There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 756: If I don't let you die, you can't die!

Ahead, Lin Nan stood there with his hands on his back, time seemed to be still, everything was terribly silent!

The loneliness and coldness of the universe are vividly manifested at this moment!

When all the quasi emperors looked up, they all trembled after seeing Lin Nan's back!

If it's an ordinary person, maybe they don't think there is anything wrong with this figure!

However, in the eyes of the emperor, this simple figure from the back gave people indescribable pressure, as if they were not the emperor at all, but ordinary ordinary people, who had seen the emperor!

Even if it's just a back view, it gives people a feeling of wanting to worship!

"It's the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is back!"

"It's really the emperor of heaven!"

"In these years, the Emperor of Heaven has never appeared. It has been hundreds of thousands of years and has not appeared in the immortal world!"

When all the quasi emperors saw this, they all knelt down in the void, facing Lin Nan's back, bowing their heads deeply!

Lin Nan didn't speak, dozens of Zhun emperors knelt down there, not daring to look up, and there was already a storm in his heart!

'In the end what happened? ’

‘Why did the emperor appear, and he made another move! It's just that this time the shot is really terrifying, and it directly penetrated the space barrier between the 72nd heaven and the first heaven? ’

‘I’m afraid that something big has happened recently! ’

These dozens of quasi emperors have just arrived at the scene and don’t know what happened!

However, when everyone saw Lin Nan so angry, even the barrier between the immortal realms was directly penetrated by him, I am afraid there is nothing good!

Moreover, the Sixty-sixth Heavenly Emperor Zhun Nan Gongqi, unexpectedly followed Lin Nan, and his cultivation was completely abolished. I am afraid this matter has something to do with him!

Thinking in everyone's hearts!

Lin Nan still didn't mean to speak, his eyes fixedly looked at the void in front of him, and finally with a big wave of his hand, he took a ray of chaos into his hands, and then looked back towards the direction of the space crack!

"Fu Chuan, Yuan Dao, Reincarnation Supreme! The three of you dare to come here, but the emperor thought you escaped!"

Lin Nan glanced over three of them!

Where the space was cracked, the three men shook slightly, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads!

"God... the emperor... what are you talking about... why don't we understand..."

The voice of Jundi Furukawa was trembling!

"The Emperor?"

Although Yuan Dao's performance is relatively good, no one can see that he has a guilty conscience!

"Please make it clear from the Emperor of Heaven!"

The expression of Samsara Supreme is the most calm among the three!

"Why, your adults didn't tell you to let you go? Don't think that there is an incarnation, the emperor can't help you?"

Lin Nan stood with his hand in his hand, and said funny!


Furukawa, Yuandao, and Samsara Supreme, no longer hesitate, turn around and flee!


Lin Nan snorted and snapped his fingers continuously. The three of them couldn't bear Lin Nan's blow. Gu Chuan and Yuan Dao, two quasi emperors, fell on the spot, their bodies died away, the world wailed, and the quasi emperor fell and rained blood in the sky. !

The incarnation of Samsara Supreme was cut off, without the slightest storm!

However, the other unaware quasi emperors were already terrified to the extreme!

Three quasi emperors with similar cultivation bases were killed by Lin Nan raising his hand. They didn't even have a chance to resist. If they were replaced by them, I am afraid they would not be spared!

"Through this emperor's decree, you want to reincarnate supreme!"

Lin Nan said indifferently!


The quasi emperors quickly answered, not daring to show any negligence!

Lin Nan stopped talking, his eyes swept away, among the dozens of quasi emperors, one of them!

He looks very young, only more than twenty years old. In fact, he is already very old, but he keeps his youthful appearance!

"Emperor Yan? You are in charge of the 33rd Heavenly Fire Realm!"

"In front of the emperor, how dare to be emperor? The emperor, you still call me Xiao Xiao!"

Emperor Yan shook his head quickly, his shoulders fell slightly, his expression extremely respectful!

"The emperor asked you, did you notice that someone borrowed from your 33rd heaven?" Lin Nan asked calmly.

From his tone of voice, no mood swings can be heard!

Emperor Yan was taken aback, thought about it for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Yes, the emperor of heaven, there is a mysterious aura that passed through my thirty-third heaven, and then tore through the space crack and left. The movement made by the Emperor of Heaven is really too great!"

"The space barrier between the real number of immortal domains was penetrated, which is far greater than that mysterious aura, so I came here and didn't care about that aura!"

Hearing this, Lin Nan lightly sighed and shook his head: "Let him escape! The chaotic atmosphere conceals all the secrets. Unless you search every corner of the universe, it is impossible to find it. come out!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, all the Zhun emperors present were shocked!

‘Does anyone dare to be an enemy of the Emperor? ’


Lin Nan shook his head lightly, no longer thinking about it!

It is just a waste of time to continue the investigation!

Next, Lin Nan set his gaze on Nangongqi. This person, incarnate as a golden armored general, followed Ling'er for seven thousand years, leaving a little girl with cold eyes and ridicule. , Abuse, humiliation and suffering!

There is no blood relationship between Ling'er and Lin Nan!

But in Ling'er's body, there was a trace of Lin Momo's remnant soul!

"Don't worry, this emperor will not let you die! This emperor will make you an ordinary beggar. You have experienced a hundred times the things that Ling'er has experienced. It is enough to pay him back!" Lin Nan said calmly.

Hearing this, Nangongqi's face became extremely pale!

Ling'er suffered for seven thousand years and repaid a hundred times. Isn't it seven hundred thousand years?

Moreover, he himself is a quasi-emperor and suddenly became a beggar. This is like an emperor who was suddenly taken off the throne. He originally had everything, but later had nothing, and he had to suffer ridicule and mockery!

"The Emperor... Kill me..."

Nangongqi pleaded.

Now, he found that Yun Xiao blew himself to death, which was also a good relief!

"If I don't let you die, you can't die!"

Lin Nan gave Nangong a strange glance!

The next moment, he gently raised his hand and threw Nangong Qi directly into an empire in the ordinary world!


A certain majestic in the universe is on top of a star hundreds of times the size of the earth!


A spatial crack appeared, and several dark shadows walked out of the crack, all of which were wrapped in a chaotic atmosphere, making it difficult to see the specific appearance of the dark shadow!

"Ahem! What is this place? Damn! Damn Lin Nan, that blow was so terrifying, it penetrated dozens of layers of immortal barriers, and even me was hit hard!"

One of the dark shadows coughed slightly, his tone sounded extremely weak!

A dark shadow next to him quickly walked over and whispered:

"My lord, what does this place seem to be... Gao Wujie!"

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