There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 759: Don't worry, there are you!

"Who is speaking?"

Everyone at the scene raised their heads and looked towards the sky, but they didn't even see a single figure!

The white bodyguards who had just stood up and were about to take action also looked up suspiciously. They were sure that the voice came from the sky, but they did not see anyone!

"This voice is so familiar... Is it your boyfriend?"

Yang Xueqi is also very strange!

Only Liu Ruqing was alone, with a slight smile on her lips!

"Huh! It's a good time to come!"

"Pretend to be a fool!"

Luo Fei snorted, disregarding the source of the sound, and continued: "Give me your hands and tear that woman's mouth!"

Seeing that the employer had spoken, these white bodyguards no longer hesitated, and rushed towards Liu Ruqing!

"Ruqing, be careful!"

Upon seeing this, Yang Xueqi exclaimed, pulling Liu Ruqing to retreat!

"Don't worry, Xueqi, these silly big guys can't touch us!" Liu Ruqing smiled lightly, her pretty face full of confidence!

But at the next moment!

When these white bodyguards were ten meters away from Liu Ruqing, they seemed to hit an invisible wall of air. The whole person slammed and then screamed loudly!

The whole person was like a sandbag, flying upside down, falling right in front of Luo Fei!


Luo Fei's face changed, and he glanced around with fear!

Luo Fei's younger sister, Rowling, also nervously hid behind Luo Fei, pulling Luo Fei's clothes corner!

At this moment, a figure fluttered from the sky and landed beside Liu Ruqing, smiling: "Where are Mo'er and the others?"

"Huh! I haven't shown up for more than a month, now I ask my good daughter, don't care about his wife at all?"

Liu Ruqing snorted and turned her head proudly!

"Ahem! I didn't mean that!" Lin Nan coughed lightly.

"Mo'er and Ling'er are taking a nap, Xueqi is ready to film, so I'll follow along and have a look!" Liu Ruqing said.

The two talked, completely ignoring Luo Fei and others in the distance!

Seeing this scene, Luo Fei's face alternated with blue and red. Lin Nan suddenly appeared and didn't say anything, and injured his bodyguard. Now he is flirting with Liu Ruqing, and he doesn't even mean to look at himself!

Having lived for so long, as the young master of the Hexi Luo family, when did Luo Fei receive such contempt?

"Little guy, who are you? Do you know who you just hit?"

Rofeton gave a sullen tone!

Lin Nan remained unmoved, as if he hadn't heard it!

At this moment, the group of young men and women who followed Luo Fei could not sit still, and they all stood up and shouted:

"Boy, Shao Luo is asking you something!"

A young man with eyes stepped out!

"Are you deaf or dumb?"

"Do you know who Luo Shao is? Speaking out scares you to death, Luo Shao comes from the Luo family in Hexi Province, and a word can make you unable to get along!"

A woman next to her who was exquisitely dressed and looks seven-to-eighth, sneered!

"Don't you just know a little bit of martial arts? At most, it's an inner strength martial artist. Shao Luo's family is worshipped by martial arts masters! What pretends to put on in front of Shao Luo?"

Another young man also spoke, and between his giants, he was full of vigor. He was obviously a martial artist, and he was about to condense his inner strength!

"Hey! Did you hear that? We are talking to you!"

This group of young men and women talked all their sins.

Lin Nan frowned, turned his expression, and smiled at Liu Ruqing: "My wife, wait until I solve this group of people!"

"It's up to you what you do, don't kill, I don't like being too bloody!" Liu Ruqing knew Lin Nan's temper.

If she does not speak, these people will end up miserably!


Lin Nan nodded slightly.

Then he turned his head, his eyes were fierce, and with a strong killing intent, he scanned a few people!

The few people in Zhenghuan who were shouting just now were speechless for a moment, lowered their heads one after another, their hearts were terrified, Lin Nan's look completely shocked the few people!

"Break my own mouth, and then use my own legs and arms! Then get out, this matter is revealed!"

"I count three!"

Lin Nan stood there and said lightly.

His voice is very soft, but in everyone's ears, it seems like a big joke!

The few young men and women who were shocked by Lin Nan's eyes just now couldn't help laughing after hearing these words!

"Hahaha! The look in your eyes just now is quite imposing, how do you say this kind of brain damage now?"

"Let us smash our own mouths? Then we defy ourselves?"

"Boy! In Huaxia, no one dared to speak to us Luo Shao like this, you know?"


Lin Nan said lightly.

"Oh! I really dare to count!"

"Too courageous! I won't be able to lower your steps!"

The group of young men and women behind Luo Fei kept shaking their heads!

Only Luo Fei frowned, feeling very bad!

Unless the other party really has a problem with his brain, he still dares to say such things after he knows his identity. Is there really any reliance on it?

"Brother! Is this man stupid?"

Rowling's pretty face also showed a trace of sarcasm!


"Boy, I will count the last one, let me count it for you. After the count is over, how do you do to us Luo Shao?" The exquisitely dressed woman said funny.


After speaking, she really counted a word!

Lin Nan's voice immediately landed!


"I repeat, I am from the Luo family in Hexi province..."

Luo Fei frowned. Even the four major families in the Chinese martial arts world would give the Luo family face. What is the origin of the young man in front of him? Don't even give him the face of Luo family?


Luo Fei felt a pain all over his body before he finished speaking!



There was a series of crisp noises, Luo Fei only felt that his mouth was numb, and then a **** smell came along with severe pain!

Luo Fei was horrified to find that he could not speak, and his hands and feet were limp, like a useless person, fell to the ground!

His hands and feet twisted in a strange arc!


"Shao Luo!"

Everyone was shocked, looking at Luo Fei's tragic situation, they couldn't help exclaiming!

Everyone could see that Luo Fei's hands and feet were abandoned by Lin Nan!

And one mouth was completely smashed, and all the teeth in one mouth came out!

However, what is frightening is that no one has seen how Lin Nan made the move!

"Do you dare to hurt my brother, you are over! You are over! Our Luo family will not let you go!"

Rowling raised her head angrily, her eyes looked at Lin Nan viciously!

"Don't worry, there are you!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly.

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