There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 761: Go to the door personally and apologize to him!

The whole ward was still silent!

Facing the question of his son and daughter, Luo Chengzhong did not answer, but there was already a storm in his heart!

‘How could this be, how could it be him? ’

‘It’s him that my son provokes! If he is really angry, wouldn't my Luo family follow in the footsteps of the Ding family in the northern three provinces? ’

There was a deep fear in Luo Chengzhong's heart!

Originally a rage, all disappeared without a trace at this moment. Now Luo Chengzhong no longer considers how to retaliate against Lin Nan. What he considers is how not to be avenged by Lin Nan!

"Dad...what's wrong with you?"

Luo Fei was also a little panicked!

He is not stupid, even though he was abolished by Lin Nan and became a disuse, he would never get out of bed and walk!

But his mind is still clear. Luo Fei was defiant in front of Lin Nan because he was standing behind Luo Family in Hexi Province!

Therefore, Luo Fei has this confidence, even if Lin Nan injured his bodyguard, Luo Fei still has this confidence!

However, after Lin Nan learned of his origins, he still abolished himself and everyone in the same industry!

Coupled with the reaction of his father Luo Chengzhong now, if Luo Fei can't guess, Lin Nan's identity may be unusual, and he would have lived so much for nothing!

"Dad? What the **** is going on?"

Rowling was also stunned, lying on the hospital bed, staring straight at her father!

"Is it because of that young man?" Luo Fei continued to ask.


Luo Chengzhong took a deep breath, nodded solemnly, and said:


"Fei'er, Lin'er, Dad can't repay your hatred! Not only can't it be repayed, but also forget about it! Forgetting is not counted, and I...have to visit the door personally and apologize to him!" Luo Chengzhong Said seriously.

Listening to his tone, it's not like joking, but very serious!


Hearing these words, Luo Fei and Rowling were completely stunned!

"Dad...why? He...he abolished me and made me unable to stand up and walk in my life. I won't have a chance to stand up again in my life! You don't have to get revenge for me, why... Go and apologize to him?" Luo Fei asked hard.

He feels incredible!

Even if it is China's largest family, his own father, wouldn't he be so humbling?

"Haha! Son, if it were someone else, I would definitely not do this! But if I told you that the Ding family in the three northern provinces was completely destroyed because of this person?" Luo Chengzhong smiled helplessly!

"The Ding Family in the North Three Provinces?"

Luo Fei was taken aback, and immediately felt a cold air rushing through his spine, his pupils shrank slightly, and he trembled: "He did it?"

"Who did it?"

Rowling was the only one, still blank, not knowing what his father and brother were talking about!

"Not bad!"

Luo Chengzhong nodded, then solemnly said: "Son, this matter is in your stomach!"

"Dad! I know! If it is really him, this time...I will admit it!"

Luo Fei's face was pale, and his heart was already terrified!

He Luo Fei Tian is not afraid, but he does not cover that person!


Because of Luo Fei's incident, the entire set has long been a mess!

The assistant director jumped up and down anxiously, kept calling, explaining what happened on the set, and even alarmed the big director!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing went to the rest room, Lin Momo and Ling'er were taking a nap!

Yang Xueqi stayed outside, the deputy director's face was extremely gloomy, and pointed to Yang Xueqi's nose and said: "Yang Xueqi, if you didn't have a relationship with Ms. Mi, I wouldn't let you bring someone into the set! "

"It's okay now, your friend is so capable! You just abolished Luo Shao, do you know where Luo Shao came from?"

"If the Luo family is upset, let alone you, even the entire Floral Brothers Pictures will be finished! Don't talk about Yang Mi now, no one can protect you!"

The assistant director is furious!

Yang Xueqi stood there, her pretty face pale!

After an explanation by the deputy director just now, Yang Xueqi also knew the seriousness of the matter!

"Haha! What to do? Yang Xueqi, don't blame me for not reminding you, the big guys in the circle are not so easy to talk! And Luo Shao's status is very important in the Luo family! Your friend directly abolished Luo Shao, it looks very Domineering! But when you calculate it in the future, your entertainment industry career may be over!"

Qin Ge also sneered!

Originally, Rowling had a good impression of her!

Qin Ge thought that there was a big tree next to it!

Who knows, Lin Nan, who was inserted out of the sky, was destroyed abruptly!

"Qin Ge! What does this matter have to do with you? Why do you sneer at me?" Yang Xueqi frowned, glaring at Qin Ge!

"Ha ha!"

Qin Ge shook his head funny, and said, "Sister Mi used to cover you, I respect you three points! Now that Sister Mi can't keep you, why are you so proud?"

"Cooperating with you, it's like I've been blood mold for eight lifetimes!"


Yang Xueqi's angry chest was violently ups and downs, and said angrily: "Qin Ge, your agent asked me to film this scene with you. How come you are unlucky now!"

"Haha, if it wasn't for your a bit of popularity these days, my agent would be like this? You still wonder, what should I do, you deserve to have such a friend!" Qin Ge sneered again and again.

And at this moment.

There was a rush of brakes outside the set. Before everyone could figure out what was going on, they saw a group of people and hurriedly walked into the set. One of them, dressed in casual clothes, had a big belly, was the chief director of the set!

"Director Zhang, you finally came!"

The assistant director hurried up when he saw the people coming!

Zhang Yimou looks a little old, his hair is slightly gray, and a group of people are behind him, his aura is full!

"Where is Young Master Luo?"

Zhang Yimou scanned the set, his expression cold!

After learning that Luo Fei and others had their limbs broken on the set, Zhang Yimou rushed over without stopping!

"Director Zhang, the person has already been sent to the hospital. What is the specific situation? We are still waiting for the report from the hospital!"

The deputy director quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and explained.


Zhang Yimou's face is as sinking as water, his face is very ugly, Luo Fei's status and status are detached, and now there is a problem on his set, he cannot be guaranteed not to be hated by the Luo family in Hexi!

If so, his career as a director is completely over!

"Yang Xueqi, you are really a lost star! Even the Luo family, your friends dare to provoke me, and now immediately give me all the contracts for Yang Xueqi, and at the same time tell the entire entertainment circle, who dares to use Yang Xueqi, is with me Zhang Yimou make life difficult for!"

Zhang Yimou glared at Yang Xueqi, and there was fire in his eyes!

Yang Xueqi's pretty face is pale!

She knew that her entire acting career was over!

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