There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 775: how? You know him?

at the same time.

On the other teleportation array, several young men and women who had just teleported over looked thoughtfully in the direction Lin Nan had left!

"The strength of this young man is good!"

A man headed with a playful smile on his mouth!

His name is Su Ming, he is wearing a beautiful blue brocade shirt, a black silver band with a children’s pattern tied around his waist, long black shiny hair, sharp eyes, and a long body that looks chic and elegant. calm!

He looked forward, there was a smell of proud people!

"Compared to you, it's far worse!"

Several people next to each other nodded in agreement.

"Haha! Also! But this young man, I like it very much, if I have the opportunity, I hope to take him as an entourage!" Su Ming smiled and nodded.

"Okay, young master, your blood is precious. A series of changes happened in the Su family back then that allowed you to practice in the lower realms. Now that blood line of your family back then is in charge of the Su family. You are a direct line of that line. I naturally picked you up to the Gaowu Realm, and now I will take you back to Su's house!"

A middle-aged man next to him walked up respectfully and said loudly.

When the people around heard this, their expressions changed in surprise and looked at this young man!

"Su family's direct line?"

"What? This person turned out to be from the Su family?"

After hearing the word Su Family, many local monks in the Gaowu world stepped back one after another, their expressions becoming serious!

The status of the Su family in this area is like a mortal emperor, no one dares to disobey!

The entire Su family controlled the empire among seven or eight mortals, passed on for thousands of years, and took refuge in the sect of Taixuanzong, the Patriarch of the Su family, and even joined the elders of the Taixuanzong!

Taixuanzong ranks among the seven major sects in the entire Gaowu world, and the status of the Su family has also risen!

And the young man in front of him is actually a direct line of the Su family?

"What's the matter? With the status of the Su family, how could the direct descendants live in the lower realm?" someone lowered his voice and asked.

"Hey, you don’t know about it! The Su family has changed back then. The daughter of the previous generation of the Patriarch didn’t know where she was. She secretly conceived a child. For the Su family, this thing It's a shame and shame!" a middle-aged man next to him said with a smile.

"Later, the old Patriarch of the Su family imprisoned his daughter. It didn’t take long for a male to be left, and this male was also missing. Then, after a few years, the Patriarch suddenly died suddenly and his nephew It took over as the Patriarch of the Su Family, that is, the Patriarch of the previous generation..."

"In the past half month, a group of subordinates of the old Patriarch discovered that the death of the old Patriarch was tricky, so they jointly re-examined and found that the old Patriarch was poisoned to death. , Have been cleansed, only one Su Ming is left!"

"Only Su Ming's body still has the blood of the old Patriarch of the Su Family. In order to make up for the old Patriarch, Su Ming was taken from the Lower Realm to the High Martial Realm!"

The man explained.

"Oh I got it!"

Everyone suddenly realized!

It turns out that Su Ming's origin is like this. In order to make up for Su Ming, the people of the Su family took him from the lower realm to the high martial realm!

"Huh! I thought it came from, it turned out to be a bastard, and I don't even know who his father is. If it wasn't because his mother was the daughter of the Su family's old patriarch, he would be qualified to be the Su family's direct line?"

A young man snorted softly, and a smile of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"what are you saying?"

Although his voice was very small, Su Ming listened to it without missing a word!

"What's the matter? What's wrong with me saying that you are a wicked species? A person like you is also worthy of being a direct line of the Su family. Even if you go to the Su family, you won't have too high a status!"

The young man sneered!

"court death!"

Su Ming's face was slightly sinking, and he grabbed one of his hands towards the man, driving a terrifying aura!


The man who laughed at Su Ming just now exploded, turned into a rain of blood, and died on the spot!

Su Ming looked indifferent, scanned the crowd, and said calmly: "I want to get back what belongs to me! As for you, who dares to say a word of nonsense, die!"


Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing and the others, after leaving the teleportation formation, went all the way, until the end of the horizon, a huge ancient city appeared!

The ancient towers and walls are rusty and full of traces of time!

"Huh? This city looks very old! There are even walls?"

Liu Ruqing was surprised!

"This city has at least thousands of years of history!" Lin Nan explained with a smile.

"Thousands of years? Isn't it longer than the written history of human beings on the earth?" Liu Ruqing was very surprised.

Although the earth has developed into what it is today, there is actually only a few thousand years of written history, and any city in the Gaowu world has a history of thousands of years?

"Compared with the universe, the earth is too young! Some stars have historical civilizations that are longer than the time when the earth was formed! Moreover, such a city is not a big city, it can only be regarded as a small city in the Gaowu world. It's just a city!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Let's go to the city!"

Lin Nan and others continued on the road, but they were still wearing the clothes they brought from the earth. Compared with other people outside the ancient city, they looked a little out of place and attracted a lot of attention!

"Baba, I'm hungry!"

Lin Momo spoke suddenly and looked at Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing pitifully!

"Okay, Baba will take you to dinner!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly, holding Lin Momo in one hand, and Ling'er in the other, striding towards the city!

This ancient city is different from the cities on the earth. Although it is paved with a wide road, it does not have a modern means of transportation. Sometimes there are a few huge strange animals, riding on by people, walking through the streets in a big way. The pedestrians on the side are all used to it!

For people in the Gaowu world, modern vehicles are not as fast as they can fly on their own, and they don't need such things at all!

Moreover, there is almost no room for development of science and technology in the Gaowu world!

I found a luxurious restaurant with more than a dozen floors, surrounded by bright lights, extremely luxurious!

Lin Nan's family walked into the restaurant, found a seat to sit down, casually called Xiao Er and ordered many dishes!

"Hello, what do the guests want to eat? We have everything in this restaurant, whether it’s flying in the sky or swimming in the water. As long as you want to eat and can afford the price, we will make it for you !"

A small servant came over, crouched slightly, lowered his head, and did not look at the faces of Lin Nan and others!

In other words, he dared not look up and look at the guests' faces!

"why you!"

Lin Canghai glanced slightly, and when he found out what this person looked like and what he was wearing, he couldn't help being surprised and exclaimed in surprise!

"How? Do you know him?"

Lin Nan is also very strange!

At this moment.

The young man finally raised his head, took a look at Lin Canghai, and then glanced at Lin Nan and the others. An originally dull face, instantly flushed with shame, wished to find a seam to get in!

"Yes, master, this person is named Saint Paul, and he is a certain pope of the Holy See!"

Lin Canghai nodded lightly, his eyes swept across St. Paul's face, his heart was very strange!

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