young master will help you teach this wild dog. !"

The voice falls!

Ji Chen gently lifted it with one hand!


There was a crisp sound, and Leng Yan was taken away and hit the wall, a trace of blood poured out from the corner of his mouth!

"Ah, Leng Yan!"

Liu Ruqing exclaimed and rushed to help!

"Ruqing, I'm fine!"

Leng Yan stood up, gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her beautiful eyes filled with endless killing intent!

I heard Ding Zhe say that he is Ji Chen's dog!

Ding Chongwen stood there, tears crisscrossing, and he was so angry!

"God! Our Ding family, how come you are such a scum?" Ding Chongwen thumped his chest!

"Look at what you look like now. Before the Ding family, although it was not as powerful as it is now, why don't you have to look at people's faces to live your life? Kneeling on the ground and kowtow to outsiders, saying that you are a dog, are you still the owner of the Ding family?"

"I think back then, our Ding family almost entered the customs and sat on the Dragon Court, overlooking the world! What kind of boldness were the ancestors? How come you have become like this!"

"With a Patriarch like you, my Ding family might as well die!"

Ding Chongwen began to cry, an old man over sixty years old, but now crying like a child!

"Old Piff, what are you talking about!"

Ding Zhe was furious, his gaze screamed, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, staring at Ding Chongwen firmly!

Ji Chen sat there calmly, with a touch of play in the corner of his eyes, watching the scene in front of him!

"Ding Zhe, in the face of such a domestic slave, it would be disrespectful to commit the following crime. If I were you, I would have killed him a long time ago, just to show his example!"

"Ji Shao, then I will kill him!"

Ding Zhe growled.

"Kill it! I see you kill!"

The corner of Ji Chen's mouth was smiling.

"God, take a look at the ancestors of the Ding family! I can't make Ding Zhe wake up, he still wants to kill me, he still wants to kill me!" Ding Chongwen puffed and knelt on the ground, right. Looking at the direction of the Ding family ancestors' ranking, I couldn't stop kowtow!

"I killed you! I killed you!" Ding Zhe growled like a wild beast!

Ji Chen gently raised his hand, a one-foot dagger was added out of thin air in his palm, and with a light push, he flew in front of Ding Zhe!

Ding Zhe's body trembled slightly!

He has lived so much, he has never killed anyone!

"Why? Afraid? Then you are really a waste. As the Patriarch of the Ding family, your servants are under your control! You dare not kill even a servant, and you can do it. What's the big deal?" Ji Chen shook his head mockingly!


Ding Zhe roared and picked up Ji Chen's short sword, and rushed to Ding Chongwen's front with a sprint, holding his collar, the short sword in his hand directly pierced Ding Chongwen's heart!


Ding Chongwen snorted, tears welled up in his old and muddy eyes, gave Ding Zhe a disappointed look, and then slowly fell to the ground!


Liu Ruqing covered her mouth in horror!

"What a brute!"

Leng Yan scolded angrily!

"Yes! Obedient, a good dog!"

Ji Chen nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment.

A beautiful shadow walked in slowly, frowning and said: "Ji Chen, Tianmen has been established successfully, and we should return to the Gaowu world!"

She wore a long dress that floated like a fairy, like a fairy in a fairy tale, and her appearance was higher than that of Leng Yan, and she was on par with Liu Ruqing!

Because of Su Qiong's cultivation, he is more immortal, and is completely different from Liu Ruqing's purity!

"Su Qiong, it's all here, why are you so anxious to go back? And you didn't realize that this world is different from the Gaowu world?" Ji Chen smiled lightly.

Su Qiong said coldly: "The elders have said that we are only responsible for opening the gate of heaven, welcoming the warriors of this world, and going to the high martial arts world, and you kill people as soon as you come, and you also arrested other women and disciples. This has violated the elders. Rules of the meeting!"

"Regulations? Hahaha!"

Ji Chen shook his head amused, and said, "Only with this backward star, who can threaten me?"

"I have also checked. The person you are looking for is named Lin Nan. In their underground world, there is a title called'God Killer'. I am afraid it is not an ordinary person!" Su Qiong's tone is still indifferent!

If she hadn't been married to Ji Chen long ago, Su Qiong wouldn't be bothered by Ji Chen!

Ji Chen's biggest shortcoming is that he is arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant, thinking that he is number one in the world!

"What if I'm not an ordinary person? Is Ji Chen an ordinary person?" Ji Chen asked amusedly, his tone full of arrogance!

"Ji Shao, as long as you are there, it is impossible for the godslayer to appear!" Ding Zhe also leaned forward and said with a flattering smile.

"If he appears, I will behead his head!" Ji Chen believes.

"Ji Chen, you have no grievances with him, why do you want to kill him?"

Su Qiong frowned!

"Why? I think he is uncomfortable, so I want to kill, is this reason enough?" Ji Chen glanced at Su Qiong with a smile!


Su Qiong was so angry!

"Hehe! My teacher has something to do. If the teacher comes, I hope you can be so confident!" Leng Yan's eyes were filled with indifference!

"Wait until I kill your teacher, I hope you can still be so confident!" Ji Chen looked back at Leng Yan, smiled deeply, and said jokingly.

The voice falls!

"I'm here now, how do you kill me?"

A faint voice came.

Hearing this voice, Liu Ruqing and Leng Yan were happy at the same time!

"Lin Nan?"


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