There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 79: What martial arts do girls practice?

   After Lin Canghai took Elder Song and others and left, Liu Ruqing took the hands of Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, doing enlightenment work.

   Lin Nan did not participate in the matter between women, but sat aside, casually flipping through the magazines on the table.

  With Lin Canghai's current strength, Lin Nan is not worried. He should be able to complete the task perfectly. It doesn't matter whether Lin Nan rescues the families of Chu Yao and Chu Qiong. The important thing is to make Liu Ruqing happy, that's enough!

   For the sake of the safety of the two sisters, and to prevent the Gu God Sect and others from being in Tianhai City, it would be detrimental to the two sisters. Liu Ruqing decided to let them live in the coffee shop temporarily.

   There are still rooms in the backyard anyway, so let them move in!

   About three days later, Lin Canghai returned. The parents of Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were also brought back with him. After seeing their parents, the two cried with joy.

   Lin Canghai stepped forward to report the battle situation these days!

   "Mr. Lin, the Gu Sect has been completely eradicated! Starting today, there will be no more Gu Sect in the world!" Lin Canghai said solemnly.

The ranks of    warriors are: outer strength warriors, inner strength warriors, martial arts masters, and gods!

   Ordinary people may not be able to condense their inner strength throughout their lives and become a martial artist. As a master of martial arts, Lin Canghai is no one in a million, and there may not be one out of a million people who practice martial arts.

   But when Lin Nan raised his hand, he was elevated to the realm of God!

  The big Gu God sect could not withstand Lin Canghai's power at all, and the main altar was breached in one day. The high-level Gu sects were all given their heads, and the other disciples also acted as birds and beasts!

   In the evening, Liu Ruqing returned from school. After meeting Chu Qiong and Chu Yao's parents, Liu Ruqing was in a good mood.

   This pair of sisters also stayed in Tianhai City. Although they had gone through the withdrawal procedures, the senior management of the school had not yet approved them, so they were allowed to return to campus!


   "My wife is awesome!"

   Seeing Liu Ruqing smiling like a flower, Lin Nan gave a thumbs up to the side, holding a plate of fruit salad in his hand, took a fork and forked a piece of fruit, and sent it to Liu Ruqing’s mouth.

   This is not an ordinary fruit, but a spiritual fruit in the wild world opened by Lin Nan. Even if an ordinary person eats it, it has the magical effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life!

   "Well, you can talk!"

   Liu Ruqing nodded proudly, very useful.

   Some students in the coffee shop have long been accustomed to the show of affection by the owner of the coffee shop, and they all chose to ignore it.

   A pair of boy and girl friends met, and the woman wanted the man to imitate Lin Nan and feed herself fruit salad!

   Some single dogs are calmly drinking coffee and talking about interesting things in life. Anyway, when they come to this cafe, they are ready to eat dog food!

   Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were also whispering.

   Lin Canghai is like a faithful old servant, sweeping and mopping the floor in the coffee shop honestly. It is hard to imagine that he was also a master of martial arts at the beginning!

  In Lin Canghai's heart, he didn't think so. Lin Nan raised his hand and made him enter the divine realm. It is impossible to guarantee that there will be no greater benefits afterwards?

"Uncle Lin, when I was on Hong Kong Island, I heard people say that the master of martial arts can kill an elephant with one punch. Everyone says you are an ancient Thai boxing master. Is this true?" After Liu Ruqing ate a piece of fruit salad, she suddenly felt Asked with interest.

Lin Canghai hurriedly stopped what he was doing, didn't dare to neglect, and explained with a smile: "Ms. Liu, you must not call me uncle, this is a shameless old man, you still call me Xiaolin, or just call me directly His name is Lin Canghai!"

   "Uncle Lin, you are old, I am a junior, it's nothing to call you uncle." Liu Ruqing smiled and shook her head.

   Lin Canghai was a little frightened, it seems Liu Ruqing still doesn't know that in the martial arts world, strength is the respect!

  With Lin Nan's strength, Lin Canghai is a junior in front of him, and Liu Ruqing is Lin Nan's woman, how could he stand this uncle?

   However, seeing Lin Nan with a smile on his face, Lin Canghai's panic was more than half gone.

   "But you'd better call me Lin Canghai, don't call me Uncle Lin!" Lin Canghai gently shook his head.

   Liu Ruqing didn't insist anymore, so she asked, "Lin Canghai, what I just asked, the grandmaster can beat an elephant to death. Is that true?"

   "Of course it is true, let alone killing an elephant, even if a dinosaur appears in front of me, the old man can punch to death!" Lin Canghai said proudly.

   Since entering the Divine Realm, his vision has broadened even more!

   "In this case, would you like to teach me martial arts?" Liu Ruqing became interested.

   "Stop it!" Lin Nan quickly stopped.

   "Good girl, what martial arts! And you are pregnant, what if you have a fetal gas!"

   "Haha, let me talk casually, don't take it seriously!" Liu Ruqing suppressed a smile.

   Lin Canghai saw this, without interruption, and continued cleaning in silence.

   At this time, Liu Ruqing's cell phone rang, and it was her cousin Yang Xueqi who called.

   "Xueqi, what's the matter?" Liu Ruqing answered the phone, but Yang Xueqi's frightened voice came from the other end of the phone.

   "Ruqing, you must help me!"

   Liu Ruqing's face changed slightly. Listening to Yang Xueqi's tone, she was terrified. Could it be that something big happened?

   "Don't be afraid of Xueqi, what happened?" Liu Ruqing asked.

Yang Xueqi trembled and explained: "A dozen days ago, a Master Ye came to Dongdu City. I don’t know what methods he used. In just a few days, all the opposing forces in Jinling City were wiped out and unified. The whole Jinling city!"

   "This...How are Uncle Yang and Aunt?" Liu Ruqing also became a little worried.

   As the daughter of the Liu family, she naturally knows that it is impossible for those big powers to fight for territory without bloodshed. It might be a common occurrence to get a few lives!

"My parents are okay. Master Ye is now at my house... Ruqing, please help us. Master Ye said, if Lin Nan doesn't show up right away, kill them! Ruqing, I can't help it. Now, are you with Lin Nan? Can you let him answer the phone?" Yang Xueqi's voice was a little broken.

   That Master Ye's method, she saw it with her own eyes, and with her fingertips, it caused a living person to burn with a raging fire, turning it into ashes!

   And when Ye Tian started his hand, the ghost cried and howled behind him, the ghostly figure was like a devil!

   This kind of method is not something ordinary people can use!

  Everyone in Jinling City chose to bow their heads to Ye Tian!

   Now, Ye Tian enters Yang Xueqi's house and wants to see Lin Nan. If Lin Nan is not handed over, I am afraid that their family will not escape death!

   "Lin Nan?"

   Liu Ruqing was in a daze.

   Lin Nan sat aside, frowned slightly, he heard everything on the phone, and said, "Call me, let her call Master Ye."

   Liu Ruqing did so and handed the phone to Lin Nan.

   The phone on the other side appeared in Ye Tian's hand.

   Ye Tian is sitting in the villa of Yang Xueqi's house. Yang Huaian and Shen Qingwen are pale in fright. They knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling!

   The corpses of several bodyguards in the house, not far away, have been turned into mummy, two of them even turned into ashes!

   Ye Tian did this, and almost all these people lost their lives when they raised their hands!

   Lin Nan said coldly: "Are you Master Ye?"

   "You are Lin Nan, right? My name is Ye Tian!" Ye Tian smiled lightly, his face full of pride.

   "What can you do with me?"

   Ye Tian sneered and said, "You provoke people who shouldn't be offended, and you provoke people who can't be offended. Why do you forget?"

(End of this chapter)

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